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The Weather in General


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Well ...maybe they are correct Sean ;D ;D

Seriously though it was drizzle all day and overcast in Aberdeen today. It was 6 degrees on the way home but fog and mist was coming in but it was still humid. When I got home the heating was on but it was so warm I had to turn it off for a while...never mind no serious snow like what we have had over the past two winters 8)

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And fingers and toes crossed there will be no snow this Spring Rob :huh: ....personally I cannot believe how lucky we have been in my area in comparison to the last two years.People complain about it being dull and cold and rainy but heck I have to remind them it far better than "the white stuff" ;D ;D

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Joe would you mind sending some of the warmth over here? Haha, it stayed about 2 degrees today with a rainy mix for part of the morning and rain ending late this afternoon. They still say it will be around 8 degrees tomorrow but then it drops right off again.

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we drilled our spring barley on the last day of february into a great seedbed in about 18 degrees warmth. today it is snowing here in essex. did we go to early? only time will tell. a great story a farmer mate in suffolk told me last spring when we where discussing when to start drilling over the phone, talking about ground temperatures after the cold winter, and he told me his young student was eager to start moving ground as his mates on other farms were on the go.my mates dad, a good farmer, with loads of past spring experience,told him that 'if you plant barley to early in heavy ground it will be backwards till harvest'. the student replied 'how will we know when to go' and my mates dad replied 'go in the field and pull your trousers and pants down.then crouch down and put one finger from your left hand into the soil. then with a finger from your right hand stick up your bottom. when the temperatures are the same at each finger tip, we will start drilling'. priceless!!

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