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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. So these are probably new realeases : Super Dextra Dextra (many models?) Are these already out? MF 35 MF 165 DB 990 Selectomatic County 654 Roadless PM 65 Doe 130
  2. aha...but its a list of models that are not in the scaledown range (yet?), does it say where they are from?
  3. Any idea what the column to the left hand side entitled "VERWACHT" means on the TRACTOREN page? Is it new releases? County 654
  4. Thanks Psycho It wasn't working for me a month or two ago, and had been like that for a while, but now it is back, I can see clearly again
  5. Its not too clear (5 of them in the same place is pretty incredible, must be a disposal guy) but usually people show a pic of one and then state how many they have
  6. That is amazing...it'd be great to have a poke around that yard though I'm sure he gets that a lot....the implement section Roadless 115 forestry commisions! - 5 of them Now to win the lottery.....
  7. Much beter, maybe the tipper bed is a tad long but then you can only work with what you had and I think thats a great effort. I'd lose the new ray mudguards off the back and build some onto the tipper body, maybe raise the cab by 5mm to give it that tipper look...these are all fine points though, its looking good
  8. I do my bit to keep the economy running
  9. Apparently the closest, but like you say, not right...its a pain, cos I love spray paints in the can because I'm too lazy to setup/clean the airbrush all the time, but I'd do it right
  10. Sparrow legs, I'm with the others on this, the tipper frame has got to be dropped to be realistic....paint will help to an extent but it will still look too high. It may be easier to build it on a Britains lorry chassis, they are that much lower, but obvioulsy you would have to add another axle for the same lorry...but on a positive note the Britains cab fits on a newray chassis with little work so the opposite may also be true
  11. That is scary, I was going to post exactly the same question yesterday.....something about Rover Tahiti blue being the closest but too vibrant was what I found, which is a pain...guessing your ford project is going well
  12. Why did the farmmodels blue McCormick not have a loader? I thought all the real ones did and BBPNL don't even have a 175
  13. Dust is bloomin annoying, but still good pics I'm hoping for some rain before they combine over this way again
  14. I was wondering today whether to sell my spare trailer....this makes my mind up http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Farm-Blue-Flat-Trailer_W0QQitemZ250009598087QQihZ015QQcategoryZ223QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. Which begs the question, why did you think it was ricky martin.....hmmmmm
  16. Think you'll find chris martin is in Coldplay, and that those are his lyrics
  17. Don't quite know how you came to that conclusion........is that the smell of a numpty in the air
  18. Yeah, they were all yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called yellow. So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was all yellow.
  19. I'm really bad at birthdays, so if you will be celebrating a birthday this year (or even if you aren't ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  20. Thanks for the info, do you know if it is the same design (as a model) as http://www.cimodels.co.uk/ ?
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