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Britains 2011 Releases


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it is way to early to be crtical,nobody knows if this is a final version,clearly says prototype,however sitting on the fence,if things are wrong now is the time to say so they can tweak and alter,as andy said,but i must agree with ploughmaster,britains have a bad time,even if the model is good,i buy all makes of model,and in no way should britains rc/learning curve,whatever you want to call them, deserve this stick,and their latest releases look great,a very very big step forward for them,i think

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Going by these pictures of the real thing here its perfect, the rear bit of the silage side at the tops missing to let the door up and over. Tbh its the best half pipe ive seen yet. My only worry is if they get the colouring right.

Edit: for some reason i posted the same photo twice instead of the rear photo as i meant were shows a bit of the rear of the silage wing missing just like on the britains, still hard too see it right tho

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Which market group buy the most Britains, collectors or children. Worldwide there is a massive group of people who buy them as toys but there is also a massive group of collectors who buy Britains including me.

It is irrelevant whether you think people are trying to put them down or not. It is the simple fact that for years Britains disregarded what the customer wanted and yet collectors bought them and are now coming back on track.

The toy or model argument is also irrelevant. Matching the plastic colour is non related to whether it is a toy or a model.

Frankly, your entire post is irrelevant to what I was saying. 

We have only pictures of the first prototypes of the trailers, and already mud is being slung - and it seems mostly completely unjustified! 

I would like to know exactly where Britains have 'ignored what the customer wanted'??  Yes there are a lot of Britains collectors, and we collect them for what they have been and what they are - almost all the criticism on this forum centres on the releases in the last 10 years or so, but Britains hit their lowest standards in the late 80s and the 90s when they were teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, but those dreadful bodge ups seem to get nothing but praise round here  :-\    Aside from the hitch problems and one or two other relatively small issues, they have produced some excellent toys in recent years, but all some of you do is constantly harp on about minor inaccuracies and complain because the detail isn't as good as Universal Hobbies et al.

Well, Britains are not Universal Hobbies, they are not Wiking and they are not Schuco, and I hope they never will be, because if they were, I for one would be unable to afford them.  Get over it, deal with it and move on.  If you don't like them, or feel they aren't good enough for you, well don't buy them, and don't come here constantly grousing about them.  You have ample choice of exceptionally highly detailed models elswhere.

When I started collecting seriously in the eighties, this was a friendly, enjoyable hobby, with a great deal of satisfaction in constructing a meaningful collection. 

Nowadays it is a constant round of moaning and complaining from people who seem never to be satisfied, bitching and bickering about irrelevant minutiae.  The hobby has become largely overblown, unpleasant and depressing, and as I feel right now, I very much doubt if I shall continue to persue it.

My opinion is that the recent items from Britains and Ertl combine an excellent standard of modelling whilst still being easily affordable and retaining some character and charm.  I do not want Britains/Ertl to be driven to producing to the sanitised standard of Wiking, Schuco, or even UH, and thus becoming to expensive for me to afford.

For those who want and can afford near perfect levels of accuracy and detail you now have plenty of choice elsewhere; so leave Britains to do what they think is best for their market, and leave those of us who are reasonably content with what they are producing in peace. 

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Treading carefully here...but the general view expressed so far in this thread seems to have been pretty positive about all the recent Britains stuff with a good dollop of praise for new releases. In this trailer example - I think there's been universal praise of the prototype together with one or two minor tweaks / adjustments suggested - which as Andy points out is probably exactly what Craig and Britains want to help finalise before production (why else would they release pictures of it?)

There are one or two more negative comments but my view is they are the exception rather than the rule and so can be blissfully ignored if we don't agree.

To be honest, based on the quality of my MF and what I hear of the Case/IH models I'm guessing that the model manufacturers are the ones who will be starting to worry. At 13.99 for the MF, that's a great price and means you can have 2-3 x more items in the collection for the same money and a quality that isnt much below what the model MFRs are doing.  I for one am hoping the Ertl NH T8.360 is up to the same standard as this. (Andy - any pictures of this prototype to feed back on?)

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I would certainly agree the comments for Britains are generally quite positive of late from most people on the forum. I would assume this is quite widespread too considering the prices on ebay people are paying the new Case IH items! There will always be those who take a disliking to the Britains models, regardless, simply because they are used to higher detail items from other brands. I've spoken to many people at shows who express an extreme disliking to UH and Wiking too, e.g. too fiddly, inaccurate, fragile and too expensive. At the end of the day, people have different agendas when collecting, which is typical in any hobby, and good for it too, as it generates healthy discussions such as this!  ;)

I do think if there is a glaring aspect of inaccuracy on any model, we are entitled to voice an opinion on it, for any brand for that matter, too! For example, they are excellent models but I do think Britains could have improved the Case / IH tractors slightly by reducing that lever size in the cab. Its huge!

