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  • 2 weeks later...

first up what i bought at ron greet's first stabilizer & check chains & a 9 hole bar found at a farmers while delivering his feed , not bad for a couple of quid  :)


well i managed to get out to try & put some of my partners dad's paddocks right , as some of the horses have been out all winter & have poached it terribly :(


chain harrows wern't enough so had to weight it down with a fir treetrunk & maybe level it also with a bit of cattle grid  :-\  but worked a treat  :)


looks a bit better on the bigger tyres  :) :)



even bill decided to get the landlegend out to firm it after with the neighbours roller 


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She does look better on those new rear tyres.  Good to see her working a bit.

I like the ballast on the harrows too - but if it does the job. Local 'horsey' guy borrowed my 3065 to drag a cattle grid round his paddocks too. :)

cor check out the laid back driving position there Marcus :D :D :D :D :D

That's what mudguards are for.  ;D

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cor check out the laid back driving position there Marcus :D :D :D :D :D shes looking a lot better on them fat rears mate, make her look more purposeful

easy driver mate 8)

Great update mate... nice to see the old lady getting to stretch her wheels... tyres look good and the check chains are spot on.. and at a couple of quid I reckon you've bagged the bargain of 2010 so far

thanks mark , but it was the 9 hole bar that cost me a few quid  :)  not the stabilizers unfortunately  :(  they're ok  for the time being , but a couple of the threads on the turnbuckles arn't great , but will do me for now , but for £20 off that 675 i'm happy enough . MF parts list would have set me back £34 per complete turnbuckle unit  :(  or sparex ones £25 complete with chains but it's down to cost at the moment............................ matter of fact it's always about cost  ::)

She does look better on those new rear tyres.  Good to see her working a bit.

I like the ballast on the harrows too - but if it does the job. Local 'horsey' guy borrowed my 3065 to drag a cattle grid round his paddocks too. :)

That's what mudguards are for.  ;D

worked a treat as well john  :)  mudguards  8)  oh yeah............................. :) :)

gangster lean!  ;D

nice update :)

POW POW POW BRRRRRRRAH  8) 8)          YO.......................er......................... thanks alex  :-\ ;D

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Nice to have a go and have them working isnt it Marcus. I can't wait for our local vintage working weekend and give my French Cub a blow out ;) ;)

love to get out & about doing something with it bill

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  • 2 weeks later...

well after sorting out the paunching at bill's a neighbour asked if i could sort theirs as well , so yesterday was a decent oppertunity to have a go at it & seeing as rob (stepson to be oneday) had a day off he came out to give me a hand as it's all trailed & bl00dy heavy to lift about  we got there set it up but just looking at the ground i knew it wasn't going to be a 5 minute job , bills paddocks were still holding a bit of moisture , this paddock wasn't & the ground was hard.

As i wondered what to do next, as was making little difference to the field , i let rob try his hand , he's not done much tractor work before , ......well that & i had a cuppa tea waiting  :)


  a cup of tea does the world of good & i knew that fellow forum member tractortim was at home..ish so decided to see if i could borrow something a bit more substantial, so tim was about to unhitch his trimmer & was good enough to meet me half way for a meet up & implement change   

  19510nandinisfield5Small.jpg  19510nandinisfield6Small.jpg   

    back at the field (once we had taken the gate post out ) i set the dutch harrows to just tickle the top couple of inches & had a good few passes to get the worst of it out ,although still too hard to shatter into seedbed standard it went down better than i thought & after crossing it a few times it was as good as it was ever going to be,

19510nandinisfield12Small.jpg  19510nandinisfield10Small.jpg 

  so the chain harrows were bought out to finish it , 


the next job really is to roll it when they get hold of a roller but as it is now at least you can walk across it with out breaking your ankle  [img alt=:)]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/smiley.gif          all done & the neighbours are really happy that the area worked down looks tidy & sensible to use , on some places even the horsed looked uncomfortable walking across it , so job well done , must say many thanks to Tim & appreciate the loan of the dutch harrows.

(Tim i dropped them back at mikes & he was mowing , round the round bale stack , stopped for a chat & caught up on the last 12 years ! 1998 was the last time i did his silage  [img alt=:of]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/shocked.gif  ) 

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Nice ones Marcus....good to see older tractors working  :) :)

What speed did you get up to on the home run. ??? ??? ....... I can get around 20 MPH in my Nuffy and around 10MPH in Farmall A and around 7 to 8  MPH in my two Cubs. And the MG 2 well I would think around 3 MPH max ;) ;)

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Nice ones Marcus....good to see older tractors working  :) :)

What speed did you get up to on the home run. ??? ??? ....... I can get around 20 MPH in my Nuffy and around 10MPH in Farmall A and around 7 to 8  MPH in my two Cubs. And the MG 2 well I would think around 3 MPH max ;) ;)

not sure bill i very rarely get flat out ,no point in raceing the old bus , but on the old tyres mad followed me at about 18mph , so with these  tyres on i reckon i'm about 20 - 22 mph. years back it'd be either flat out or stop , but now i'm happy to toddle along at half throttle  :)

Superb stuff mate... looks like you had a great time mate... I can think of no better feeling than working my own tractor.. I suspect it's the same for you too.

She look like a real beasty on those tyres too mate  :-*

no better feeling indeed mark, even rob said he'd liked to have spent the rest of the day doing the rest of the field , i think he's hooked as well  :D

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looks like you had a good day there marcus, shame you couldnt get tim in the field to, have a pair of working classics then,wont see that to often

wait till this years yesterdays farming i'm sure we'll get some photos there!did hear a rumour that the lord may be there?
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looks like it did a good job whats next on the list of jobs that mjb's 168 will tackle i think its going to be muck spreading! must get the spreader out and give it a grease up!

got to get these bl00dy horses sorted first ::)

I hope you are charging him hire rates Tim  ;D ;D

i hope he's not colm  :-[

looks like you had a good day there marcus, shame you couldnt get tim in the field to, have a pair of working classics then,wont see that to often

would have been nice sean , but i heard tim is suffering from steering failure i don't think his 590 is much better off either  :of;D

wait till this years yesterdays farming i'm sure we'll get some photos there!did hear a rumour that the lord may be there?

i hear you brother, i hear you  we wait in anticipation for the coming of the lord  ;D ;D ;D ;D 

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Some nice photo´s again!

I took my cab off from my 165!

Shal post some picture´s in a few moments!

will have a look see later  :)

I am hoping to cover you boys at the yesterdays farming event for the magazine  :-*:P  .. Massey Overalls please.. and Marcus... run a comb through that hair please  ;D  ... or polish... one or the other  :of;D

will the 240 be making an appearance m'lud ?

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