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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Hi Iain, thanks for your comments there. It is a priority for all involved to sort it out asap! The donation button has been changed to a new version. There has actually always been one there, but not visible by all accounts.
  2. As the title suggests on this topic. For those involved, it is as much for you to help us in finding the best solution. I dont think I have ever contemplated stopping conversions being posted. I want to grow and expand these boards as much as possible. Ive even started considering having a go myself My only concern, as has been brought to my attention by several people of late is some people perhaps forgetting that it's as much about the models, as it is about getting people to buy them off you. We have been working on this for a few weeks now and trying to put features in place to help as much as possible. I remember a similar debate some time ago regarding selling platforms on FTF. The result was us installing a classified ad system for everyone. This topic isn't too far from this very same debate, but I would appreciate that rather than rants or diggs at myself and my team, those of you involved in this part of the forum, that you help us to work out the best solution for it.
  3. I'm not too sure that previous posts really fit in with what I was going on about, but anyway! A solution for person A may not be agreed with by person B, so to find a perfect solution is not necessary straight forward. That said, we are working to find something which most members will be happy with.
  4. I think my principle point on all of this is "Reasonable Control" of selling / sales. If I allowed everyone and anyone to sell on here with no control, it would quickly become a jumble sale, with it going on all over the forum. Many conversion topics would be transformed into haggling yards which in my opinion is not what FTF's about. It's about appreciating people's time and effort and enjoying reading how the model's are made. Let me get one thing straight, I have no problem with people posting any work they have done. I want to encourage as many members as possible to get their tools out and have a go. I want those who are now renowned in the hobby to continue churning out new and innovative pieces of work, because it's fascinating to read and look at. Those who do make models to sell...again no problem with posting your work up, but if we can be as clear as possible about it. i.e. Here is my latest piece of work. Will be available for Spalding. Priced £45. I will make them to members own spec..Check out my website for more info... or PM me for more details. Similarly, I am taking orders for this item, see the link to the forum classifieds where you can purchase it direct. Opinions and feedback welcome If this is followed to extent, everyone knows what's going, we all know the item is for sale, and the price, we know where to get more info and if we want to buy it now, we know how to. I think my point is, it gets rid of topics simply containing "how much is it" , "is it for sale", "Can I have one", "Can I pm you for more details" etc... In my opinion, thats not what makes a conversion topic on here. I'm sure the customiser would also appreciate pure feedback on the item rather than churning through such questions. So the bottom line. I am not stopping people posting their work up. I am not stopping those who sell models from posting their work up. We all want to encourage this as it's hugely popular on FTF. All I ask is honesty from those who are posting stuff for sale, and if you don't have a website, why not use our classifieds? I am happy to help anyone in getting used to such a system. I even have the capabilities to help you build your own site if you dont have one. It only takes a PM to me. If anyone does have feedback on the matter, I would be more than happy to hear your concern, mail me or phone me Regards Andy
  5. We will be heading down in the morning now guys. Have a last minute complication with "having" to attend somones 21st this evening
  6. Ive got all the bits an bobs for you Sean ready. Going to pick the cakes up later
  7. I think your thoughts are echoed by a few members on here, and releases this year do appear to be slower. I do know however that there will be plenty of new and interesting items coming in 2009 so hopefully this will go some way to enhancing your opinions of the Britains brand.
  8. I think Dad and I are now at Crossways, so who's getting them in?
  9. Guys, sorry for the delay in getting the photos up. I took several "eye level" images to digest the model farm I built at Spalding. Hope you enjoy!
  10. First prize went to the guy opposite the FTF stand, second was a kid with his mum( left a number), and third was another little kid!
  11. Just a quick summary from me. It was another good show, and considering the apparent reduction in people through the door this time, I still managed to chat to several new guys on the forum and hopefully get a few new guys signed up too. Big thanks to my sister of course for doing us cakes again...and if you like she will provide some for toytrac also Many thanks to Graham for providing a fantastic building once again, I think it made the layout the best yet (pictures coming very soon) and as always recieved excellent feedback from all the kids and "some" adults! It was pleasing to hear so many go "Woahhhh" when they saw it! The raffle was popular and prizes have all now been claimed. Thanks to PDC, Jez, Barry, Steve and Dave Purdue for donating models for the layout. Was nice to see the County's working hard combined with the Deeres and a nice unimog sitting in the yard! Thanks to Mark for taking the pictures! I think he just about covered everything! I'm already looking forward to the next show where I hope to have some new FTF models on show, and of course, the layout, cakes and raffle! Ben will have a sandwich board next time to go around the stalls and sell tickets! I will finish by thanking all of you who stopped by and said hello, good to get plenty of feedback and hope it continues next time! Dad and I will be down at toytrac so hope to see more of you there! Many thanks Andy
  12. I think it will be mid £20 bracket. I think this photo was taken some time ago and was told several changes have been made since then, but it seems fairly close to completion to me.
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