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Hello from the American corn belt


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Hi all, I'm looking to expand my farm toy horizons and found this great forum. I'm fascinated by alot of the toys from Europe as they are very different then what we get here. I've been enjoying lurking this afternoon and decided it was time to introduce myself.

I am a farmer, we have a small 3000 acre corn and soybeans farm in the Mississippi River bottoms of Western Illinois. I also am a toy builder, mainly for myself but I've been doing alot of others lately. I plan to get back to building for me very soon as I don't want it to become work. My favorite toys are my 1/16 Massey Ferguson 97 with FWA and Stephan plow which looks nice behind the Massey. I look forward to to hanging out on the message board and seeing what you guys have and do.

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welcome aboard! hope you will enjoy your time on here, another 1:16 farm toy collector is most welcome, there are not enough on here of those yet(in my opinion atleast) , you'll see that the main focus is on the 1:32 scale here in Europe and there are quite a few very good customizers and scratch builders on here who show their work...

would love to see what you have built, dont see that many 1:16 custom builts regretfully...

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Hi there & welcome. The model tractor scene in the States as you say is quiet different to Europe & the tractors in reality are also quiet different ,both modern & classic. So it would be great to see your own collection. Post up some pics of the stuff you build & collect as id like to see them. Cheers! ;)

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Well hello, another fellow North american :) Even though I live in Canada my favorite scale is 1/32 and I collect loads of yhe european machinery. I just wish we would have a greater demand for this scale in NA. I am sure that would mean more and better NA models. The Us has to be a luctative market and if 1/32 would become more popular UH and other manufacturers would jump on the bandwagon quickly.

My reasons for 1/32???

I think they are best value for money. Very well detailed and still not too expensive (although some models are getting there). The edge over 1/16? clearly space requirement....

no matter what you are very welcome here and I too, can hardly wait to see your creations.

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I need to take some pictures of some of my custom work as I don't have many. However I hope with in the next few weeks to complete my most ambitius project yet.... a scratch built Minneapolis Moline 604. I will be sure to post it for you guys. So far I really like the way it's shaping up. I love the 1/32 scale and have several pieces in my collection but 1/16 and 1/64 have certainly been my main focus for most of my life. However my 1/32 collection is expanding rapidly these days.

anyway here are a few pictures. Please pardon my photography skills as they are quite lacking.

This is my latest scratch built project. This is a 1/64 Landoll VT plus verticle tillage disc.


This is a recent addition. A scratch built 1/16 scale John Deere field cultivator. I did not bulid this one.



a customized and scratch built 1/16 5020 and plow


My pride and joy. A Massey Ferguson 97 built by Mohr.


another favorite by Precision Engineering


I'll make a point this weekend to get some more pictures of my custom and scratch built items. I have a scratch built disc I'm quite proud of as well as several John Deere 4wd custom pieces that I put a good deal of effort into "making right." I hope you enjoy the pictures!

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Hi all, I'm looking to expand my farm toy horizons and found this great forum. I'm fascinated by alot of the toys from Europe as they are very different then what we get here. I've been enjoying lurking this afternoon and decided it was time to introduce myself.

I am a farmer, we have a small 3000 acre corn and soybeans farm in the Mississippi River bottoms of Western Illinois. I also am a toy builder, mainly for myself but I've been doing alot of others lately. I plan to get back to building for me very soon as I don't want it to become work. My favorite toys are my 1/16 Massey Ferguson 97 with FWA and Stephan plow which looks nice behind the Massey. I look forward to to hanging out on the message board and seeing what you guys have and do.

Welcome aboard Jason...I had to laugh at your comment in bold italics above...since here in Scotland that number of acres would be considered a large farming enterprise really...mind you crop yields are probably totally different between the two countries as well ;D ;D

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Hi Jason and welcome to the forum. Bill beat me to the "small 3000 acre" reply. I was going to say that 3000 acres is considered a large farm here. Having ridden the train through Illinois I have to say it is a beautiful part of the country and the Mississippi is a very impressive river. It was in flood when I was there in 2010 making it even more impressive

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Well another yank, with luke back we'll be taken over the place soon........ :) Welcome aboard...get a good Brit talk speak book your going to need it.. watch out for the MF virus..nasty bug....also stay clear of the anyone in Cambridge or Devon for that matter...nutters one and all...need any advice just dial Pops...oh don't mess with the Aunties either...could shorten your life..... ;)

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yeah 3000 acre is a huge farm here in my parts of Canada as well. Now I have a small farm....100 acres plus rent another 80, milking 22 cows and nothing else.....

