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Cerin and Richard (05rich) went to work together today. Richard's parents are amazingly tolerant considering they are on their family holiday!

Cerin's employer, Allen the Agricultural contractor, sized Rich up straight away "You're the right size for the grain dryer ...."!!!

They have promised to post up photos from their last few days and nights travelling around Cornwall snapping various silaging, harvesting etc.

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I had not noticed Sue on here much of late Mandy.....is she alright ??? ???

I am fine, Bill.  I have just been very busy as I have a number of projects on the go and have had some of my colleagues in and out of various hopitals so I have been taking on more support days as well.  Also I have been (and will still be) zooming around the country for exhibitions and visits.  Part of Leakey Vale even attended the Ford Fair at Silverstone!

what pleased me, aunty sues back again, made my day, good to see your back sue, and alls well

Awwww - Bless you Sean. 

Spoke to Aunty Sue yesterday and she told me how many people on here had sent her messages because she's been absent for a while. It's really heartening how many people care on FTF... human nature's not so bad... well on here anyway :)

I couldn't agree more!

    ...and it was good to talk to you Mandy.

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Yesterday I was in outside DIY mode and sometime back the gas folk or contractors had change a value or something in my meter box leaving the back slack and hanging slack from the wall. Prior to that a chap from Turriff contractors had devestated some of my harling taking off the box to fit a new meter.

I called the gas Board and within the hour a chap came and fixed it securley back on to the wall. he was nice and pleasant and fast and efficient so that really pleased. I said I would silicon in the inch gap and fill with Skye marble stones. he said that if the box was removed again it would come off but if i left a small gap it would be possible to life off without damaging.


Out with the silicon and I decided to fit in a piece of plastic which was actually from the end of a blind.



Silicon in and stones stuck in and the finished article ;D ;D


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It was just as well I kept that piece of plastic from that blind ..they say if you keep something long enough you will find a use for it ;) ;)

Tempting offer of food Sue but well I have rallies this week end then finishing staining next week followed by another rally the following and then its back to work on Monday 30th August..so sorry not this year ;) ;)

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finaly iv been made redundant nice little pay out

O and iv all ready got a new job start this monday  :P

The old saying is correct then Steve..when one door closes another one opens ;D ;D

I hope the new job goes well ;) ;)

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i passed 2 out of 3 of me ACCA exams  :)  but not too worried as I can retake it again in December

Well as Meatloaf said...Two out of three ain't bad Simon....but stick in there Simon and get those exams under your belt ;) ;)

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