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Nice to have aplay even if it is just a water barrel or two to move though. I want a real toy  :(

hmmm i can see you with a tidy little ford 4000 mate , & unlike yer 5000's they're still at a reasonable price  :)

what a beast marcus

thanks mark :)

looking good mate, so when do you plan to start the resto then?? summer i hope, 

when i have some money mate , so yes summer would be a good start, summer 2015 sounds good to me  :D :D

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ooo she's a beaute mate... I'd love to split her in half and do her vitals  :o:-[:-*:-* :-*

Nice to see her being used.. I often find 'linky box things' to do with Mavis... excuses, all of them... but who cares - you can't beat that feeling of tinkering with your own machine  :-*

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not been back to greets removing removing your fingers again then bud,

um no not lately mate  cant really think of anything i need thats affordable :D :D

would like to spend loads on it  but need funds from massive hq

err where's markys number  :D

ooo she's a beaute mate... I'd love to split her in half and do her vitals  :o:-[:-*:-* :-*

Nice to see her being used.. I often find 'linky box things' to do with Mavis... excuses, all of them... but who cares - you can't beat that feeling of tinkering with your own machine  :-*

just great to have something to have a play about on  :)

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sues been talking about a move sometime strange thing is shes mentioned somewhere with room for a tractor ;D ;D or at least somewhere to store it next to the house ,has to be a 165 for me if i do get there

good lad Sean... I know where there is a LOVELY 168 near me.. i reckon you could twist the blokes arm to buy it mate  ;)
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sues been talking about a move sometime strange thing is shes mentioned somewhere with room for a tractor ;D ;D or at least somewhere to store it next to the house ,has to be a 165 for me if i do get there

no sean  what she actuallu said was , " i supose we'll have to move as seans very strange & we'll have to have room for his bl00dy toy tractors  & they'll have to be outside somewhere next to the house"


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no sean  what she actuallu said was , " i supose we'll have to move as seans very strange & we'll have to have room for his bl00dy toy tractors  & they'll have to be outside somewhere next to the house"


na shes was quiet genunine, only prob is it would mean moving into cornwall, bigger house with land, but closer to her work, thats the comprimise see, i can work from anywhere, but if she gets the promotion shes after it means being in truro 95% of the time, so we will need to be closer to there i guess but not in it,only real loss for me is i would slip right down the prom otion ladder down truro,despite my experiance and training as they have 2 other guys down there taht cover the 3 jobs i cover in plymouth when my mates are on holiday,
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  • 1 month later...

had an hour or so spare yesterday so decided to free up the leveling arm on the tractor , lack of grease being the main culprit, once in the vice a bar & a few pumps from the grease gun & it was all free'd up !

second pic is of what made me the massey fan i am i supose , although the first proper tractor i drove was a 165, this little 135 was the first tractor i actually got out with to do some proper work unsupervised , albeit with a haybob turning hay.

this little chap is the last MF on the farm & was bought new in 196? on a C plate , spent nearly all of it's life with a loader but for some unknown reason the loader has been sold  :( & as far as i'm aware this remarkable little tractor has only had it's clutch replaced once ! it's now on it's second time round the clock with 3?? now showing  :)

all the main line tractors that were all MF have been replaced over the years & apart from the 135 is an all fendt fleet including two 820's a 936 & a new to come 718 which will replace a 716

times they are a changin !

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Right.... two things...

1. Where did you get 'an hour or so spare' from... get me one please next time  :D :D :D

2. You'd better grab that 135 then mate and keep her in preservation... I've had my mincey pies on the first tractor I ever drove (35x)... sadly the farmer passed away a year or so ago... but it went to his son-in-law who is mad keen on ploughing  :'( :-\ >:(

One day it will be in my garage - but I may have to wait for it for a long long time  :'( :'(

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1. on my rest day mark, & was at mads mum n dads house, after dropping the boys to school & had to wait there to pick them up again (saves traveling all the way home again)

2. if i had the money mate i'd love to , but what nowadays would you pay to replace a tractor like this ? it scrabbles about with a rear mounted bale spike or a yard scraper , or just used for spreading sawdust about in the chicken houses now.

uncle C can't work out why the loader was sold either , or as he see's it as selling the family silver  :( this little tractor was the main loader on the farm till it was helped by a 590 with 80 loader in 1978 ? the first manatou didn't appear on the farm till 86, it's done a lot of work  :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

done too many hours again so had to have a few more days off & seeing as the weathers been good the last week Mad's dads padocks were dry enough to get on for some chain harrowing. Bill has trailed harrows not mounted & are rolled up in the shed so once they were gotten out, off i went !

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view from the umm......................other field  ::)

& thats how i spent my day !

(thats chain harrowing not hiding behind gates)

was in no hurry , only 10 acres or so  & had to watch out for the horses as i went from field to field ,i thouroughly enjoyed meself just messing about although the horses wern't that interested  ::):D

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whish i could spend my days off like that marcus, shes getting a workout every now and then which is good, shame the restos on hold mind

always good to get on & go sean , even if it's just for a few miles drive out round the village  :)

Good way to spend a day Marcus...would've been bloomin' cold up here today though.  :)

wasn't exactly a heatwave down here yesterday john, all day was coat on , coat off , coat on , coat off ! ::)

Nice to see the old girl getting a job of work to do Marcus ;) ;)

just glad bill's zetor doesn't start ,as i'd have nothing to do  :D :D

nah , bill's in his 70's so is happy to let me just get on & do  :) :)

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Nice to see the old girl stretching her legs Marcus...I bet you had a smile on your face as well  ;D

just seeing it all parked up makes me smile mark , but actually working with it gives great satisfaction :)

well all the chain harrowing done so next job was rolling because of some of the slopes & the fact no hay is taken from the padocks a cambridge roller is enough , a 3T roller would be a bit much for the old girl especially on these tyres as there are a few wet patches to cover as well

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as you can see not much grass here as the horses are constantly out grazing

pics didn't come out too bad considering they're taken on the phone  :)

while i was rolling i felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me from doing the same thing years ago with a cabbed 165 :)

after steaming up & down the motorway week in week out , this is such a relaxing change  :)

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It could be a lovely pastoral scene from the 60s... :)

yes quite traquil & slow paced isn't it  :)

You look right at home Marcus , leave some for me to roll. 8) 8) ;D

all done mate & i'm as narked as you,got nothing to do now till dung spreading  :(

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