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Everything posted by robbo

  1. I have got a Fuji and although it isn't that model I am not very happy with it. It might just be me not understanding the settings but I would probably got for the Nikon if I were to be buying for myself.
  2. Barry what's the best way from the North, it looks as if my sat nav is taking me off the M5 at junction 7 and then A4440 - A449 through Malvern and then B4209?
  3. Have you tried clocking on the blue bubble on the left of the topic to "mark topic as read"?
  4. Whilst HPI is a useful tool it is not infallible and unfortunately it is a failing that I see all too often. The details that you are checking is the registration number and, whilst the result will give you a chassis number for that vehicle, people don't tend to check that it matches. Registration plates can be, and often are, changed. You also need to check the stamped in chassis number, not the one on the sticker or the one in the window, the one that is actually stamped into the metal of the chassis. One further anomaly is that not every Finance company shares their data with Hpi and just because it is shown as clear of finance doesn't mean that there isn't any. Hpi do have a warranty so that if you discover that there is finance or that something else is wrong then they will reimburse you........IF you are the person who has done the check and not had it done through a third party. I recently took a Vauxhall Vivaro van off a man because it was a ringer, his comment said it all, "I should have known not to buy it off two Irishmen on a pub car park" :- He had paid £4000 cash for it so he lost the money and the van.
  5. I am not a great fan of Siku models but I always get the LCN show models so I will have to get this one ;)
  6. I have got one of these and paid a lot less for it http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150746742933?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 It isn't even the rarest of the set, the Buffalo is quite common, the Galaxy comes up from time to time but the Trident is like rocking horse doodah, I dread to think what a Trident would go for :of
  7. As the words of the song go "And we'll have fun, fun, fun till your Daddy tales the T'bird away............." For those who don't know, this is a T'Bird, Ford Thunderbird
  8. And the has to be the ubiquitous GP (Jeep) or General Purpose vehicle
  9. And now for something completely different!!! Burtonwood Airbase was once the largest American Airbase in Europe and was the main distribution centre for just about everything that they needed. However, it closed about 10 years ago and is now being developed for everything from industrial units to a new village called Chapelford with it's own school and shopping centre. As you might expect there are a number of house builders on the site and today one of them decided to have an open day. Because of the American connection they invited the local branch of the American Car Owners Club to come along and show off their vehicles. Now whilst this isn't tractor related I had my camera with me so I just had to stop and have a chat, they did get revenge by taking my picture with the Police car for their magazine [
  10. BT Broadband annoyed me yet again > It has dropped out every 4 days for the last month and is usually out for at least 12 hours. When this first started to happen I rang them and suggested that the router was faulty. "Oh No" they said, it won't be the router, we need to go through the 100 step plan of unplugging and restarting everything. After innumerable calls to their so called helpline they have finally admitted that it might be the router that is at fault and are sending me a new one. They might just be too late because I signed up to Virgin today for 30 meg (to be doubled to 60 by July) for the same price as BT's 1 meg. Sorry Sean [ but goodbye BT
  11. For those who have never seen Phil's work, here is a sample from 2009 when he displayed at the North West Tractor Show at Myerscough College
  12. That is dreadful news, sincere condolences to his family and yet another blow for the Lancashire Lads as they are known. I was a great fan of his work and he will be sadly missed.
  13. A new toaster after the last one decided to blow the trip switch every time we tried to use it, I did miss my toast at brekkie yesterday :
  14. Rick, I don't think you have quite got the hang of photobucket, that link is coming up as a private album and needs a password :-
  15. Alex, I am on my second Mondeo diesel and I have had this one since April 2006, the engine has been the most reliable part of the car
  16. Andy, you need the Golf back again : I could always sell you a Mondeo diesel if you want.........(adopts fake Spanish accent) ......special price for you!
  17. There is nothing wrong with T & M but they do cater for the enthusiast who has got a tractor to play with or renovate, they do a lot with the vintage rally scene and cover road runs and ploughing matches. Classic Tractor is for those of us who just like tractors as a whole and like to see fleet profiles of working machines that are still in use on the farm. They also seem to find some rarities and barn finds from time to time as well as some of the overseas makes, particularly Australia and the US. There is room for both titles in the market as they have different styles, you can either take your pick or get both, I subscribe to CT but I buy T & M most months.
  18. I would assume that Andy knows by now but the website still says "to be confirmed" :-
  19. Call me a miser if you like but I can't help thinking about the cost of the batteries, I know it is fun but it would have been cheaper to have dug it out in the traditional method...........
  20. I used to drive an orange TM55 some years ago when I worked in Bedfordshire, the farm also had a TM70 and TM90 and also a Fiat 805C to do all their cultivations. The wheeled tractors were almost all MF135's until just before I left when they discovered 4 wheel drive and bought a couple of Fiat 850 and 1000DT models.
  21. Howard, I think it might be a different Fendt as the one I was photographing is a 10 plate machine and doesn't have the logo on the bonnet.
  22. Hi Howard the Steiger is just north of Warrington on the road to Leigh in the village of Golborne if you know it. The Fendt is also just outside of the town on the road to St Helens, you can see the farm from the M62 just before junction 7 westbound.
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