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My Landlady, just as my work starts to pick up she's told me I have to get out of the house as she wants to live here again so now got to find somewhere to live as well!!


Sorry to here that Gav  if you did not have bad luck you would not have any luck at all but I am sure something will turn up,buy the way you did not win the competition up at Lamma (bet you are clad about that one ) 


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very late last night whilst fitting  new sink in my kitchen I stepped backwards and stood on a screw-driver which has gone half way through my foot just near my toes so cant get about at moment and it hurts like hell cant get a shoe or slipper on and to make it worse I got a grain assurance inspection tomorrow and have to walk round farm      

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ouch smithy, that must have hurt like hell, how did you get on today then?


Yes Sean it did had to sit down on floor and slowly pull it out say things I cant print on here . The grain assurance man asked what I had done and told me to go and sit down in the farm house and he would look around on his own and would then come indoors and check over paper work which was all in order so I am pleased to say we have passed again for this year only got my sprayer grandfather rights certificate to get before November 2015


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  • 2 weeks later...

parcelforce,i know its my britains fw 60,2 attempted deliverys,and despite a big note on the door asking them to get any neighbour to sign for it i get ,the card saying couldnt deliver parcel as no one in,lazy gits just keep taking it back to the depot rather than trying a neighbour

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some plank on ebay,I sold two bulk lots of model cars to one buyer for next to nothing really,then he messages me after winning and says you don't offer combined postage and its too much.

I cant change how much it costs to send through a courier can I,and I put please ask any questions on the ad listed for seven days.

I didn't force him to bid on my auction did I,what a muppet.

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5 months after booking our big family holiday for this august, we had a call today from the travel agent saying the hotel we booked for the first week, will not take infants , mm not bad for a family friendly hotel, seeing as we booked a total of 3 child spaces,  we have given them a week to sort it, as very clearly it not our fault, and as we pointed out, the same hotel is still showing as family friendly, with free kids ice creams etc on their website ,  in-fact it offers free kids spaces for certain times of the year. which makes a mockery of the call to be honest. the managers working on the reasons why its cropped up , wouldn't mind if it came up say 1 week after, but we only had a choice of 4 hotels when we booked, and this was the only all inclusive one, hence why we booked , none of the other hotels even came close to what we wanted either  in terms of facilitys we were after     

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Well last October I got told to get rid of our Astra we had as it was burning fuel using around a litre a month. As we were looking for a new car I started looking at some bmw 320d's and ended up getting an SE 320d. We've had it since October last year and has been a great car, good on fuel in comparison to the astra which was a1600 peterol and fast as its the 163bhp, but this morning I decided to go get it cleaned inside and out as the missus is a right mucky pup! So now it's clean decided to take it to the local garage to check the oil/ tyrepressure etc and on the way to the garage all is a sudden there's a massive lack of power, seems like the turbo has gone arrrrhh!!!! So it's now at our local bmw for diagnosis but have been roughly told it will be around £1500 for a new turbo so fingers crossed its not the turbo but it has done 113,000 miles so looking very Likely! So weve sorted out a hire car for 2 weeks boping in this time it will get fixed!! How nice on a Sunday afternoon and just to top it off although it was last weekend the bluming washing machine packed up so that was another £250 out of pocket!!!

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know what you mean Jordan,


I just started looking at maybe getting a brand new van three weeks back to replace my lwb 110 connect only five years old and only done 20k on the clock,this week the turbo has started whistling off trottle in 2nd 3rd and fourth gears at around 2500 rpm and hasn't done it before so has got me worried it could be a big bill to repair although it is running fine no smoke but sounds like I have a dump valve fitted to it ;D

so looking at maybe a new transit custom,new vivaro/trafic although I don't like the look of them or maybe the latest vw transporter,I've lost confidence in my connect keep thinking it will go wrong every time I drive it now :-[ I should take it in to a garage really.

