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Being woken at 6.45 am on a Sunday morning with the farmers snow plough >:( >:(

Having said that both the farmer and the council man in his Kubota do an excellent job keeping the streets and pavements clear here in Drumoak.

Never mind now I'm up I might as well get on and get going with some paperwork sorting.

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Being woken at 6.45 am on a Sunday morning with the farmers snow plough >:( >:(

Having said that both the farmer and the council man in his Kubota do an excellent job keeping the streets and pavements clear here in Drumoak.

Never mind now I'm up I might as well get on and get going with some paperwork sorting.

Kubota has been out here but that is it have not seen a big plough since the snow started. Car is on the drive and there is no chance it is going anywhere. Road to Huntly which is a main road is attrocious at best wife is getting to work with a work colleague which has helped. Just wish this snow would go away... Global warming my a**e >:(  We in Aberdeenshire have only had 4 months without snow.

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Being woken at 6.45 am on a Sunday morning with the farmers snow plough >:( >:(


aint you up every day earlier than this so you can get that prized single parking space at work anyway bill :D :D :D  heck week or so ago you were moaning they hadnt done the road and pavements  ::) ::)::) ::) , we aint even got a grit bin and we live in one ofthe hillest parts of the country

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realising i have another week till xmas & another week again till new year,  ::)

can't wait to get back to normal to see alll these jolly ho, ho , ho types have the smug xmas spirit wiped off their faces back to the humdrum mundane look they usually have  :)

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bloody aunty and uncle came round to deliver my birthday presents for tomorrow and then proceeded taking the front mudgaurd of the t6090 with the bul bar on there free-lander looks like tomorrow i'll be fitting a new mudguard 1st then going to cart box muck to the maize fields  >:(

damn i hate this cold weather  :'(

ahhh well atleast i spend a day in a heated cab :P

night all  ;):-*

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Yesterday whilst still on holiday  I started coughing but by 3pm I was shivering and shaving like a leaf so 2 paracetamols and off to bed. Slept till 9pm and then a dose up with Night Nurse and slept until 6am. Today woke up sweating like a pig. A right dose of man flu I would say but hey ho at least it didn't come over Christmas and New Year.

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Yesterday whilst still on holiday  I started coughing but by 3pm I was shivering and shaving like a leaf so 2 paracetamols and off to bed. Slept till 9pm and then a dose up with Night Nurse and slept until 6am. Today woke up sweating like a pig. A right dose of man flu I would say but hey ho at least it didn't come over Christmas and New Year.

I would say that was NOT man flu, Bill.  You obviously were running a temperature and I think you did the right thing.  Hope you feel a bit better now. 

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Yesterday whilst still on holiday  I started coughing but by 3pm I was shivering and shaving like a leaf so 2 paracetamols and off to bed. Slept till 9pm and then a dose up with Night Nurse and slept until 6am. Today woke up sweating like a pig. A right dose of man flu I would say but hey ho at least it didn't come over Christmas and New Year.

i've got that at the minute! paracetomol and nurofen at the same time is just brilliant!

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Do you remember when we showed the chappie in the Peugeot Coupe our boot spoiler in the Scooby that day Ben  ;):P

oh yeah!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Remember the time on the A505 near Baldock when that M5 went past then slammed the anchors on as he thought we were the fuzz! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D::)

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