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Everything posted by Tractorman810

  1. used to be a pair of those near looe, both with mobile masts on them, sadly they got taken down a year or so ago,well at least one of them
  2. No thats the new method to confuse spotters and rivals , cars use camp wrap class just spell it backwards to put us of the trail πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  3. Came across this today, just outside plymouth , its been 1 or 2 years since i went out to this place and its still sat there , same guy used to have a very tidy working red/white case artic , and before that a mf4880 artic, which is still seen at local shows inc devon and cornwall shows, clearly likes his big yank artics . All 3 would be hellish rare down his way when new thats for sure .
  4. i guess its all down to economy of scales joe ,a bigger machine means bigger implements which means less time working so man hours saved, fuel saved less people required overall to do the same work in less time over a few seasons it soon totals up, , stuff that big wont be over common over here, but state side where fields are the size of our county's over here they will earn their keep and some
  5. busy weekend down the step daughters, got a new wall and cupboard so to speak done for the new fridge freezer, plus got 31m2 of new laminate flooring down pulling the old one up in front as i went., prob got 14m2 left to do in that area once the old kitchen goes tuesday ,the rest (10m2 ) is for stage 2 after the kitchen is in . got the ceiling to sand down and paint next weekend, prob sunday as the sparkys are in doing the new ring main and down lighters on saturday. a few days break while her dad does the easy bit putting the new units in, then back to decorating ect . may get it finished before i go away in august πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† then stage 2 starts ,upstairs toilet,stairs and downstairs landing, hopefully the porch will be done then,so stage 3 can start
  6. yeah it would have had a white metal one fixed by a screw onto the original part at the start ,but does look better with it on. i kept a marston one(not silage) but never a western one.
  7. long time since i have seen one of my cut down britains trailer job, didnt do to many richard western ones either 4/5 tops
  8. i dint know, massey are red and fendt s are green ,anything else just shouldn't be seen phil, call be traditionalist, but its like the combines, just dosent do it justice brand wise
  9. Dont know , another TNS colour version i get special contractor requests full fleets like it but masseys are red , its getting like valtra now , very patriotic mind
  10. looks a good show barry, much more layout based than zwolle it seems ?. was it easy enough to get to ??
  11. No idea why its white but my uncle text me about this as it was near by the tuckwells stand ,on the tns stand at the suffolk show , just seen the pic on their facebook page
  12. that 4450 does look nice,and has potential to be detailed a bit as well looking at it
  13. i suspect that a normal run will come out prob seveal versions with canopys or brolly given thats a very euro thing, replicagri did afterall do the renaults after the aca show ones ,just minus the extras like the driver
  14. mines via g&m but i suspect the usual people will get them in, even that ford loving big bellied udimore bloke πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  15. it is 1/32 and mines on order already
  16. he left her with no water ect last night and returned today, taken up a load of the floor, not near where i could feel the water and nothing, then right under the back wall hes put up there was the screw, hes far from happy thats for sure , still my fault apparently ,to which the stepdaughter has told him to shut it or sod off πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  17. i will drop him a message sometime, was hoping for someone closer to home, save the postage costs , have used him plenty of times before, but for bigger bulk orders , so it is worth it then. its been sat a while so a few more weeks wont hurt πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  18. step daughters father, hes doing work down there moving some walls for a new kitchen, but in doing so he managed to put a screw through the central heating main 22mm pipe,when he put the footplate for the new wall in .i only found it after her boiler stopped ,the safety kicked in after the pressure dropped. but only after putting water back into the system and then seeing it running down the wall below. its clearly drained to a level, ,but i put more in πŸ˜†πŸ˜† apparently though its my fault not his, as i should have told him the pipes were there, not sure how i would know, not like i installed it x years ago is it ,but he got a double barrel volley response of me and i left before i went even further , leaving the step daughter and wife ripping into him for say its my fault . plus picking up other issues hes left.apparently he left far from happy,but neither is the step daughter
  19. Just the bonnet to line up now , sat next to little bro which desperately needs decals , anyone know a person who can produce to size as the 550 ones i got of ebay are way to big
  20. possibly what left of a mf 712, certainly not going to spread much mindπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  21. Cabs gone two tone now so once properly dry i can start reassembling it all
  22. looks scratch built to me, the wheels and prob the axel mount are britains . the axel mounts look like the log trailer ones to me but old school wheels fitted . only britains one i know of for a header was a recent more modern one .
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