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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. : bigge rthen any around my area so..... just slightly though ;D is that the same farmer who has the farm in america as well?
  2. man that is some looking outfit and must be a huge farm, would love to own them
  3. superb, weve 2 at work very similar just without the tall rails cos we dont really do much hay or straw
  4. looks good lying flat, but would it not be too tall and too top heavy folded up?
  5. sorry mate but i am not sean! Thanx for the compliment
  6. thanks Sean did that too, unfortuntaly the only claim i can make to the whole thing is i financed it
  7. thanks lads, ya noel the detail is unreal, its hard to believe they can get that much detail into it, i got the big x too and thats unreal as well. ill get you some pics tomorrow evening of the trailers up close, agrium made the masteron conversions and Sean (tractorman810) did the lees
  8. well here it is now big m landed just in time for the last job of the season . now im thinking il have to get a claas linear
  9. i had great pictures of volvo dumpers buried for this topic some of them were stuck half way up the side of the skip's but cant find them anywhere. anyway ye get idea they were bad, ill keep looking for them
  10. thanks Mart intersting machine and simple out
  11. o right, it looks like a handy yoke all right and a bit different to what around here. would it handle 4 silage bales as well or would they be too heavy
  12. Never seen a bale handler like that Martin. how many can it carry
  13. o ya i think you told me that already sorry. one of the lads i work with is thinking of going now too, not suir if he will or not but john was saving even if he did we might not end up on the same crews anyway. a well nothing for it really but just to take every day as it comes. Thanks Martin weather is playing havoc on this job alright, and its pure peat grounf with a shallow layer of topsoil so ones the top layer is broken you go straight down. thats why the volvo a25's arent on the job. not really sure what he was thinking but it wasnt too hard to get out, all it took was a little nudge from the track machine and she was straight out. its a Komatsu PC290 so plenty enough to make light work it
  14. ya it is tough slogging there alright, thats not even the worst part of it . its pouring rain now again so looks like we wont be headed back there for a while. hes thinking of pulling them out and starting another job for a while now. well i sent off all the stuff a couple weeks ago Tris so im waiting to hear back from them again. when you went you headed over alone did you?
  15. lovely and very interesting. love those drilling scenes
  16. o ya ye mite remember when i was in new zealand i was saying about the new john deere harvester that was in the process of being transformed into a "case" 7500 or what ever they decided to call it in the end. well shes finished now, i havent actually got a picture of her completly finished yet but one of the lads sent me over this picture when she was almost done i forgot to put it up till now, for anyone whos interested her she is
  17. no not looking in great shape there at all \
  18. bit of a hairy moment here he might think twice about going so close to edge next time
  19. heres some pics from another job we are doing draining and building farm tracks on a block of land. started last monday but the weather turned bad and we were rained off for a few days, but got back into it yesterday. it was pretty much making hard work for ourselfs cos we could only carry half loads and spent half the time stuck to the axels, but the boss was afraid it could rain again in the next few days so he decided to work away and try and get out of there. we all got stuck plenty times including me but heres a couple of the lads attempts
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