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Britains 2010 Releases


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The Steiger is the only one that'll be heading my way. Why do they think they can just palm off older Ertl stuff onto us? >:(

I completly aggree speaking from  the shropshire /welsh borders they are soooooo out of toutch

why give us a steiger ERTL could have palmed off on us the IH 784 or DB 1690 as we havent got the big praries nor may I add the roads to

transport them on practicaly apart from lincon maybee wiltshire some of cumbria they arnt common place so RC2(ERTL) if you are reading this could we have the british classics you did in the 80s  ;) ;) ;)  If you are going to palm stuff off at us  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[  sorry about the outburst  :-*

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Thanks for posting up the information and pictures Nathan and Atte, nothing at all really in that little lot that gets me too excited, i'll probably look out for the Steiger and John Deere 7520 in the new year, although i'm looking forward more to seeing the dualed N.F.T.S Steiger Panther IV.

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weve been let down yet again

is RC2 turning its back on us lot this side of the pond or will there be any suprizes in mid 2010  ::) ::)::)

i like to think ive been very suportive of them in the past but my patiance is wearing thin now  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:( [glow=red,2,300]Im starting to wonder why RC2 dont just drop the BRITAINS name now because i think they are dammaging it now[/glow]  :'(  and they only seem to release US monster classics etc with very little or no bearing to the British farmer im also going to forward this to the meeting with britains section

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The new range of Case combines have different panelwork from the old AFX and so the new model is a new moulding to take account of this, as are the new balers.

I think some folk have to wake up to the fact the 'Britains' does not exist any more.  It is simply a brand name that Ertl use in Europe, so it should not be any surprise that we get the same items as ertl sell in the US.  As for being 'older' Ertl, there is nothing in that list of that type. They are all either new mouldings (Case combine) or new decals(JD8R) to both sides of the Atlantic, or Europe releases of recent US introductions (such as the CVX).  Neither the Toy Farmer Steiger, nor its equivalent the FW60 have yet been released in the US Ertl range, so we've had that one first.

When you look back historically, Ertl have always been prolific issuers of redecalled toys (some of them being the wrong decal for the toy - the 16th scale MF3650 springs to mind - it was actually a 3070 with a 3650 decal ::) ).

Im starting to wonder why RC2 dont just drop the BRITAINS name

They have now discontinued the use of the Britains name on US releases altogether, so who knows?

glad the rest of the world can support there buisness

This of course is exactly the case.  The biggest market is North America, where 16th and 64th outnumber 32nd by a wide margin.  Consequently, Ertl dominate the toy tractor market.

Regarding implements, the simple truth is that they do not sell terribly well compared to tractors (I think the ratio is about 8:1).  They are not financially attractive for Ertl to make (and in any case, Ertl never have been big on implements), so unless an OEM comes forward with a proposal (and probably the development cash), we probably won't get much.

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