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i lad that lives down the road from me has a 2wd old massey ferg usually spreads all his slurry with it, same kinda thing happend Adam he was driving along wheeled her in to the gate and bang a motor bike into the side of him, he had indicators on and so on so god only knows why the guy overtook, anyways now he pulls the tractor into the middle of the road a good 15 yards from the gate so no one can get past him

i nearly had a similar thing happen to me i was driving along with the case and slurry spreeader put out the indicator well in advance of the turn off saw nothing coming against me knew there was two cars following behind but thought they would have the cop on to stay there came to a stop swung the wheel out to make the turn next a fiesta flys past driver sticking two fingers at me cursing at me then a bloody santa fea flys up after it and the junction is right beside the garda baracks if there had been a guard on duty i would have reported them but then again i had only had my licence a few days and wouldnt have looked that good and my indiators were definately working at the time

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well yesterday there was a man flashing the lights and beeping the horn at me to get past i had the slurry tanker on, maxxum hauling it, i was half way down this mile road as he was flashing lights at me and beeping his horn i never let him past, down right rude  :D :D, when i let him past he waited for me in a lay by further down the road i gave him a wave and kept her lit, wanted me to pull in  ::)

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well yesterday there was a man flashing the lights and beeping the horn at me to get past i had the slurry tanker on, maxxum hauling it, i was half way down this mile road as he was flashing lights at me and beeping his horn i never let him past, down right rude  :D :D, when i let him past he waited for me in a lay by further down the road i gave him a wave and kept her lit, wanted me to pull in  ::)

i hate when people do that to you i was hauling silage today big 16t redrock the contractor had given me to run behind the case never really towed a trailer that big apart from the loading wagon and i wasnt used to it yet but i was flying back up the narrow road trying not to meet a car by getting out of as fast as i could and this bird a little micra come down the road and stops right in front of me i just shook my head and shunted forward to show i wasnt backing up she fairly started moving mind you she couldnt back for her life nearly ended in the ditch a few times
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well yesterday there was a man flashing the lights and beeping the horn at me to get past i had the slurry tanker on, maxxum hauling it, i was half way down this mile road as he was flashing lights at me and beeping his horn i never let him past, down right rude  :D :D, when i let him past he waited for me in a lay by further down the road i gave him a wave and kept her lit, wanted me to pull in  ::)

what did he think he was going to do when you pulled in? tell you off for driving your tractor at top speed? :D

this more annoyed me tonight but was coming home in the tractor and some a-hole in a bmw x5 with a number plate theat had VET in it drove straight on at me, even when he passed a entrance he neevr stopped. well i think we both 'blessed' eachother with kinds words going past  :D :D :D

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he was probably say something stupid like you should of pulled in, idiot  :D

i mind one day i was headin of with the cambridge rollers the roads that narrow you need to head for the ditch before you get in the gate i had my indicator on to go into the field when i looked behind me there was 2 cars first car had its hazard lights on and the guy had his arm out the window telling the guy behind him stop  :D i was only pulling in

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  • 2 weeks later...

41...my God, thats no age

Really sorry to hear that

Thanks I know I just could not take it in. He leaves a wife and 2 children 13 and 10. He had no heart problems in the past either.

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Thanks Mike yes it is so horrible when someone younger than yourself dies. It been a bad time of late in my family only last month a cousin on my mums side of the family a 2 and 1/2 year old daughter died. She sufferred a viral attack to her heart and although I forget the name it is very rare.

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Ironic isn't it. Hearing news like that always made me think "Christ, that's younger/similar age to Mum and Dad."

Nowadays it's "Christ that isn't much older tham me!"

Where does the time go! All the best for Friday, Bill. Hope the children get by ok.

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Thanks Tris. Yes it is the children you feel really sorry for. Mind you they have their mum and have both set of grandparents and Donna's mum and dad stay in the same village as her.

Not the sort of day off I want to take but one has to.

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Sorry to hear that Bill, it makes you feel vulnerable when you hear things like that, I get to feeling that I am on borrowed time  :-\ :-\ :-\

It certainly does make you think!

A couple of months ago a friend of mine was sitting next to me, one minute he was fine the next thing he had collapsed on the floor and that was that! Heart attack out of the blue. He was incredibly fit and healthy and only 25! Not something I want to experiance again. Just no warning was the shocking thing chatting normaly then dead, very sad.

Talking to his parents soon after was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been more than the last week ... tooooo many point less topic's and 50 % of the stuff discussed is not even farming related  :-\ >:(

ive noticed this two but as most of us are farmers every ones busy with field work . your right though has gone slow
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