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good find there mate, i guess the next "find " will have to be a full set of flexi cab pannels and doors etc on the cheap eh ;D ;D ;D

would be nice mate , but soon as you say 'cheap' to any farmer or collector translation problems occurr  :-\ ;D ;D

more like mjb scraped the massey and got a ford :P;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

never going to happen mate ,never going to happen :D  wouldn't mind a ford as well as the 168 but not instead of the 168  :)

You'll see better once they're cleaned up. Hope you snagged the scraper and the trailer wheels too, while you were there.  ;D 

clean them up john ? ohh i might find something worse than whats already there  ;D ;D

don't think i wasn't tempted for the trailer wheels john , i was, but bit awkward when one of the workers is chatting to you knowing i was only there for the rears  ::)

tyres look better than the mobile picture you sent me plenty of tread shame about the damage but cheap enough i think to try!

cheap enough indeed tim , may need to knock on Mr Jean's door to see it the tyre irons & bead breaker is available sometime ..............unless you got any ?

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can get hold of some and i'll be glad to come and help change them over

ooh thats good of you tim , what do you want to do next sunday ? tyre change or cultivator collection ? if it's the cultivator , i'll ring Mr Angell to arange , will give you a ring during the week mate to see how you're fixed 

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anyway its only a massey  ;D ;D ;D ;D

you know i dont mean that dont you marcuss???

i would get a  log splitter 4 her if she was mine and a small trailer

for my log fire .....I keep metioning this to the wife about how much

we would save if i had a old yoke like a 674 or 454 and she aint having any of it  ::)

but its finding a good place to keep it all isnt it ????

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next weekend i've gotta work but the following one will be fine 7th march? that'll give me time to sort a trailer out as i was going to use the old works on but as i'm not there now thats not going to happen can probably do both jobs in a day i should think?

push come to shove tim , i can collect it with the tractor , after all , it's only chard junction  if not i was going to see if i could borrow roundoaks, LDV flatbed

Marcus there is a place up Bristol way that repair tyres like that. I think they are under the name Meridian something or other, could be worth a quote?

really ? will try having a look on  google later mate  :)

anyway its only a massey  ;D ;D ;D ;D

you know i dont mean that dont you marcuss???

i would get a  log splitter 4 her if she was mine and a small trailer

for my log fire .....I keep metioning this to the wife about how much

we would save if i had a old yoke like a 674 or 454 and she aint having any of it  ::)

but its finding a good place to keep it all isnt it ??? ?

i think you'll find , that like us your wife thinks you're wanting the wrong shade of red , just say you wasnt a 35 & she'll agree to your request  ;D

as for the log splitter , nah , id saw them to manageable lengths to get the wood home then get an electric 4T capacity splitter , saves on fuel & the agro of having to keep hitching it up  ;)

well, as if you didnt expect me to say this, great topic, great tractor! i look forward to future updates

massey massive  :-*

thanks alex it's nice to have something to play with . i wanted somethng that inspired me in my early years  & 100 series masseys were the first tractors ilearnt to drive & work with .

i always wanted a 100 series in me old age & thought it'd be a 135 but seeing the prices soon ended that idea, & a 165 would have been my next choice , but the 168 came about so i thought why not  :)

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well i decided to fit the newto me tyres , so off to see an old employer to borrow a bead breaker, decent jack & some levers & gave it a go , having worked it out, the last time i had to change a rear tractor tyre was back in 1994  :of :of  no wonder the bl00dy things felt so heavy i was certainly fitter back then  ;D  just as well they wern't PAVT wheels !

as she looked






when uncle brian came to see it a few months ago he said they where posibly still the original tyres on it , well when the tyres were off & inspected , there wasn't a single puncture repair ,patch or gator to tube or tyre not bad for a 35 year old tractor , having said that the tyre walls were very flexable with very little resistance due to the amount of cracks & perishing but water was found in the inner tubes so they may well have been balasted at some time

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Breaking the bead can be a "son of unmarried mother" job Marcus especially if they have been on for a long time and rusted. Mind you the inside of your rims look fairly clean.

I've heard of folk using a small piece of angle iron and whacking it with a male hammer as an alternative the the proper tool which you have.

I like to see the use of wood blocks instead of breeze  blocks ;) ;)

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the cracks near the bead, it never looked this bad when they were on & inflated  but if these are the original tyres from 1974 they've  done well & probably explains such low hours








the tractor looks much bigger & when driving it it feels much higher !

although he doesn't read this i'd just like to thank Bill (mad's dad ) for the help in the afternoon & the use of his compressor , i was really struggling come the end of the afternoon, a severe lack of exercise & roll ups over the years hasn't helped  :(

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Breaking the bead can be a "son of unmarried mother" job Marcus especially if they have been on for a long time and rusted. Mind you the inside of your rims look fairly clean.

I've heard of folk using a small piece of angle iron and whacking it with a male hammer as an alternative the the proper tool which you have.

I like to see the use of wood blocks instead of breeze  blocks ;) ;)

i tyhink the ammount they have perrished bill helped with the bead , as a dozen good taps with the breaker & they were off , & this tractor hasn't got a history of any major dung work so probably explains their condition & yes the rims were very good although you could tell the difference when the 'neww' tyres went on as they just wouldn't sit on the bead when inflating , but copious amounts of soapy water soon sorted that,

my mate wanted to come up with a bit of angle iron & try it , but i wasnt that keen  :-\

concrete blocks , no thanks i'll pass  ;)

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well done looks good now there on as you say a bit wider than the old ones!

thanks tim & yes just a bit  ;D

Looks well on those boots Marcus - I expect you'll get a couple of extra knots out of her too ;D

thanks john , certainly will make it a bit faster john, just bidding on a biggles hat to cope with the extra altitude & wind ! although less beans will eliminate the wind problem  :-[;D ;D

looks better with the bigger boots mate, so whens that front loader bracket coming of and a weight hanger going back on then? looks wrong with that bracket there like that ;)

thanks sean , as for the loader bracket  ? well it's all to do with funds & at the moment there are none  :(

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thanks sean , as for the loader bracket  ? well it's all to do with funds & at the moment there are none  :(

i bet mate marky picked a new hanger up at malvern, not sure how much he paid, but he seemed dam happy about it, along with his new front rims was loads of scrap bits and bobs there to

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She's looking good on her new boots, real arable tractor of the period with those tyres. Best bead breaker is a loader tractor/telehandler, a good heavy one!

all well & good but i don't think bill's landlegend is quite in the heavyweight range  ;D

Looking good there Marcus  ;)

ta colm

i bet mate marky picked a new hanger up at malvern, not sure how much he paid, but he seemed dam happy about it, along with his new front rims was loads of scrap bits and bobs there to

even bargains cost money mate  :-\

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Looking good Marcus... she looks much better on those bigger tyres... especially as they have some good tread on them.

What's next for the old girl then ???

well an empty bank account pretty well limits my options mate  :(

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  • 1 month later...

well looks like i'm off to ron greets yard a bit later :)  maybe also trago mills  :-\  as well but off to see if i can't find some stabilizer chains to stop all the swinging about from the transport box & other implements i may use, so will load up me toolbox & see what i can get  :)

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