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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. Well at ?50 it would get a rounded up 4**** because of the quality issues but I bought it at less so would give it 5*****, if a model is commonly availible for under the RRP, should we not use that very confusing with UH because the RRP is rarely followed
  2. Should I rate it as a ?45 model or a ?26 one, cos for me the price makes huge difference?
  3. Thats not very preservationist of you smurf
  4. Its all gone wrong today, saw a Dominator 108 classic working....don't think I can bring myself to post pictures :'(
  5. For me the shape and concept is good, but if I was to purchase something like this (I don't buy implement conversions though so maybe it is not fair to say) I would prefer plastic or even brass in place of balsa, it represents the real material finish better.
  6. Thanks for the answer, this is learning history, can be quite hard to find this sort of infomation
  7. Oh dear Nath, I think we might get numpties tomorrow, well they'll give me one just to make you feel better about not knowing what a seed drill is....its not as if I've ever used one
  8. Not very good photo The end
  9. This one helping rebuild the farm house
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Britains-9513-Sanderson-Fork-Lift-Truck-Discontinued_W0QQitemZ330014315225QQihZ014QQcategoryZ117196QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Rare, no
  11. Anyone know anything about these?
  12. Best stay in the barn Only joking guys The end
  13. They make them out of plastic as well
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