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What really annoyed you today

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Large amounts of steam coming from the DB and a bad noise. Exhuast manifold broke ( where someone had tryed to weld it ) fell into the fan , disintigrated the fan & took out the radiator  :-\ :(

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My neighbour putting a dirty great shipping container in his 'parking space' and against our back wall. What really annoyed me:

1. He never even bothered to ask if we minded.

2. Barratt Homes and the Management Company don't really have any legal jurisdiction (despite all the spiel they give you when you buy your house about what people can and can't do)

>:( >:(

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My neighbour putting a dirty great shipping container in his 'parking space' and against our back wall. What really annoyed me:

1. He never even bothered to ask if we minded.

2. Barratt Homes and the Management Company don't really have any legal jurisdiction (despite all the spiel they give you when you buy your house about what people can and can't do)

>:( >:(

In most cases you need planning permission to put a container down... and, failing that, in most leases their is a clause about not 'spoiling anyone elses enjoyment of a space' - which pretty much covers you for having his guts for garters over this one.

First step - council me thinks !

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In most cases you need planning permission to put a container down... and, failing that, in most leases their is a clause about not 'spoiling anyone elses enjoyment of a space' - which pretty much covers you for having his guts for garters over this one.

First step - council me thinks !

I think you're right m'Lud... will attack it tomoz. I really haven't forgiven, 'said' neighbour from tearing a hole in the archway of our Coach House - he really is a nightmare!

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I think you're right m'Lud... will attack it tomoz. I really haven't forgiven, 'said' neighbour from tearing a hole in the archway of our Coach House - he really is a nightmare!

coach house? blinking norah where do you live? chatsworth?  personally i'd get the dog to start using his shipping container door as a toilet...

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coach house? blinking norah where do you live? chatsworth?  personally i'd get the dog to start using his shipping container door as a toilet...

Firstly (picking myself off the floor after falling off my chair, laughing)... Coach House is a posh term used by house builders to describe a 'mush less posh' flat over the top of it's own garage ::)

Secondly... good idea... and Frazer suggested 'drilling holes in the top of it' ;)

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If I lived closer Mandy I'd bring my welder and an extension lead round and weld the doors shut on it, that would certainly make life interesting for him ;D ;D

when he is in it of course Gav! :D :D :D :D

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In most cases you need planning permission to put a container down... and, failing that, in most leases their is a clause about not 'spoiling anyone elses enjoyment of a space' - which pretty much covers you for having his guts for garters over this one.

First step - council me thinks !

Definitely contact the planning office.  Certainly in Hampshire and Wiltshire you need planning permission for containers and jack cabins. 

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The dam apache helicopter at 1am doing low level hedge line following and attack hovers about 75 m from the lodge over the field in front of us that was the second in the dark last night and 3rd that afternoon after we watched another at 4ish doing the same. Woke the kids up and my poor bros totally knackered now

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The dam apache helicopter at 1am doing low level hedge line following and attack hovers about 75 m from the lodge over the field in front of us that was the second in the dark last night and 3rd that afternoon after we watched another at 4ish doing the same. Woke the kids up and my poor bros totally knackered now

That would annoy me. 

I also had one "attack" me when driving through the Middleton Estate, I saw helicopters above as I entered the Harewood Forest section and  as I came out from under the trees this ***** helicopter dropped almost onto the roof of the car. My sunroof was wide open and it really startled me making me lose control.  Fortunately there were no other vehicles on the road but it really shook me up and Estate owner (ex-army officer) immediately got on the phone and I received an apology!

We have Chinooks over our village all the time (boy are they noisy) and one night, many years ago I was woken around 2am by the beast HOVERING OUTSIDE OUR BEDROOM WINDOW and the beam from his nose light lit the room like daylight.  Several complaints about overflying private houses went in to the Ministry including one from a retired Brigadier who had had a similar experience to me.  Now, when low level flying they fly away from the road and over the fields especially at night .

I accept they have to train but there are limits surely?

