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thanks scott , david, just of the phone to her and his brothers coming down this weekend, and his son who works in africa is sorting travel and paperwork to get over asap,  not really much more i can do other than listen to her,

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I can't imagine having to have that kind of conversation, Sean. How awful.  :-[

I hope the coming days are not hard on those concerned and you can each have your time out when you need it. Yours is here mate as always.  :-*

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Sorry to hear that sad news Sean we are all thinking of you guys over here in Manitoba Canada

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thanks to every one , certainly not easy, spoke to mum last night while i was out, and she can see a huge deteriation in one day, seems the fights gone sadly, shes now pretty sure we are looking at weeks tops, if that sadly, we are away from monday, and both me and sue recon we may well get a call while away??

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Its that time of the year again for me, it was 12 years ago today that Dad died, always feel a bit low around this week of the year

I think it's a normal feeling, i also now that feeling.

But you also remember the good times you had with your love ones, and that you must keep in mind.


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At the hospital have been since 4 this morn after the call from mum sadly not long left now and I feel helpless in what to do other than hug me mum when she asks

That's terribly sad mate... I hope it's all over soon and as quick and painless as they can make it for him mate.  Love to you all at this time buddy
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well home again, the old fella is still kicking ?? no idea how, had to come home as not eaten all day, and very little sleep as we had a idea it may be soon, be very surprised if we make it till the morning, just off to bed now to try and get some sleep. thankfully my bros doing the night shift with her, unless we are needed

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I know its not easy to sleep when you have something like this going on in the family, from personal experience I know its not easy to see a family member suffering in this way either and that the end, as hard as it may sound, comes as a happy release for all involved. All you can do is be there for support when needed, sleep well mate and keep your chin up as Mr Hobbit says :-*

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didnt sleep well last night, way to much on my mind, well sadly hes passed away, went at 4.30 this afternoon, all of us there and very quietly, quite a relife actually, just home for some tea, then back round to check on mum, surprisingly strong right now, but shes going to break sometime, even though we knew it was coming

many thanks for the comments previously ,a huge help with the kind words 

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didnt sleep well last night, way to much on my mind, well sadly hes passed away, went at 4.30 this afternoon, all of us there and very quietly, quite a relife actually, just home for some tea, then back round to check on mum, surprisingly strong right now, but shes going to break sometime, even though we knew it was coming

many thanks for the comments previously ,a huge help with the kind words 

please send my kindest regards to you and your family sean

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