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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Fair play to you Mike. No doubt the force will be at a loss when you do decide to call it a day, mate.
  2. Spot on Will. You have made some nice models for yourself there, are they machines you have on a family farm or anything?
  3. Reece I was referring to the photo of said tower on your website. What is the tower for/built to mark or so on?
  4. Love the Deutz, has it been a good tractor for you and have you owned it from new? What sort of rate t/ha is the muck going on at?
  5. Are you going on with the vacuum unit and all the pipework from pump to tank via filters, chamber and so on and a donkey engine too? Come on Joe, a breeze for your masterful hands!! Those Iveco Strators are smart looking trucks I reckon. Just a shame thay are Iveco's. A few have made it to Australia I believe.
  6. Drill ready for a bit of spring barley then? More nice photos from you
  7. What is the James Chaine tower all about? It's a nice photo that. Also the JCB TM working in a tight spot, you take a good photo. Nice site you've built there.
  8. Nice to hear you have found a better experience, Reece. That's all anyone wants at the end of the day. Off to take a little look at your weebly now mate.
  9. Interesting machine, would this be a common use for this machine to utilise it more?
  10. Corrrrrrr!!!!! If it wasn't so wrong to kiss a tractor....... *
  11. Loooooooooook at that little gem!!!! John that is superb, how did you manage all the soldering without the previous joint melting from the heat applied to the next joint?
  12. Sensational. From the guttering to the dolly knots, the purlings to the Bateman. It doesn't matter what you do fella, you do it brilliantly.
  13. Surely it would discharge in the same way as it would if it were blowing into a tank though - by pressure. Although too much pressure and you'd have a turd fountain!
  14. Yes, if your certain requirements match what Plastruct make :D
  15. Welcome aboard the luxury liner that is, FTF. There are plenty of other Costa Concordia's out there Reece, but this place sails away from the rest. I'll have a little peak at your site later when I'm on the pc. Look forward to seeing you posting your machinery photos up and your models too
  16. Used to drive a vacuum tanker for the water board, Joe. Moving sludge from sewage works to treatment works. Can't see the Whale tanker I had being too dissimilar to those.
  17. Fair size shed and it is coming along well too. Look forward to seeing it done and housing those pedigree bullocks
  18. Smashing blog, Niels. Hugely interesting and A lovely fleet of tractors to follow working the land for it's wide range of crops. I do like the timber barn...... That would make a smashing house
  19. Thank you so much, Sue and Mark. Her ears tend to stand upright for a few days, then they must grow agian and become too heavy as one will drop, then the other. A few more days and they are both stood up again She is now up to 5.8kgs and going by her sudden acceleration in eating, it seems a growth spurt is on. She'll be three months next Friday so it has come at about the expected time which is pleasing. Puppy class again today, we missed last week so it will be interesting to how Zia and her siblings have advanced.
  20. Well I think your wrong on one count.... that's bang right up there with the best!! I love what you have done with the Britains buildings for starters but the weathering, the style of the farm buildings, the overall small size of the farm, the type of machinery, the details...... Even the narrative you have added builds a picture on its own. You've done a grand job, really really nice farm :)
  21. I had that set too Barry. Those Welly Mogs are pretty good for the money in all fairness.
  22. Worked this morning, winding up at 1pm having delivered 8 loads of logs. Colder air down here this past day or two so orders are creeping in. Way down still though. Came home and dozed for an hour and then went over me Nans via a short walk with Zia up on Salisbury Plain, she loved it bless her. Certainly sapped her energy as she has been very sleepy since and wolfed her tea down.
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