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Going by these pictures of the real thing here its perfect, the rear bit of the silage side at the tops missing to let the door up and over. Tbh its the best half pipe ive seen yet. My only worry is if they get the colouring right.

No, No it definitely doesn't  ::):police:

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No, No it definitely doesn't  ::):police:

It is actually spot on and I would be the first to complain if it was wrong. The front and the pillars are perfect. It was made to their 3d models so unless Kane's models are wrong it isn't physically possible for the model to be wrong.

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It is actually spot on and I would be the first to complain if it was wrong. The front and the pillars are perfect. It was made to their 3d models so unless Kane's models are wrong it isn't physically possible for the model to be wrong.

Ok then, Whatever..  ::)  ::)

You'd think it wouldn't be possible to be wrong, but there you go..  ::)  ::)  :police:

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So, in summary,

Its a toy for some and a model for others

It won't be exactly right to some, but perfect for others

Its a Kane and not a AW

Its blue and yellow, but what shades we don't know yet, or if they are right

Its an Irish trailer

Its named after a scateboard apparatus

We don't know if it will fit onto a Britains tractor yet

The box design might have a picture of a different type of Kane trailer on......or a Marston

Craig will set up a meeting with Andy to discuss the trailer, but delay 5 times until after the model is in the shops

By which time Britains will have released some County's

(Insert stirring spoon smiley)

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Barry you are a legend.  :-*:laugh: :laugh:

Treading carefully here...but the general view expressed so far in this thread seems to have been pretty positive about all the recent Britains stuff with a good dollop of praise for new releases. In this trailer example - I think there's been universal praise of the prototype together with one or two minor tweaks / adjustments suggested - which as Andy points out is probably exactly what Craig and Britains want to help finalise before production (why else would they release pictures of it?)

There are one or two more negative comments but my view is they are the exception rather than the rule and so can be blissfully ignored if we don't agree.

To be honest, based on the quality of my MF and what I hear of the Case/IH models I'm guessing that the model manufacturers are the ones who will be starting to worry. At 13.99 for the MF, that's a great price and means you can have 2-3 x more items in the collection for the same money and a quality that isnt much below what the model MFRs are doing.  I for one am hoping the Ertl NH T8.360 is up to the same standard as this. (Andy - any pictures of this prototype to feed back on?)

Agree with the above post. Yeah course their is some suggested negativity but not as much as the praise to the steps Britains have made during the past year on releasing their catalogued models at least anyway.

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I have spent not very long looking at the photos of the prototype and the photos that Robert posted and have come to this very quick conclusion...

Well if anyone thinks I'm wrong just say...

The first two I noticed straight away where the centre Bars on the Silage wings. These should be the same profile as the centre bar running up the grain sides. On the left hand side its next to nothing in width? And I think from the pictures above that the right hand side one may be slightly wider? Hard to tell exactly, but still not as it should be.. Correct

Next was the fact that there is no top running bar on the silage wing on the left hand side? Its at the very back before the angled section starts but stops? It should run the whole way to the front.. Its just not there???  :-Not sure I follow - Undecided.

Looking at the ram placement its inccorrect. Now I know it would be hard to get the ram exactly the same as the Real one as it sits nearly vertical when down and extends up and then leans slighty back.  Can't tell from Roberts photo to compare.

The hook on the drawbar looks a tad out of place? Looks like a spoon  ;D  Correct - but maybe down to hitch geometry for the Britains tractors.  ???

And last, (I think), Again its hard to tell exactly from the pictures but I'm not 100% convinced on the shape of the body at the front view. I think it Tapers to quickly, To sharp of an angle. Also the same with the front of the chassis.. Correct also tapers to shallow towards the chassis.

Apart from that Shes a grand Trailer!  ;D 

Now some of you will say that I'm being picky and yes maybe I am, But I have spent a long time studying Drawings/Pictures of the Kane Halfpipe so these are areas That I notice straight away, Some of you may not  ;)

So I think the points Blake has raised are very worthwhile. Some may be due to how close dimensions can be replicated the more they are scaled down, some due to playability... others maybe genuine mistakes. Whatever, Blake has studied the photos, trailers and plans himself and has drawn up a pretty good comparison of all and highlighted some parts which he thinks are incorrect for whatever reason. Come release time maybe they'll be gone. ... I'm glad this Forum has people who know 'stuff' as we don't all know everything.

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I edited a better photo on my previous post for some reason i put the same one up twice.

The profile bends on the silage sides look shallower on the sides on both the real one and the model and look thicker on the body, and are also the correct number of 3 profiles on the silage side.

