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stick them out in a cage tris, thats the proper place for rabbits mate, not indoors, recon on day you will come home to a burnt smell and a fried rabbit through chewing a live power cable otherwise, know a house guinea pig that went that way

Rabbits either live a charmed existance or they are well insulated. One of our little darlings caused my wife to ring me at work some years ago. She said, "Something's wrong with Bumbles, she's acting a bit wierd; oh and we've got another problem, the telly's packed up too". I said I would look at both when I got home. Both problems were related. We had a bunny with a super set of whiskers on one side of her face.......... the other side wasn't so impressive, in fact she had a bald top lip and some very short whiskers looking a bit like springs. Apart from that she was fine and chewing something else. One of her favourite past times was sitting behind the settee peeling the wallpaper off the wall.

    One night my step daughter came home and decided to listen to some music on headphones. She put them on, plugged them in the "stereo" and went and sat down to enjoy the music. No sound.......... she checked the plug......... that was fine, checked the sound......... that was fine......... then we noticed the lead for the headphones ended just below her waist. We had seen Bumbles in the cupboard where they were kept earlier............ oh so that's what she was doing.......... little s*d.  :D

  We still loved her and saved her twice from "Fly Strike" when she got old. Horrible infliction, Bl**dy maggots.  :P

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Well done to those who spotted the deliberate mistake........ ;D

Funny little creatures; aren't they. They always look very worried about something. They aint too bright either. Our little guinea pig tried to eat my finger once when I had been pulling up some grass for her. I suppose in their little world; if it smells like grass then it must be edible.  ;)


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hows this for a chilled cat, our hatty in middle of sats bbq about 9ish in the eve, been like this all afternoon near on, loud music on, people in and out sitting down beside her, never moved till we wnet to bed at 2ish, then it was up onto the bed beside sue,


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Here is one of my two dogs. This one is called Poppy and is 2/3rds Jack Russell and 1/3rd English Springer Spaniel. Her Granny was the Springer, her Mother was first cross with the Russell and this one was the progeny of a Russell. She's a bugger for digging holes.


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Dexsta serves up a healthy litter by the looks of it. How on earth you ever manage to part with them I don't know though. Talk about pullat the 'ol heart strings.

Here are a couple more of Griffin and Smokey who are getting on really well in their new outdoor home which we built ourselves.



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