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Callum’s collection


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5 hours ago, justy 46 said:

Very nice collection you gave there Callum. Your taste in collecting is very similar to my own.  Some vintage Britains and some modern classics off all varieties. 😄

Thanks    I’ve a good bit of unboxed Britain’s but wanted to get all the stuff that I had as a child or wanted but never had in boxes    50% of it is from my child hood collection tho I always kept the boxes and looked after things   

Yea I’m not exactly brand loyal but do like john Deere ford and Massey 

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Landed in the loft again

its not ideal having to work between the roof trusses but it is what it is 

Ive found it hard to decide what stays in boxes and what doesn’t.  The space just isn’t ideal but I’ve tried to make the most of it 

this little display was just a quick test of some ballast I bought and makes a good home for some of my original (and favourite Britain’s models) D4E3678E-9F0B-4A6F-96D4-96E75D6C571B.thumb.jpeg.7b089b223e4d75fde4e3168113c0b95c.jpeg 

Some of my unboxed implements 413C9449-2B71-4B97-9BA9-A3817CE30D39.thumb.jpeg.0df57609593133dbee7a65aefad2f051.jpeg

I’m not happy with how things are set out at all but it’s a starting point   















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Thought I would put some pics together just to show the way I’ve used the space.     The bigger shelf with all the silage gear etc on is removable to get into the boxes underneath and behind etc.  I plan on making field dioramas for that areas.   Down the opposite side is space for displays  and then the shelf underneath.  I will make another section of removable shelfs like the opposite side for that aswell  the shelf’s also hide the boxes that look messy. 

the trusses and angle of the roof does hinder what you can do but I’ve done what myself and dad thought would be best use of space to make it still display nicely.

 It wasn’t a bad job to put it all together and in the grand scheme of things only cost me paint and I think I was 10 or 12 sheets of ply.  I had the carpet and the floor boards. 

I need to add more lights that are not natural and spread out better so any pointers would be nice 








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Some other bits of my collection around the house.  First is a model of a friends 35x with Duncan cab  a 6300  (spent a lot of time with one at the dealership I worked for) and a vicon spreader as this was the first real implement I bought 


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Then I have a fantastic picture by Steven binks   Of a Ford FW-60 ploughing outside boreham house.   I’ve always loved the fw range after seeing an excellent picture of one in classic tractor when I was younger  this has snuck into the sitting room. Not sure what my fiancées thinks of it but I like it haha 125DF35F-D8D0-4797-A6F2-A4FB39C539B2.thumb.jpeg.d25651eb806c9e1f66adbacbc6d7eff9.jpeg

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