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Re: the picture Joe posted.

I don't wish to sound sexist but have the rest of you noticed that an awful lot of women have a very hard time choosing underwear that fits properly  ::) The above problem, bras that are too small etc, what's with that?  ;)

Are you complaining TOG  :D :D :D

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Riding my bike through the trees with the kids yesterday pm... turned back to look what was happening behind me... turned back to look forward again and copped a low branch right smack bang on the eyeball - it's killing me now  :'(

Its a classic  :D :D :D

Couldn't happen to a nicer chap  ;)

I owe your kids big time  :-*

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Riding my bike through the trees with the kids yesterday pm... turned back to look what was happening behind me... turned back to look forward again and copped a low branch right smack bang on the eyeball - it's killing me now  :'(

There is a moral to this tale - something like  "he who does not have eyes in the back of his head should always look to the front, especially when riding a bicycle"

Having said that I got draped OVER a large branch when out riding one day having looked behind me at the wrong moment.  Plus side is that unlike a bike a horse has got some sense and that one backed back and collected me!

Hope the eye gets better - must look after the peepers

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Riding my bike through the trees with the kids yesterday pm... turned back to look what was happening behind me... turned back to look forward again and copped a low branch right smack bang on the eyeball - it's killing me now  :'(

You do any damage to the specs Mark ???

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;D you would think with the fame and fortune she must have from Scrapheap Challenge, that she'd buy some undies that fitted too  :P

Just for you men

There are two principles involved in choosing underwear and it is not price-related.  It is a case of looking smaller in some areas and larger in other so a lot of women (and men for that matter) beleive if they squeeze into a size smaller they must BE smaller.  The exception is in the bra region when squeezing into a smaller size means they look larger. 

Convoluted logic but there it is but as the man on the advert says "It doesn't work that way"

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Just for you men

There are two principles involved in choosing underwear and it is not price-related.  It is a case of looking smaller in some areas and larger in other so a lot of women (and men for that matter) beleive if they squeeze into a size smaller they must BE smaller.  The exception is in the bra region when squeezing into a smaller size means they look larger. 

Convoluted logic but there it is but as the man on the advert says "It doesn't work that way"

Grief Sue... what an education - I shall bear that in mind next time I'm in the lingerie department :D

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Grief Sue... what an education - I shall bear that in mind next time I'm in the lingerie department :D

I would have thought you would know that!  MISS SUNSHINE!

Phantom name-changer is at it again!

come on girls we all know there's only 2 sizes of knickers, the first is "bridget Jones" size and then there's the piece of bale twine size  ;D

you have read Bridget Jones?  :o :o

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