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  • 5 weeks later...

Not so much sad.............more shocked when I read in Model Farmer a boxed Corgi Agricultural set sold for £ 500. I had that set when I was younger and still have most of the models except for the animals and the box and the polystyrene inner. I suppose a 7 or 8 year old did not really think about keeping boxes back then. On a positive note it was good the models were kept and not put to the tip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if it counts as sad but we have started to take the old parlour out in the last few days. The last remnants of the days when we milked are now a few old photos in the farmhouse. I can still remember going into the parour to "help" with milking when I was younger :P but times change and hopefully andy will decide to finally get a classic tractor now he has some space

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Today receiving an email from our "compensations department" in the States thanking us all for our good efforts in the last year but well.....no bonus ...that's the second year out of the past four this has happened. Lets hope they have a sharper pencil when it comes to the annual salary reviews next month.

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Today receiving an email from our "compensations department" in the States thanking us all for our good efforts in the last year but well.....no bonus ...that's the second year out of the past four this has happened. Lets hope they have a sharper pencil when it comes to the annual salary reviews next month.

should count yourself very lucky you even stand a chance of a bonus bill, cant be many on here that get that sort of thing, i certainly dont
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I'm so moved it's just too much..Patrick loosing his drive train, Uncle Billy won't be able to buy another 10 toys and Sean not getting a wee bonus to help him on one of his 200 holidays he takes... :'( :'( I must go have a lie down now...life is so hard.......... ???

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I'm so moved it's just too much..Patrick loosing his drive train, Uncle Billy won't be able to buy another 10 toys and Sean not getting a wee bonus to help him on one of his 200 holidays he takes... :'( :'( I must go have a lie down now...life is so hard.......... ???

I work bloody hard for my holidays rick don't just sit arround pushing bits of paper round with numbers on it, in the warm and comfy, no sympathy for people in offices that moan they don't get a bonus especially in current times when a lot of us don't even get the opertunity in the first place
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Calm down Sean ...we all chose what we wanted to work as and one can always make a career change ;D ;D

Very true, I am in a similar boat as Sean. Luckily I can talk to my current employer and probably make some improvements to my situation but I am looking at the big picture and it may be time for a move.

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Well it has been said that a change is as good as a rest Luke. Then again the grass often looks greener on the other side of the fence and well sometimes you are better with the devil you know than the one you don't ;D ;D Don't get me wrong I really enjoy my job and would not swap it for anything else I just feel a bit let done when over the last year given I have worked as hard as ever for the company, produced the goods on time and financially we are doing very good but well we in the UK did not meet our "bonus targets" so we did not get a pay out this year. But hey ho there is always next year and well a bonus is not something you can bank on but those windfalls gains are nice to get and go out and spend on some thing you always wanted but thought well can I really afford it.

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a bonus is a nice little extra, gratefully received when offered. i personally am happy to have a job at the moment. in the pubs locally around the villages people are starting to get thin on the ground, they are either out of work, or the cost of fuel and living costs are getting to much. lets all remember this, we are all pleased as punch to parade our new perchases on this forum, some models costing what it would to feed a family of four for a week or ten days. people out there are really suffering in these difficult times, so please excuse me if the fact someone hasnt got a bonus is all they have got to worry about, then life cant be that bad, can it. as for people having holidays, take as many as you like, you earn you cash, so you spend it as you see fit.

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I work bloody hard for my holidays rick don't just sit arround pushing bits of paper round with numbers on it, in the warm and comfy, no sympathy for people in offices that moan they don't get a bonus especially in current times when a lot of us don't even get the opertunity in the first place

We know you work hard in the office or out...can't hand out a little stick without blowin a few gaskets here....... :-

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a bonus is a nice little extra, gratefully received when offered. i personally am happy to have a job at the moment. in the pubs locally around the villages people are starting to get thin on the ground, they are either out of work, or the cost of fuel and living costs are getting to much. lets all remember this, we are all pleased as punch to parade our new perchases on this forum, some models costing what it would to feed a family of four for a week or ten days. people out there are really suffering in these difficult times, so please excuse me if the fact someone hasnt got a bonus is all they have got to worry about, then life cant be that bad, can it. as for people having holidays, take as many as you like, you earn you cash, so you spend it as you see fit.

Believe me Chris the lack of a bonus is not a worry to me and in addition my life is good...seems to me you have a lot to say for a relatively new member. on here.....maybe you should become a writer in the magazine and put your writing talents to use :huh:

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