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What for? What for ...

Richard de Florennes

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seen on one of my usual farm tours today, but this one almost made me cry - however, is this ok or understandable or can it be justified???

what do you think.

Three of these crucified crows were ereceted on a silage plant near a local bio-gas farm over here  >:(

P.S. Although/Because I am German: this is NOT typical German and is the first time I have seen this in years of intensive farm implement spotting ...

It makes me angry and sad to see something that obvious cruel presented near a public road with lots of children and other passenger passing by ...


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I have seen it done and infact shot crows for this purpose. It is a well known fact that a dead crow strung up or mounted as in the picture is the best way to keep its still living friends away from clamps and crops. Its an old fashioned method but it works very well, and the crows are dead before the stringing/nailing up takes place

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I have seen it done and infact shot crows for this purpose. It is a well known fact that a dead crow strung up or mounted as in the picture is the best way to keep its still living friends away from clamps and crops. Its an old fashioned method but it works very well, and the crows are dead before the stringing/nailing up takes place

i was just going to say something similar ;)

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I have seen it done and infact shot crows for this purpose. It is a well known fact that a dead crow strung up or mounted as in the picture is the best way to keep its still living friends away from clamps and crops. Its an old fashioned method but it works very well, and the crows are dead before the stringing/nailing up takes place

Much better is if you can wing the crow and catch it, then string it up live by one leg, all the fluttering scares off the rest of them. It sounds really cruel and I've never done it personally, but it works really well. It can be hard to get a live one though :-\

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Never seen it done dont really want to. Ive shot a few crows before and as the others said before you even raise the gun theyve turned around. Surely theres easier ways than this.

what easier way they are pests we poison rats and mice after all

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Seems farming has some less esthetic aspects than great big tractors and implements in action - wished I could keep my childhood attitude towards farming.

Anyway, my 1:32 scale farm will stay without hanged or crucified crows ...  :-X

But it seems 1:32 scale hanged crows would be a realistic addition to some of YOUR scale farms  :P

Thanks for you honest and explaining answers ... :(

P. S. Did not expect people building great modells and conversions also able to do something similar to this; but I am not perfect either, so I do not condemn anybody - it is just a really new aspect of farming reality for me.

You are all still my "friends" in this forum, whatever you do outside this forum ;-)

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Have seen it done alright as well - a fox is another one that is sometimes used ;)

I sometimes wonder the lengths people go to - one of our neighbour's must spend more on cartridges than it would cost to put a door on his meal shed ::) ::)

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So nothing wrong with cooking a pig on a stick but must ed harm a rat with wings  ::) ::)::) ::)

no problem killing a "rat with wings" but does it have to exhibited this way? Crucified like Jesus Christ?

(By the way, there were still dozens of crows doings their daily business just a few metres away. The only one impressed by this exhibition is me, it seems now ;-)

Did not want to provoke a hot discussion, just wanted your opinion. As stated you are all still my "forum friends" and I can also understand that those using similar methods want to protect the results of their work against those birds ...

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so when the crows are eating there way through your standing barley crop and flying round your sheds eating the barley and meal in the shed and making a mess with dropings what are you going to do i would rather shoot a couple of crows and hang them up to scare off the rest than shoot 2 or 3 every day yes you can use gas powered barley bangers but they aint stupid they soon figure out its harmless all be it noisy, i dont like shooting to kill something but some times needs must  :(

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so when the crows are eating there way through your standing barley crop and flying round your sheds eating the barley and meal in the shed and making a mess with dropings what are you going to do i would rather shoot a couple of crows and hang them up to scare off the rest than shoot 2 or 3 every day yes you can use gas powered barley bangers but they aint stupid they soon figure out its harmless all be it noisy, i dont like shooting to kill something but some times needs must  :(

couldn't agree with you more CJ!!!

The crows get wild cute very fast. The farmer i used to work for had the gas banger and after a few days it was pretty much useless! Some days id go down with the shotgun and fire a few shots. Other days i went down with a BRUSH SHAFT and i swear they could tell as they still ate away at the Barley!!!  :D  :D  :D

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hot topic :D yes it looks cruel but its for a reason as stated, farming is about more than just tractors etc, look at livestock, its all grown to kill and eat, its part of the eco system. do people think twice about eating a potato or carrot?? they have roots that grow etc, once cut they die so simular to cutting off a blood/food supplie (not quite the same i know but get the point :-\)

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i really have to agree with cj on this also with crows i dont think has been brought up they have been known to bring in pests and other infestations and diseases. i know somedays i spend about 2-3hours outside with a shotgun trying to bag a few right now we have about 3 different crows up to keep our crops clean and uneaten by a pesky bird also to keep them away from the livestock to leave them be.sure there is a certain gore factor to it but look at  livestock farmers we livestock farmers  literally just fattening up the animals to slaughter and then they will be served up on our plates thats what we do we cant change it without it there no food on our plate.theres quite a commonly known saying our here in canada after a big agriculture protest the saying is "farmers feed cities" and that is very true

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I can remember seeing this done, with all sorts of birds/animals, by the gamekeepers in a big wood where they reared pheasants for sport. I think this was more to prove to the estate owner that they were doing their job in keeping the vermin down. A gamekeepers gibbet I believe it was called

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Crows are just like rats and if not controlled, would take over, to the detriment of farmers and wildlife.

If that one has been shot and is scaring the rest away, then he is doing a job in saving his mates from being shot.

Unlike the hundreds of thousands of dead birds littering our roads.......... :(

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Yup i have seen it done also have you seen what damage crows can do to silage bales by pecking holes in the wrap

its the farming way of life there plenty of pests out there that need to be taken control off

farming is way way more than driving around in nice shiney tractors

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