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Vw all the way Jamie I've just got my second well company van but its mine if you know wot I mean! Only thing is the gear box on them but we've had 6 on our firm in the past and only one go other than that no problem what so ever. My last van had 192.000 n me bosses had 220.000 on the clock and we travel all over the country never once worried about it breaking down or owt!! :)my own car I got quoted £1900 from bmw to change the turbo so I said no thanks and got me local mechanic who does our vans to do it and he's doing it for £980 which is a rather large difference! Should be getting it back tuesday:)

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Vw all the way Jamie I've just got my second well company van but its mine if you know wot I mean! Only thing is the gear box on them but we've had 6 on our firm in the past and only one go other than that no problem what so ever. My last van had 192.000 n me bosses had 220.000 on the clock and we travel all over the country never once worried about it breaking down or owt!! :)my own car I got quoted £1900 from bmw to change the turbo so I said no thanks and got me local mechanic who does our vans to do it and he's doing it for £980 which is a rather large difference! Should be getting it back tuesday:)

Done the same with my Defender just before Christmas, was under the bonnet and noticed oil had been running from the turbo so got local garage to change it before it failed. Brand new Garrett turbo with 2 years warranty cost £479 then another £125 for labour and oil which I didn't think was too bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Grrr... It looked as if a woman at work was being bullied by a senior person in her department, so I asked if she was alright, explained why I asked and when she said all was well, left it at that. NOW I've been called to the big chief, told to mind my own business in future and to keep any social content out of my dealings with other staff. Why? Because the person doing the bullying got to hear that I had asked if the woman was OK and thought I was overstepping the mark by checking on her. Considering the department bully never heard my remark in the first place, I feel very annoyed! Sad thing is that I am unable to take it further without rocking the boat for the woman originally being bullied too... Grrrrrrr!

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  • 1 month later...

The brand new printer that I bought on Monday packed up after printing 2 pages this afternoon. By the time I got home the HP helpdesk is closed until Tuesday, sometimes I hate bank holidays >:( >:(

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Just had a big row with the neighbour,turns out the lazy cow came i to our garden at 5am this morn and filled our green bin with all her rubish and also near on filled our brown bin,only found out after we went to put or green stuff in for tommorrow, after a bit of digging in the green stuff we found loads of lettters etc with thier names on, plus address obviously, to top it off as we were discussing,sorry arguing about it, the guy across the road came out and confronted her as he watched her do it,as he goes to Work at 5.30 and she also put 2 bags in his brown bin. Needless to say all the brown bin bags are sat in her front garden, and all the green stuff is in bags now , also dumped in there along with a e-mail sent to the council, as we suspect she will just dump it near someone elses bins, currently enduring her daughter playing some cd up pretty dam loud , and all sorts of banging on the walls, just because she was to lazy to put her green bin out 2 weeks ago and her brown bin laxt week and got caught out, suspect the threat to call the police didnt help from the other guy,plus the threat of a lawyer over trespass ,i wondered what woke me up at 5 this morn to,but couldnt be arsed to get out of bed ,next time i will

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another eBay whine. Won a trailed pottinger forager for little money last week, I hadn't been notified that it had been posted so yesterday I sent a polite message asking when it would be sent, this morning I have an eBay message telling me I have been refunded due to lack of stock. On a second hand item, what a load of rubbish, it is because it didn't make what you wanted it to mr/ mrs hillside5-2007. I have not even had message from the seller giving me an explination. Let's see if it is relisted. Grrrrrr

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  • 4 weeks later...

BT openreach or whatever they call themselves, Phone line keeps dropping out and so does broadband, after speaking to the useless automated voice, eventually, get put into a queue to speak to an "advisor", several times now, but the phone cuts out before you get someone to answer.

Or sometimes it does an automated line check and tells me there is no problem and threatens me with a £130 bill if there is a fault with my equipment.

I just need to speak to a human......

BT bunch of t*****s

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a frustrating day, started a new job last weekend but had forgotten some stuff from home, weekend off before we get busy so come home for a couple of days. Forgot to bring some bits of paperwork home with me, bugg£r.

Then have a leccy bill to pay, Npower have billed me the wrong amount, just another reason that I will never use them again.

Finally I've moved between 3 addresses in the past 6 weeks, forgot to change the address for some postage so now got to try sort that out as the letting agents won't forward mail.  >:(


One of those days I guess

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fuming today rather than annoyed received a letter in the post regarding our autistic son who we had been applying for extra help in school and classes to attend after school to help him along his way ,only for some pen pusher to tell us he doesn't need extra help even though we have letters from four different groups of medical and social workers stating he does need help theres steam coming out my ears at this moment in time I can feel a good old battle ahead

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