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Nanna (Dads mother) went for a camera scan last week, showed a lump. She did have a scan booked yesterday but it was postponed due to technicalities with the machine. The camera did show the obvious though. Today Nanna has a visit from the Macmillan nurses. . . :(

Just keep chin up mate and were all always here :)

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You're a good ol' bunch. It does make nice reading when people who may have or may not have send their support in the same way :) Thank You.

When I really needed support two years ago Forum members came up trumps, yourself included. 

I like to think we are not only friends (at the very least) but more an extended family especially when things get tough.

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Thanks, fingers crossed she should be, finally managed to get hold of Mum as she was out on a coach trip, looks like appendicitis :-\

One thing after another lately, Nan's only just out in the past 7 days after spending 3 weeks in there and is now in a nursing home

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Not so much sad as hurt that I have to read on Facebook just now that my sister is in an ambulance on her way to hospital, no one in the family thought to tell me, what a way to find out!!!!!!!

hope she recovers soon gav

i know how you feel gavers mate its happed to me as well

O just found out from the wife her dads 99.9% got cancer of the lung (its spread from previous place the thighroyd witch was removed ) and hes never smoked a *** in his life  >:(

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keep the faith Tris , I can only add to whats already been said, i hope she`s easily cured

steve sorry to hear your news there too, too much of it about , hope all goes well as it can for you all.

Gav sorry too, may be a simple explanation for you not being told but anyway hope she`s soon up and about  and back to normal.

My Aunt died on tuesday night,it wasnt totally unexpected as she was 86 and had been very ill in hospital, my cousin said they werent expecting her to go so quickly.been a weird time really given its 2 yrs on the 11th since mum died.......funeral is the same date , 17th ...... :(

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Thanks guys, my Sister is currently waiting to go down for surgery as soon as the operating theatre is free (major surgery taking up surgeons and staff at present apparently), they're not 100% sure that it is appendicitis until they get her in there and get a camera inside though so fingers crossed.

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Sorry to hear about all the unfortunate news regards people's relatives at this time of year. My sincerest thoughts go out to you both Tris and Steve and hope your nana and wife's father receive the best treatment they can. Gav, hope everything turns out fine with your sister and she gets back to full fitness quickly. John my condolences to you and your recent loss. - Love to all.

As for me I have been trying support my Dad, Auntie and Uncle the best I can after my Gran's mental health deteriorated further in recent weeks. She has suffered from dementia for a while now and still lives in her own bungalow under the supervision of carers who visit her twice a day as well as all the help and support she receives from family members. However the condition has become worse recently and due to several near misses it's looking more likely she'll have to go into a home in the not too distant future.

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Dementia is an awful illness, David. For the sufferer and for the loved ones around them. A home is the last thing many people want, it does show the ability to be ones self is being lost but for the health and well being of your Gran and the family it will be the best thing for her. When the change comes I hope Gran can adjust and the family can have the confidence she is being well cared for 24/7.

I also send you and your wife best wishes, Steve. Hope father in law is not suffering in pain with his illness and the family are all keeping strong around him.

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not  a nice position to be in david, we had to make that choice in may for the wifes dad, at 92 and severe dementure it was taking the toll on her mother , so neither of them had any quallity of life, even with carers in each day to help her out, so the home was the only option, and its been a really good decision, he gets all the attention and help he needs, her mum is now free (i mean that nicely) to get out and do stuff, just been on a turkey and tinsle with friends in fact.

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Thanks for your kind words of support Tris and Sean. We've all tried to help her maintain her independance as much as possible but in recent times even with the carers visits there have been too many incidents occur where her physical health and safety has been placed in jeopardy. She stayed for a short time with my Aunty when the weather was at it's worst recently and that certainly brought home the severity of the situation we're now having to deal with and the reality that we'll have to make the decision sooner rather than later to move her into a home.

What made me smile today? Whilst she was unable to write out all of it, she'd signed my Christmas card I received from her. :) 

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As for me I have been trying support my Dad, Auntie and Uncle the best I can after my Gran's mental health deteriorated further in recent weeks. She has suffered from dementia for a while now and still lives in her own bungalow under the supervision of carers who visit her twice a day as well as all the help and support she receives from family members. However the condition has become worse recently and due to several near misses it's looking more likely she'll have to go into a home in the not too distant future.

Sorry to hear that David, I know of someone with Parkison's who is just the same, however he is now in a care home and he likes it a lot more. Its also taken a lot of stress away from the family, a situation you probably know a lot about.

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