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Shopping this a.m and then back home for hot cross buns  :P Then the inlaws came down, Traci and her mum sorted roast lamb while me and her dad finished the paving on the patio. Got to point it and move the sleeper edging in a bit somewhen before we make a start on the path. Cherry pie and custard for pudding, washed down with a bottle of Old Rascal. Now catching up on here and doing the skylights in the other side of my beef shed  :)

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Went to Plymouth today, walk round the Barbican, Capn Jaspers for lunch, followed by a bit of shopping to keep the other half sweet.

Thought of Rick when walking past the spot where the Mayflower set sail  :laugh:

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Watched some football on the box with my Dad this morning then surfed the 'net this afternoon. Couldn't watch TV here, I knocked the satellite dish off the house yesterday while pushing snow away from the house with the tractor.  :-[      At about 4.00pm I remembered I had cows to haul for neighbours at 1.00pm.    :-[  abl**dygain !! When I finally got there they were totally cool with it. I said I'd do it for free, not a chance they said, they were here working anyway, knew I'd show up eventually. I still feel like an idiot and didn't really earn the payment so I've decided to donate the proceeds to the Red Cross for the Japanese earthquake victims.

Not one of my stellar weekends  ::)

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Preparing to move from home in light of Mum and Dad's decision to put their house on the market. I've been offered a place to share in an old converted brewery house with a lovely young lady i've known for a while who's agreed to take me in, model tractor collection and all. Hoping to be settled in just before Spalding. :)

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first day back at work today, not to bad, have rodded and roped 2000m ready to pull a cable in, which for two guys that are usally holiday cover for cabling is better than the regular guys, so best slow down now as neither of us want to do that job all the time

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got 1500m of the cable in after yesterdays efforts only to have the rodder decide to blow the hydrallic power unit that runs the winch blow its contents out all over the verge we were parked on, after a hose blew,luckly no water arround, but seeing as its the spare rig, theres no spillage kit in or anything, so we had to call the council out with the stuff, which will cost bt ,approx 75l of oil to clean up, then had to clamber underneath it and do a tempory repair to make it driveable back to the yard, so we cut the burst hose in 2, and forced a bung plug into each end and then sealed it off with a special tape we use, cable strapping the ends up the the chassis, which the garage reconed was very professional, last one that blew the  guys had it recovered on a flat bed artic

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Off to Tilbury, MF595, Claas Markant and a Mitsubishi crew cab to drop off at different berths. After that, up to a veg farm near Sutton in Cambs to pick up a Bateman RB55 which looks like a monster! Bit different to my usual hauls, eh?! :of

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Off to Tilbury, MF595, Claas Markant and a Mitsubishi crew cab to drop off at different berths. After that, up to a veg farm near Sutton in Cambs to pick up a Bateman RB55 which looks like a monster! Bit different to my usual hauls, eh?! :of

Dangerous Dave for luncheon Mr Trissle ???:P  :-*
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Had a pig of a day. Held up at the docks, the Mitsi had a flat battery and the berth where the 595 was being left is reknown for it's time keeping >:( Road between Chatteris and Ely was closed so I got tangled up in the school run in Witchford (??), accident and subsequent lane closure on A1M and then to top all that, the M4 was closed. My 15hrs was up at Reading services, probably had an hour or more driving left! ::)  >:(


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typed 1800 words of a 2500 word essay. hoping to finish it tomorrow morning then start another 1500 word essay....

just learned that UCU are striking on tuesday and thursday next week. bearing in mind i'm only in uni on mondays tuesdays and thursdays, i'm not best pleased!

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doing/writing up labs for uni..... only need about a page which is mostly taken up by a diagram. hoping to get  2 out of the way today, might start writing up the practical test which requires full academic format documentation. Pointless really. If i get that lot done some more of my honours project report. yes yet another full academic format document of 35pages minimum length.....

So if you send me your paperwork itll be going on the ever growing paper mountain awaiting incineration processing!

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undergoing some form of academic meltdown. got to 2000 words last night went to bed, got up, decided i'd missed the point entirely, re-wrote, now on 2100 words and contemplating a few pints tonight for st paddy's....

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Had a lay in 'till 7am in Hotel de Scania dans le Reading!  :laugh: Polished the dash and mats, fitted a new bulb on a trailer marker and left at 8am. Back in the yard at 9.30 to unload the Bateman. The rest of the day was spent chain harrowing again with the 298. Tomorrow I have to pick up two cross hire machines and deliver to a customers site then hop on off to the Taunton area to pick up some machinery.  :)

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well i was at the same place as CMB only i was turning down some bar on the lathes this morning and then was on clutch adjustments this afternoon, we then had to empty the workshop, so i drove out one of the tractors we were working on, i parked it up, pulled the stop cable and the whole cable came out! so i thought about stalling it and then i thought no that would just be embarrassing! so got out and pulled it by hand

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Been on here. Packed for the weekend away washed car and thinking about heading off for a pub lunch at Strathkinnes in Fife and meeting mr softie and then away to have a afternoon of vintage tractor model viewing and comparing them to the real deal 8)

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