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The dam apache helicopter at 1am doing low level hedge line following and attack hovers about 75 m from the lodge over the field in front of us that was the second in the dark last night and 3rd that afternoon after we watched another at 4ish doing the same. Woke the kids up and my poor bros totally knackered now

Libya training I expect, I'd love to see that. As long as I didn't have work the next day I'd love that!  :)

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Libya training I expect, I'd love to see that. As long as I didn't have work the next day I'd love that!  :)

Sounds pretty exciting to me. We get police helicopters every so often hovering low and using their searchlight over the woods. I find the throb of helicopter rotors quite relaxing ::)

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We used to get apaches from RAF catterick doing that around our really tall hedges all the time, was a real sight to see. Well until one day one popped over a hedge into the neighbours cows and sent them scattering around 3 parishes, after some heated phone calls to the RAF they arent doing low level practise round our farm any more  :P

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They were out again yesterday and last. Night in pairs this time , must say great to watch , apparently they get well low when target praticing but they do pay peter compensation for flattened crops from the downdrafts off them , also had the yank c130 gunships giving it some in the eve you think our lot throw them round from lyneham , well this lot make them look like passanger plane pilots boys were doing 45 degerr banks flat out at 250 ft and some , he'll of a sight

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Old dining table is being collected by a charity.  It WAS in good condition until this morning when I discovered that one or both dogs have chewed a corner overnight. 

Was I annoyed?

Annoyed did not cover it. 

I was absolutely livid

...and depressed to boot

I have never had such a destructive pair of dogs in my life >:( >:(

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Old dining table is being collected by a charity.  It WAS in good condition until this morning when I discovered that one or both dogs have chewed a corner overnight. 

Was I annoyed?

Annoyed did not cover it. 

I was absolutely livid

...and depressed to boot

I have never had such a destructive pair of dogs in my life >:( >:(

I bet they knew it too.......


My Aunt tulip is livid too, her dog has gone missing.... :of

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Old dining table is being collected by a charity.  It WAS in good condition until this morning when I discovered that one or both dogs have chewed a corner overnight. 

Was I annoyed?

Annoyed did not cover it. 

I was absolutely livid

...and depressed to boot

I have never had such a destructive pair of dogs in my life >:( >:(

You have to get the crates, Sue - much less stressful for all of you :-\

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It's what really annoyed me yesterday actually.

A colleague and I were at a meeting in Newbury and we were due to stay overnight at the Travelodge at Chieveley Service area on the M4.

The first problem was that it was a double bed and we had booked for a twin room. Now I know my colleague quite well, but not that well and there is no way that we were going to share a double bed. The room also smelled of dirt and BO.

When we had initially approached the receptionist she said that there was a sofa bad in the room and that was all they had available.

She even laughed out loud at the thought of two rather large middle aged men sharing the bed, I on the other hand was not amused. I asked to see the manager and she said "you can if you want to wait for tomorrow"................by now there was steam coming out of my ears!

However we decided to check out this "sofa bed".

The sofa bed turned out to be a dirty filthy sofa with a rip on the arm and, when we lifted off the seat cushion, there was a used condom packet underneath. Neither of us could fit on it, it was only just about big enough for a 12/13 yr old child.

This was too much  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

To save me really losing it this time my colleague then went to reception.

This time the receptionist was even more offhand and stated that the room had been checked before we got there and it wasn't there then, she intimated that we must have put it there as we didn't want to stay in the room anyway.

Did you know that a volcano had erupted in Newbury? >:( >:( Well yesterday afternoon, it did.

The pair of us stormed out and then drove back to Cheshire as every other hotel in the area was already fully booked.

With the exception of the Spalding Travelodge it will be a long time before either of us stay in one of them again. A letter of complaint has gone in this morning.

>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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Did you know that a volcano had erupted in Newbury? >:( >:( Well yesterday afternoon, it did.

The pair of us stormed out and then drove back to Cheshire as every other hotel in the area was already fully booked.


>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

I heard the explosion! Thought it was the army on manoeuvres. I am only 14 miles from Newbury - approx 20 from Chieveley

I don't wonder that you reacted as you did  - I would have done exactly the same. 

You have to get the crates, Sue - much less stressful for all of you :-\

I most certainly will - I have just caught Spooky chewing a chair AND she opened a package that came in the post.  Can't be having this.  Either crates or I put their muzzles on when I leave them. 

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I heard the explosion! Thought it was the army on manoeuvres. I am only 14 miles from Newbury - approx 20 from Chieveley

I don't wonder that you reacted as you did  - I would have done exactly the same. 

I most certainly will - I have just caught Spooky chewing a chair AND she opened a package that came in the post.  Can't be having this.  Either crates or I put their muzzles on when I leave them.

Their not pups if I understand so what do you think is behind the behavior.....??  There must be a way of dealing with it through training of some kind.. Unless their just too old...........normally dont think a older dog would be into chewing...wonder if it is stress releated from their past?? 

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there was a used condom packet underneath. Neither of us could fit on it

Erghhh.... Yuuuuuuck Mike... what you and you 'work colleagues' do is your own business.... after all... who are we to judge.. but please.... spare us the gory details next time..

PS.. I think Boots the Chemists do them in different sizes for the 'luckier male'  ;)

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