Tapers look fine to me.

Silage side top wing is also missing on the real one too

Being very picky kane trailers isnt etched into the rear door but other wise every bit as good a quality trailer as any of the competitors from uh and else ware at an affordable price

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I edited a better photo on my previous post for some reason i put the same one up twice.

The profile bends on the silage sides look shallower on the sides on both the real one and the model and look thicker on the body, and are also the correct number of 3 profiles on the silage side.

Tapers look fine to me.

Silage side top wing is also missing on the real one too

Being very picky kane trailers isnt etched into the rear door but other wise every bit as good a quality trailer as any of the competitors from uh and else ware at an affordable price

Here here. A fair cop, that.

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I have spent not very long looking at the photos of the prototype and the photos that Robert posted and have come to this very quick conclusion...

So I think the points Blake has raised are very worthwhile. Some may be due to how close dimensions can be replicated the more they are scaled down, some due to playability... others maybe genuine mistakes. Whatever, Blake has studied the photos, trailers and plans himself and has drawn up a pretty good comparison of all and highlighted some parts which he thinks are incorrect for whatever reason. Come release time maybe they'll be gone. ... I'm glad this Forum has people who know 'stuff' as we don't all know everything.

First of all Tris.. Hi-5's!!!!!! Hi-5's indeed, all round  ;D ;D  or well Low-5's  ???  ::)

Anyway, Thought I'd clear the points your not sure on  ;)

First the 'Missing Bar'... Imagine the left silage wing without the angle bit on it.. There should be a bar running right along the top of the side like the Grain side and the right silage wing.. The same as running up the centre only Horizontal..

Best pic i could get showing it.. The thicker bit of profile on the top of the silage wing..


They have got the bottom of the ram in the right place but they have the top of it to far back  ;)

Pic showing the Ram Placement..


And just a pic straight on of one to show the tapers..


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First of all Tris.. Hi-5's!!!!!! Hi-5's indeed, all round  ;D ;D  or well Low-5's  ???  ::)

Anyway, Thought I'd clear the points your not sure on  ;)

First the 'Missing Bar'... Imagine the left silage wing without the angle bit on it.. There should be a bar running right along the top of the side like the Grain side and the right silage wing.. The same as running up the centre only Horizontal.. Got you! I see what you mean now mate.

Best picture i could get showing it.. The thicker bit of profile on the top of the silage wing..

They have got the bottom of the ram in the right place but they have the top of it to far back  ;)

picture showing the Ram Placement.. Again, second time looking and I see what you mean. I suspect (as you mentioned) this is to do with making it work properly in scale.

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Well it looks good to me but there again I am more of a tractor expert ::)  than a trailer one. The only point of concern to me is the drawbar length as the last Britains trailers (Marston) were too long but understanderbly designed to go behind a Britains hitch and the length between cab and trailer was fine, BUT when the trailer was hitched to a Siku model which by design has its hook set further back (my JD 6920) it looked cr*p >:(

The fact that Britains have now copied Sikus hitch means the trailer drawbar is shorter and therefore should look right when pulled behind other manufacturers tractor models ;)

I shall look forward to bying a pair of new grain trailers this summer to go behind my new NH6090s :)

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Okay, maybe a stupid question to some but why is it called a half pipe trailer? Is it because the front half is sort of rounded at the base?

The prototype looks good to me, but then I'm a sparky  ::)  With regard the ram, on the real deal, is this a telescopic affair? If so it would be difficult to model accurately, within the constraints of a TOY.

Are we going to get a metal chassis with plastic float or plastic chassis with metal float as per the Marston?

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Yes the shape roughly resembles half of a pipe due to its rounded profile. I think that is what has been discussed about the ram and similar to why I mentioned the towing eye being the way it is. Some measurements, geometry, details etc undoubtedly get lost in scale representation. Also for certain functions as you say due to it being a TOY need to work so sometimes bits and pieces need re-jigging to make functions work properly. I think it was also confirmed that it will be plastic body, metal chassis too which is good news.

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its a TOY argument doesnt rub with me, with todays technology and manufacturing there is no excuse, Britains were able to do it years ago!!!!!!

As for the price element people seem to forget about exchange rates, trade tariffs etc everything maybe built in China but  where the company is registered can affect the price.

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Seen the new Case, IH and New Holland with loader tractors today for the first time in the flesh. 4 different colors of plastic in the IH. The steering is very poor to say the least and the stickers were falling off all of them in the boxes. The back axle on thr NH was bent, front tyre coming off the rim all made with plastic.

I think Britains have gone backwards, The three were absolutely crap as both toys or models. How can there be 4 different colors of plastic for the same parts????  The rear hitch on the NH was broke also.

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