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we have the 2 cats jabbed with a flee stuff, that lasts 6 months, it works to, very well infact, and they do it for dogs to . will see if i can find what its called, but it costs us 60 quyid for 2 every 6 months, have a feeling the dog ones not far of 40 quid per shot from memory so 6 months for thats not to bad

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Those prices are good, Gav - I've saved the link for next time - thanks :-*

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Trouble is, you kill one batch with a treatment of Frontline, then a few weeks later find new fleas have moved in >:(::)

thats where this jab works, it kills them the min they bite so they get not time to breed or anything, its constantly in the blood stream,  her in doors is prone to flee bites, is almost a walking target for them, and since we started using this stuff she has been bitten 3 or 4 times tops each year, 
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thats where this jab works, it kills them the min they bite so they get not time to breed or anything, its constantly in the blood stream,  her in doors is prone to flee bites, is almost a walking target for them, and since we started using this stuff she has been bitten 3 or 4 times tops each year,

Aaah that it explains it. We've only just de-flead her and she's inhabited again already >:(  Will look at the injections, Sean :)

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Aaah that it explains it. We've only just de-flead her and she's inhabited again already >:(  Will look at the injections, Sean :)

Sounds to me that although you killed the fleas there were still eggs around.  I had one dog that was a nightmare because he always had fleas regardless and we discovered he was a natural "incubator".  The only real cure was the Frontline that can only be obtained from vets - it destroys flea eggs as well as live fleas. 

My problem is ticks and my garden is a breeding ground for them (lots of hedgehogs) I have even had them on me!  Ugh horrible things. >:(

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Sounds to me that although you killed the fleas there were still eggs around.  I had one dog that was a nightmare because he always had fleas regardless and we discovered he was a natural "incubator".  The only real cure was the Frontline that can only be obtained from vets - it destroys flea eggs as well as live fleas. 

My problem is ticks and my garden is a breeding ground for them (lots of hedgehogs) I have even had them on me!  Ugh horrible things. >:(

I use Frontline, Sue - I think she probably picked up something from another dog when we were out walking :-\

What really annoyed me today (and I won't go into too much detail if that's okay) is I'm going into hospital for an op this afternoon following a bit of a health scare and haven't eaten anything for 24 hours. >:(

So if I seem 'off my game' for a day or two guys thanks in advance for being patient!

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I use Frontline, Sue - I think she probably picked up something from another dog when we were out walking :-\

What really annoyed me today (and I won't go into too much detail if that's okay) is I'm going into hospital for an op this afternoon following a bit of a health scare and haven't eaten anything for 24 hours. >:(

So if I seem 'off my game' for a day or two guys thanks in advance for being patient!

There are two types of Frontline - the standard "kills ADULT fleas and ticks" which you can buy over the counter and Frontline Combo which you can only get from a vet and that kills immature fleas as well.  Flea eggs are filled with blood so the immature fleas do not actually feed off the host so a normal spot-on flea control does not work

Thinking of poor hungry you!

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bloody irresponsible young lad i no jd with 2 bailleys trailers on the back today. he had stopped at the local shop to get his lunch or what ever fine, however as i pulled up he returned to his tractor, and decided to reverse the rig out  onto a main road, in doing this he caused a car to brake hard which collected a second car up its rear end ,he clearly heard the bang, as he stopped very quickly, then just stuck it into first and shot off , down the road the opposite way, i had to give a whitness statement to the police when they arrived and luckly no one was hurt, but this little sod needs to be caught ,he had no number plate on the back trailer, or lights hooked up either ,and i didnt see any contractors name on the tractor or trailers either, to try and reverse a tandem trailer rig out onto a main road is just wrong  >:( >:(>:( >:(  it wrong to do even in a car by the highway code , the police were highly impressed that  i knew it was a jd 7530 and a pair of baileys silage trailers on the back minds  ;D ;D ;D  but didnt get the tonnage for them

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took the afternoon off work forthe gas Board to service my appliances etc...and they didn't turn up !

Aprt from the lost time, i'll have to re-book

(but at least the missus was pleased with my bit of gardening instead.....)

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I remember having SSC booked to come out to get us on a proper meter when we moved into our house John, they didn't show so I said I'd bill them for a two days. One for the day they didn't turn up and another for the re-booking.

In the end they agreed to pay our first bill!!  ;):)

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Missed an auction that I really wanted because my 24 hour eBay sign in had expired, I would have bid double what it went for as well.

Reminder to self.....use Snipes next time  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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I'm with you on that - took me ages to get a JD out of the box and there's no way you can put back in again tidily >:(

I agree.  The way most 1:43 scale models are boxed is with a couple of screws - fiddly but not impossible to relocate!  Not just Britains as Siku are the same.  I HATE wire twists!

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The ride-on won't start now! >:(  Because the field exit is about 75% incline, I had to tow it out with the pick-up.

Too tired to look at the mower any more today.

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Soft place on the pit( which i didnt no it was there)    so was rolling the pit and the jcb got stuck and the jcb went down, as it was next to a wall.  The jcb door was hooked up on a iron, so tried to move it and door, the jcb had to draged out

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Bloomin' Sagepay - been waiting 2 months for them to process my credit card facilities for the website and they treat the whole thing like their doing me a big favour. Really annoys me, as I've already been approved by two other companies, but only want Sagepay so I can accept Bank of Ireland Maestro. These companies seem to forget that I'm a customer >:( >:(>:(

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And I've got it all to look forward to again with the other one when I get it tomorrow, I'm afraid it'll be just cut them rather than sit there and undo all of them.

I took the scissors to both of mine to make it a bit easier, although I did save the windows of the boxes which i'm going to attempt to use as cab glazing on my Case IH CX80 project.

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old bugger who decided to park opposite my van while i was working and leave his car there telling me i would have to move if anyone came through????, moved before that happened  >:( >:(>:( >:(  but he went out 30 mins later, so i put the van back, then coned of that side of the road, and put a few signs out, face was priceless when he came back, revenge can be so sweet ,poor bloke had to park 15 m round the corner from his house instead but the fuss he made was something like it was 2 miles

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Seeing the state of my rear tyres just two months after I bought the pick up. Or perhaps I just didn't notice the degradation when I bought it. Anyway a builder friend noticed that the front tracking is out, and that probably accounts for the uneven wear. More expence GAH!!

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