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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. what you should do when you next see a combine you like the look of, is stand in its way they'll talk to you then
  2. I've been thinking that they are also easier to turn, at least compared to a rear dual axle, less scrubing And you might also get less compaction on headlands as the front and rear bogies take different routes And the pickup thing...you don't need a tractor to pull them
  3. Do not read the instructions as you go along...read them in their entirity first. Sometimes doing a stage out of step can work out easier, especially if the main casting likes to roll over, damaging fine parts, adding a part from a later stage might prevent this, but consider how it may affect the fitment of other parts
  4. I know wheddon cross! I was up there for the somerset stages rally apoliges for the thread hijack (there is a nice yard full of scrap around there which I want to have a look at) Rally pic
  5. *FB ponders the potential extra earnings*
  6. I think because its more mixed here, it works differently, they've only just got the second cut of silage in and my dad has always said that a bit of rain just before harvest is good for the crop..not sure if thats true....last time it got flattened!
  7. I reckon they're waiting on this rain, give it two days and they'll be out
  8. You guys should really find time to go to the bathroom Was funny though
  9. Ah, we've got a 3 series...but back the the weather
  10. I think the outside temp sensors are usually in a wheelarch or somewhere out of the airflow when you are moving...they can pick up the heat of the road when stopped, probably that
  11. Sean, you've gotta go back!! Those will be cracking pics
  12. Ol, i appreciate what you say, but it isn't always possible to actually speak to the farmer (or they don't want to stop) which is fair enough, if I don't know them I stick to public areas (taking it from the gate, the road etc.) If they asked me not to, I would move on (depending upon how they asked) . But I think if you work in view of the public, then really farmers should learn to live with it....but knowing them would get you better shots
  13. This is something I have been wondering since discovering scaledown, why are there no largish images availble, especially for a product sold on its detail.....but I can't see it! There was I think a dutch guy who sold them and had large images of (nearly?) every model but that site stopped working...(and it was in dutch or whatever)
  14. If you are on public land, they are fair game...I guess machinery theives, taxation, dvla and the benefits office are their concerns sometimes, never had a problem though...just don't push it....or work for the council
  15. Should it not be older, I thought they merged in 1969, or did the name continue?
  16. Loads of you are missing something pretty vital......... Drivers!
  17. I think I can hear a forager on top of the hill but its too hot to ride up there , if I drive up there and they are working I'll have to reverse for a quarter mile
  18. No I think the one on the IH 784 is a similar design
  19. not at all...roadless would be very easy Counties have two driveshafts to the front (ommited, 1/32 UJs will be very fun to make ) one on each side, whereas roadless was more convential, generally a driveshaft on one side and a offset diff
  20. Um, no idea, i might go for another ride that way tomorrow....think the discs have gone though, a lowloader with some that looked identical went past this morning
  21. 4th version little rough around the edges but its getting there
  22. I'd love a lexion to restore.....I'd have a 30 foot sofa where the cutter is, a bar in the cab, a swimming pool in the grain tank and a bedroom where all the gubbins is
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