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The Weather in General


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Bagk to winter here today, gale force winds last night and all this morning, woke up around 5.00am to blizzard conditions with heavy driving wet snow but didn't last long and the wind dropped and then the sun came out but still frequent squally sleet/snow/hail showers. It was very bad out over Dartmoor this morning, a Council gritter slid off the road and overturned, driver was lucky to just walk away. Don't know if this link will work but here is the story.


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Well today it started just on freezing and there has been sun for most of the day in Dyce and in Drumoak the sun is still shing. Around 6 degrees plus when got home 4.30 pm this afternoon. The snow has fairly got a shift but they are forecasting low overnight temperatures again.

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It was as low as minus 4 on the way to work. lots of icy bits on the hilly roads around Clinterty Colledge where the snow has melted and frozen. Was minus 1.5 degrees at Dyce but the sun is up and rising so soon be time to close the blinds.

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It is incredibly mild today. It was showing 7 degrees in the car withing the garage and coming to work it rose to 9 degrees. A little breeze but a warm one. that should help the land dry up and hopefully before long the farmers will be sowing again and the dust will be flying ;) ;)

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Well it has been a lovely tropical day in Aberdeenshire today. Around 14 degrees on the drive home this afternoon and got home just after five and CH was on and house roasting. The sun is still shining. I hope this is Spring in the air.

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