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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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I was on duty yesterday morning at the entrance to the Creamfields festival, it really should have been renamed Mudfields!! However, it has rained even more during the night and it is being closed down today.



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Over the past year the outside caters in our works canteen have been trying to be be more profitable with prices going up and also cost cutting like only giving one sachet of sauce with a main meal and charging for any additional ones. Today I grabbed a backed potato added some butter then went for a small salt sack and had to laugh....they have been replaced with a bowl of loose salt.....I had to laugh and thought what can they do next plus loose salt doesnt carry well for folk taking food back to their desks.

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Arriving home from visiting a client this morning and found my front door decorated with a happy birthday poster and balloons


Then inside on the mat was a Kleeneze catalogue and a note saying "happy birthday".

Haven't had such a good birthday for a loooooong time!

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Kleeneze must be on a major customer service drive in your area, Sue!! :D

I have an agent , Jeremy, who has been around for years and years and years... He must have delivered the catalogue after young Natalie :angel: decorated my door (bless her) but just wait until I see him - being sweet and charming will not get him a bigger order! ;D

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Seeing that America is being mauled by a storm with 90mph wind gusts, and the whole countries shut down, Hurricane Baw Bag had higher wind speeds than that, the us needs to realise it just a bit of wind

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little case 4230 i think went past today on the roundabout, laoder up with 2 round bales on the spike, and a rear spike with 1 bale on, well it was till he went over the bumpy bit and the rear bale fell off luckly no one behind him, but he seemed very embarased as he came back round and re hooked it while we stood watching laughing at him

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Today I went to the Model Fair in Elgin on the Moray Coast. Quite a mixed range of models there but no farming ones apart from a stall with three boxed Britain's which I already have. Anyway up stairs there was a bottle stall pick five cloak room ticket numbers ending in 0 or 5 and win a prize for a £1. Well the third one I picked I said third time lucky and it was....I then said I'll bet its a bottle of water....I really did tempt fate and had to laugh when it turned out to be a 500ml bottle of Highland Spring Still water ..Ii just had to laugh and then I looked across at Charlie Christie aka Skitterbox Chas and well he was sitting there laughing his headoff. Anyway it gets better No 4 was a jar of kids sweets including drumsticks etc which well I like since I still have a sweet tooth ;D ;D

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