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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. the roads here arent too bad its just the drop off them that could do the damage . ya havent been on the 6810 now for a while, il be back reunited with her tomorrow though we are going baling again
  2. one of the komatsu's and the claas half way up the connor pass
  3. more muck and the second one is from a land reclamation job we are still doin gat the moment
  4. having been spreading a lot of muck and slurry too over the last few weeks
  5. here the valtra got buried, it doesnt look to bad from the picture but it took a 6920 jd and a 6810 jd to pull her out. my batteries went in the camera though when they were all chained together
  6. heres some more from the last couple weeks, first couple are from a job where i was on hire the county council doing a road works job........ easiest and most relaxed work you can get spent half the time parked up reading a book waiting for them, got very boring though.
  7. never enen heard of one, when did they stop making them? couldnt have been too long ago! looks fairly modern up to todays standards
  8. ya i pity the guy driving it, still though makes for a good laugh winding him up about it, he doesnt even have a radio and the air seat is f???ed, some days when things just arent going right you can see him roaring and kicking inside it ;D brings some humour to my day anyway so i guess its not all that bad
  9. and thanks for the rest of the comments
  10. theres 5 deeres, 3 x 6920s's 1 x 6810 and 1 x 6800 theres also 1 x claas ares, 1 x valtra 8550 and 1 x nh 8360 and a hired in same titan (which is crap) the valtra and nh will be traded next year id say
  11. really nice pics the lighthouse really makes a nice contrast too
  12. na doesnt take long at all, especially after the head lands are taken off, we used to run two jd 1365 mowers with groupers infront of the harvester, but it was way slower in comparrison to just the one machine now. we still use the trailed mowers for the baler though, one was sold so theres two left now, one operates around the tralee area the other around dingle. unfortuntaly i havent got a chance to drive her yet but hopefully some day ill get a go no we do that all the time, before i joined this crew he did try running a rake for a year but in the end it was only brought out for a few jobs and sold on the next year, there isnt really any contractor around here tedding in fact i dont no any in Kerry who do it, probably mainly to do with the weather, well in our case anyway its to do with the weather all our work is not far from the sea so weather is constantly changing with the tides and stuff so its usually not worth leaving it out, half the time the crop is mown only a couple hours in front of the harvester at the most a day before the harvester comes in
  13. ya she does look nice doesnt she, the normal tyres are up in the yard from the day she arrived but i dont think they will ever be put on her. thats one of the 6920s's but i drive the 6810 most of the time, the 20's are nice but id rather the 10 any day nicer feel and handling to it i think anyway
  14. last one for now is the bike im actually surprised how well all these last few came out because they were all taken from my phone
  15. ok have a bit of time on my hands today to put up some pics so here goes
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