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Norev Claas Dominator 108 sl Maxi

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I picked this model up today from the local Claas dealers as I went past. Firstly the price... It was only £45 so I mustn't grumble too much and as a model sat in the box it is good. However when I took it out the box I was some what dissapointed. I have only taken 3 photos as I'm not at home and I managed to break the model when putting it on its side.

Anyway. The model from afar looks ok, but when you get it up close it's fragile and not as well made as I would have expected. I have found that the arm comes out but will not go back again properly. The back axel does not steer, and the header trailer will not fix to the towing eye very well.

Good points, well I don't want everyone thinking that the model is completely rubbish as it's not, I'm just really disappointed with it. overall it would get a 6 or 7 out of 10, but it is no UH Tucano if it was one model or the other the Tucano would be the one to get, its not only better detail, but better built and wont break as easily.



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I've also just got hold of this model (having paid quite a bit more than £45 for it....) and would disagree a bit with this review. It's true that it's definitely more fragile than UH or SIku models but the level of detail is excellent - at least as good as the UH Tucano. So as long as it's not going to be used as a toy then I would definitely recommend it as an addition to any Claas combine collection.

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Thanks for your review mate.

Funny how we all have different views on models as that is one of the great things about this hobby  ;) Would be boring if we all loved Fords  :-*

The rear axle is a shame but apart from that I love it...granted its fragile but hey we all own plenty of others like that  ;) The arm is ok on the one I played with  :D

Oh well will be interesting to see what others think if they purchase this long awaited model

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I would like to add that the spout is okay on my one aswell, I really like the amount of detail and am really pleased that someone has brought this model into production ( most people have been crying out for a classic combine ).

Iam however disappointed that the rear axle does not steer, the header will not sit right down on the ground and the tow hitch needs a slight modification to allow the trailer to be fitted and removed easily.

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I never said the model was rubbish, but they could have done so much more with it than they have. I'm just hugely disappointed as after sitting it next to the Tucano the two just don't compare. It will sit on one of my claas shelves with the other combines, but unless Norev make vast improvements or they bring out another model which is a "must have" I wont be rushing out to purchase any of them.

My overall opinion is: if your buying the model to put on a shelf to only look at it and can afford to, buy the model. If like me and you are sad and occasionally get them off the shelf to play at carpet farming (yes I make the noises) then you will may break it. Times have changed and I only want to give people the chance to get a model they will love and when you spend £70 on a model its allot of money, but each to their own.

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Do they all only have dividers on one side????  :(

Mine arrived with the fuel tank loose, the header auger in the wrong way, the reel tines 'set' all wrong and I just found this all rather annoying... Still, all fixed now and she looks better for it!

But for less than £50 from Claas themselves, I'm still happy to have her in the collection!


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OK - busy weekend, but here are the photos... the more I look at the model the more I like it, despite it's flaws.

First photos, header off and steps up and then down. First thing I noticed was that the steps didn't 'sit' down far enough, but 10 seconds with a scalpel sorted that out! ;)



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Having just purchased the Dominator 108, overall I am very pleased with the model. As already noted - there could be slight improvements (rear axle, header tines etc) but overall I would give 9/10.

One issue I have noticed - on the early preview shots - the model was covered with yellow warning/instruction decals - Was this just for the ones available at Agritechnica?? - As mine has no such decals, and I noticed the pictures of Malcy P's 108 also lacked the yellow decals??

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