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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. As promised, finally got round to scanning this today so I could share it with you guys
  2. Thanks for all your help Sean and Dan, I know what I'm doing now I bought all mine from Maplin Jason, could probably get them cheaper elsewhere but I wanted 50 in one go so found it easier
  3. Nice pics Rob That looks almost too dry to be clamped to me, more like haylage than silage
  4. Damp and miserable as per every other day this week
  5. Why do you think I've cast the legs for my subsoilers, far too fidly to make every time :D Looking good so far though Mark, Marcus will love it when he see's it
  6. Now thats rather posh isn't it :D Nice work Jason, its been to long since we've seen your conversions in here
  7. More great pic's Joe, nice to see the weather is better with you than it is here, its not stopped raining for two days here now \
  8. Taken from a road law book, the trailer is designed for use by the combine only which is why it is legal on there without brakes, must be something to do with the hydro transmission on them these days. The book was written by a traffic copper and although we call them trailers they are actually termed as agricultural trailed appliances which is how they get round the brake issue with the combine towing it. New laws are due in to redress this loop-hole though whereby things like trailed cultivators will need them as well
  9. It's absolutely throwing it down again despite a forcast for light shows and sunny spells :
  10. By law at present you are not supposed to tow the header trailer behind a tractor or other vehicle UNLESS the trailer has a braking system fitted on it, they are only designed to be pulled by the combine. There was a case last year of a farmer getting done for pulling it behind his Diahatsu Fourtrak whilst escorting the combine for that very reason. Claas are behind New Holland in these stakes as the header trailers for the CX and CR range have hydraulic brakes fitted to them
  11. It'll be 2 numpties for one in a minute as its already been mentioned here that a pic is on here of one with a folded header on it, stop digging yourself into a numpty rich hole :D
  12. I don't want her! You're lucky she doesn't remove parts from your body the amount you fool around :D
  13. Bit young for me I'm afraid Maybe you should try seeing just one at a time in future :D
  14. That would be a big help please Dan, the ones for my trailer need to be 5 stage so there shouldn't be too much difference. Thanks
  15. I think that very combine was listed for sale on ebay as well last week, not looked to see if its still on there yet though
  16. I need a bit of help from those of you that have used car aerials as rams please, I know this has been covered before but I cannot find the right topic with it in at present. Can one of you nice helpful people on here please explain how to pull one apart to cut it down to the right size as I'd rather not ruin one in the process as I didn't order any spares
  17. Knowing Vaderstad its probably the same as their rollers but having never used one I can't be sure. Pingu is probably the best one to answer this one as he seems to be using one most of the time at work lately
  18. The BBC weather forecast website, says it should be light rain today when what we actually have is torrential/heavy rain
  19. I'd even been in all day and made little MF badge shaped cookies in case he called in :D
  20. Last autumn we visited several farms on maize silage jobs, one inparticular we actually removed the wire with one of the trailers as it was right across the front of the clamp, poor positioning of a temporary clamp by the farmer and our manager \
  21. I have to say that the electricity boards really do need to take a closer look at power lines in fields more often. I have had numerous close ones whilst using the Lexion in the past 5 years, in one case not even being able to get under them with the tank closed up as they were level with the cab roof, the only way to cut the barley was the same way as the lines ran in those places, baler man wasn't too impressed but there was no way i was going any nearer to them. Several times i have stopped when I have had a problem and had to move because looking above I could see I was too near wires. I guess at times I was over cautious but you hear of too many fatalities these days involving them not to in my opinion
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