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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Thanks Brian, It will be a shame to miss you. Regarding T-shirts, I will get an order form setup. Will be easier I think, but you will need to be quick if you want it ready for Spalding.
  2. Andy

    Ford 7000

    Oh dear! I will let them know, but make sure you tell the supplier too, as it may be just 1, or whole batches like that, thus need to be checked!
  3. I will try and get round and get some stall pics before it opens, but you can get some member "action" shots throughout the day if you like Ben! Regarding cakes, I will get a selection made, and yes, my sister (mel) will be making them I will have the shirts in large mostly, think that covers up to 44inch chest, but will also have a mix of smaller sizes and larger. If anyone wants anything specific, let me know!
  4. We have just recieved our table allocation for the show in October. For everyone who attended in April, we are in the same position as that show. Just inside the entrance to the small hall. The format will be similar to the show in April, where we plan to show a model display farm, with hopefully, a few member models as show pieces. We are very lucky again to have one of Graham's buildings on show (pics to come soon), which we will be giving away as a raffle prize at the end of the day. On top of Grahams shed, we will be offering several other excellent prizes in the raffle, including a gold FTF model, and a collection of others from Britains and UH...so dont forget to visit us for tickets! We will be showing off all our limited edition models thus far, so the DT Ford 7000 and the Britains Ford 6600. We also hope to announce the next FTF model at the show, but this is yet to be confirmed! There will be a slideshow of information and details relating to FTF, hopefully giving people incentive to sign up. It would be good to have a live FTF broadcast, but the exhibition hall doesnt have internet which is a shame. For the first time, we will be selling FTF Polo shirts. There will be a limited number to start with in an attempt to gauge interest, with the hope of providing many more! We also will be offering lovely cakes and snacks to anyone who comes and has a chat with us, and of course, it will be great to talk to as many members as possible! I look forward to seeing you! If anyone has a question about the show, just give me a PM, or email me on info@farmtoysforum.com PS: I managed to get Colin Boor to open the model competition to customisations, so would be great to have a few entries from FTF members
  5. Who is planning to attend from Farm Toys Forum? I'm flying in to do a feature on the show on the 13th and 14th, so would welcome any members to meet up with, or even travel down there with. Should be a great show!
  6. Yes, We will be there. There will be a new topic opening next week regarding what we plan to do, offer, show etc..
  7. Looks good Geoff. I see that the joomla framework is being used more and more for such websites. I use it for FTF and it is really good and simple to work with.
  8. The John Deere artic looks nice. Trying to get C Varley to take one to the meeting on Friday, so we can get a closer look.
  9. Its hard to say, as I think that particular tractor fluctuates in price, a lot more than other Britains. If really excellent along with the box, you wont be far wrong with ?50
  10. Price wise, I would think it would be ?100 mark? Stan or Jason could prob confirm though?
  11. Andy

    ROS: FIAT 180-90 1:32 Scale

    Do ROS produce their models in Italy? It looks good and is something different, which has to be appealing. Photo from MS24
  12. It does look nice. A lot of time and investment gone into that, I'm sure it will go down really well!
  13. It depends alot on the weather really, and what your after. If its new models and conversions, you will be spoilt for choice at both Spalding dates. If its more obselete older models, its touch and go at both dates, but always interesting to try and spot something. I hope to come down to Toytrac this year for the first time. We are obviously having an FTF stand at both events, so make sure you all come and say hello, and maybe pick up a limited FTF tshirt!
  14. Congratulations Sean, I've read this from start to finish and that is just fantastic work. Well done!
  15. Thanks Tim for this information, slightly depressing that Christmas is already on the horizon and yet, we still havnt had our Summer in the UK I wondered when we would see the 1/32 STX, looks ok.
  16. Thanks for your comments blueford, I recieved your email and interestingly, only a small handfull of models have returned with faults on them. I sent you an email and you have a replacement model on its way to you
  17. Very nice ACS, some time and effort gone into that and you can tell. Good Work!
  18. Andy


    no Bas, nothing has been released yet regarding next years model.
  19. Andy


    Thats a good suggestion Andy. Interestingly, we have been told that our next FTF model would open the door for our own bespoke box, so it doesnt appear that Britains are totally limited by cost. I know OEM's have a major influence for certain models, but the tradition of the brand may be the main reason for the rest. Something else to approach them with...
  20. It definitely is Brian. I saw them there, but my loughborough formula student team were there also as we are too, sponsored by Perkins.
  21. Finally managed to get those images from my phone. Not the best quality in the world, but gives you an idea of what was on offer. Most were sourced from local farms. Its a shame they couldnt locate a few better examples, plus a few others, but the display still generated a lot of interest.
  22. Great collection of pics, and a pretty impressive collection there! Certainly looked liked a great day out.
  23. Andy

    Ford 7600

    From what I gather, in an early meeting, Britains had planned to run the 5000 and 7000, and had no intentions of running the 6600 and 7600 untill I put it to them, i.e. 6600 for FTF maybe, so am I to blame for this I wonder It will definitely sell like hot cakes, nethertheless!
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