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Ebay... Crazy prices... useful links etc.


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mm yes but theres a lot of origoanl looking cabs in there,if they are all complete  and he has the chassis for them also then he will make his money back, easy i would think

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Regarding the Claas 2000 'World' forager, I got one from my local Claas dealership for ?32 and it was the last one in the country. I asked about one and the rep said he had none in stock at that time but would phone up to Claas U.K to see if there were any left and that was the one so he kindly had it sent down to me. Pays to have freinds in high places.  ;)

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Surprise surprise, he's quite a regular feature in this topic ::):D :D :D :D

maybe we should give him his own topic?? ???:-\ ::)

and if anyone wants one, i have the same MF set at ?80 + postage :D :D :D :D......joke, its staying with me!

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This seller is often asking over the top buy it now prices for loads of items you could pick up for a lot less in the auction section of eBay listings. He must think " I might just get the price asked for if someone doesn't know the real value of it "  Most of us on here would have a pretty good idea of an items true value  :)  But he is hoping to catch the less clued up buyers out there  :(

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One of the things I find amusing about this seller is that he often has the same item listed more than once, if his prices weren't so high I would most likely have bought the same item off him twice by now just for the fun of it!  ;D

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A lot of my mates that are into collecting farm stuff very often comment about this guy's BIN pricing. I know that I would never buy anything from him, especially when you add the postage.

The reason he's expensive, no disrespect but he's a Scotty, they LOVE MONEY.  ;)

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Definitely not! Seen them in a local shop for ?12. 98. Old stock now but still available. Probably bidding was 'run' by one of his mates.  :-\

Maybe. Cheers for confirming that. ;)

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