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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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:) Bit of a special day for me today really,It's my stepson's birthday,it's also his new wife of eleven month's birthday,and,it's also my sister-in-law's birthday,and,had my late Mother still been alive,it would also be her 100th birthday today,so taking the young couple out for a nice meal / shampoo / flowers to my old mates pub this evening,The Crees Inn Abernethy :)



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Oh that is a lot of special coincidences Joe...I hope you enjoy the evening and I hope to see you at Perth next weekend at the G&M event at the Holiday Inn Express in Perth. I have heard there are quite a few Scottish FTF members planning to attend 8)

And on a positive note I had planned to work from 6 am to 12 noon today but well I awoke early and was keen to get going so I was in at 5.30 am and out by 10 am.....4 and 1/2 hours but that will count as a day off in lieu in my books after the Perth event next weekend 8)

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Sorting out my model insurance. Underwrites which used to insure is no longer offering the policy that covered my models out of the house and with public liability at shows. Found a new policy so busy completing all the forms and reviewing the valuations.

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currently sat on the balcony of my hotel room, in ventnor, on the isle of wight,with a second pint of stowford press cider, browsing the menu for me tea in a bit, can see the 28 day ribeye heading my way mmmmm, and the suns out to whch is even better

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Gorgeous morning; sun shining; cool but not cold and my dogs decided they did not want the usual 2 mile walk and set off briskly out of the village heading north towing me behind (well not exactly but they seemed determined). Ended up doing the 3 miles out onto the old Roman road circling back home via the permissive paths that the local farmer created along the field boundaries (7 miles of them in all - good man!). As it was relatively dry underfoot it was a really pleasant walk.

Did not meet any of the local racehorses fortunately, as that usually means I have to squeeze into a hedge to let them past if I cannot find a gap. Racehorses tend to get very lively when presented with a day-glo jacket and two dogs; and when there is twelve in a string it is safer to get out of the way. The stable-lads are courteous, though, so I do not mind giving them space.

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Got up at 8am enjoying a nice lay in, washing on, woodburner cleaned out, cooked breakfast cooked and eaten, washing up done and kitchen cleaned. Done a bit of training with Zia and now having a sit down before going off to Pets at Home to get a bigger dog crate and then heading off to puppy class :)

Here's hoping for a slightly less hectic afternoon!

What says you Zia?


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Today my friend asked me to collect a sofa from Ramsgate but got caught in a traffic jam for 1 hour while the Richborough Sandwich chimleys a former power station was demolished took years to build lasted over 50 years demolised in 30 seconds .

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Been flat out today woke up with a bit of a sore head after the night before a few to many ha ha! after I got I bite to eat I was up and running so the day started by me painting a set of row crop rims for my UH 3080 then dug up all my veg beds clean up around them picked up mrs Nats from the town as she was up shopping put in silage for my dad in the 375 fired up the 3085 pulled out the slurry pump and tanker as we may hit the slurry this week if the weather holds up so busy busy busy for me

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