I think 3000 acres is even in Illionois not that small, is'n it? Probably just to modest, just like with your models. They are fantastic models. I now am really looking forward to more pictures :)

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Well another yank, with luke back we'll be taken over the place soon........ :) Welcome aboard...get a good Brit talk speak book your going to need it.. watch out for the MF virus..nasty bug....also stay clear of the anyone in Cambridge or Devon for that matter...nutters one and all...need any advice just dial Pops...oh don't mess with the Aunties either...could shorten your life..... ;)

...and what do you mean by that, Pops? I thought we were friends >:(

Edited by Leakeyvale
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Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone. Getting a bit of rain here today so planting has come to a halt. That just means I get to explore this forum a bit more. :) I will post some pictures of the real farm equiptment a little later today. I should probably do that in the "real" section I suppose.

I suppose I feel small because my neighbors farm 5000, 13000, and 15000 acres. It makes our measily little 3000 acres look like a hobby farm. ha ha!

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Hi all, I'm looking to expand my farm toy horizons and found this great forum. I'm fascinated by alot of the toys from Europe as they are very different then what we get here. I've been enjoying lurking this afternoon and decided it was time to introduce myself.

I am a farmer, we have a small 3000 acre corn and soybeans farm in the Mississippi River bottoms of Western Illinois. I also am a toy builder, mainly for myself but I've been doing alot of others lately. I plan to get back to building for me very soon as I don't want it to become work. My favorite toys are my 1/16 Massey Ferguson 97 with FWA and Stephan plow which looks nice behind the Massey. I look forward to to hanging out on the message board and seeing what you guys have and do.

welcome jason. nice to see another new member. i work on a 550 acre farm here in England, what you would probably call A FIELD!! :) look forward to future contributions from you.
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Hey the aunties are my good friends, sorry for the misunderstanding......carried away I guess so glad to see another yank ;) And I thought by now no one takes me serious....

Edited by Rick
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Welcome Jason, you have already answered one question I asked in your other topic, 3000 acres was the answer! :) Is it all in one block? Come to think of it, is the 15,000 acre farm in one block and is it all cropped? The largest landowner in the UK is The Cooperative who own over 50,000 acres and have another 20,000 acres rented from other landowners. That said, just the owned average is across something like 12 different farms right across the country. With so many landowners here, not all of whom actually farm it is difficult to find huge swathes of land in one large farmed block. In some areas of the country though, 3000 acres would be about the norm.

I look forward to seeing more from you. That twin stack JD is mighty impressive as is that Massey. The diorama from what we have seeb so far is also a nice looking set up :)

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Hey the aunties are my good friends, sorry for the misunderstanding......carried away I guess so glad to see another yank ;) And I thought by now no one takes me serious....

Rick how can ANYONE take you seriously. They don't call you Random Rick for nothing ::);D

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Welcome Jason, you have already answered one question I asked in your other topic, 3000 acres was the answer! :) Is it all in one block? Come to think of it, is the 15,000 acre farm in one block and is it all cropped? The largest landowner in the UK is The Cooperative who own over 50,000 acres and have another 20,000 acres rented from other landowners. That said, just the owned average is across something like 12 different farms right across the country. With so many landowners here, not all of whom actually farm it is difficult to find huge swathes of land in one large farmed block. In some areas of the country though, 3000 acres would be about the norm.

I look forward to seeing more from you. That twin stack JD is mighty impressive as is that Massey. The diorama from what we have seeb so far is also a nice looking set up :)

Thanks, our land is all with in about 5 miles of home with the exception of one farm that is 300 acres across the river in Missouri. Our fields average around 100 acres usually with some of the bigger ones closer to 300. The land around here is all cut up because of drainage reasons so fields much bigger then 300 acres don't exists around here.

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Well another yank, with luke back we'll be taken over the place soon........ :) Welcome aboard...get a good Brit talk speak book your going to need it.. watch out for the MF virus..nasty bug....also stay clear of the anyone in Cambridge or Devon for that matter...nutters one and all...need any advice just dial Pops...oh don't mess with the Aunties either...could shorten your life..... ;)

Shhhhh, they cant find out about the plan to take over just yet. ;D ;D

Jason, fantastic work on everything but I love the Landoll. 8)

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Shhhhh, they cant find out about the plan to take over just yet. ;D ;D

Jason, fantastic work on everything but I love the Landoll. 8)

Plan to take over, there is no plan to take over. Or is there......... >:D

Thanks! The Landoll has almost 500 pieces to it. It took me a while to do and it's still not quite as good as I'd like it.

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