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sorry to hear that rhys,

as for me the guy at work is still in itc, so far 4 attempts  with him to allow him to breath ect without the machines, no joy, not looking good, hes now in a normal coma not a drug induced one, with the same effects,dont think hes gonna make it to be honest

Sorry to hear that Sean.


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Finding out my uncle has cancer, hes about 55, 3 daughters.. 18 months old, 5 and 9. Such a shock to everyone  :'(, as he went downhill so quick, we went to visit and he seemed happy enough then all of a sudden he just went down really fast  :-[ doctors dont reckon he's got much longer.  :-\ doesn't look at all healthy at 5'9 and 7 stone 3, he was always fit and active. But why does it happen....  :'(

realy sorry to hear that rhys :'( :'(, stay strong mate  ;)

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Sorry to hear that Rhys...

What made me sad today... we took Massey back to the farm he came from... he was just too much for my old Boxer Alfrid... we'd been trying to convince ourselves things would get better.. but sadly they were getting worse... Alfrid is an old man now and all Massey wanted to do was play play play... and he wouldn't take no for an answer... poor Alfy was just about dead on his feet... and getting grumpy... at all of us - which is not in his character

Real bummer.. he was fully house trained in 3 days flat... he'd learnt to sit as well... the good news is that someone else wants him so he'll be going to a good home - I had a big lump in my throat when I dropped him off... I'll still be seeing him every week so it's not all bad  :'(

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Sorry to hear that Rhys...

What made me sad today... we took Massey back to the farm he came from... he was just too much for my old Boxer Alfrid... we'd been trying to convince ourselves things would get better.. but sadly they were getting worse... Alfrid is an old man now and all Massey wanted to do was play play play... and he wouldn't take no for an answer... poor Alfy was just about dead on his feet... and getting grumpy... at all of us - which is not in his character

Real bummer.. he was fully house trained in 3 days flat... he'd learnt to sit as well... the good news is that someone else wants him so he'll be going to a good home - I had a big lump in my throat when I dropped him off... I'll still be seeing him every week so it's not all bad  :'(

Oh that me sad just reading that Mark but good to see he is going to a good home

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Chin up Rhys, Sean, Mark and Mandy. What a day for reading this topic, eh guys?

Hope each situation you all find yourselves in turns out with a smile at the end of it. Being looking back or looking forward, there is always room for a smile. :)

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