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blimey scott, sorry to hear that mate, do you think you will stay in farming?? or try something new

blimey scott, sorry to hear that mate, do you think you will stay in farming?? or try something new

I have a lead which is attatched to farming at the moment but it is in the pipeline at the moment, Only phone conversations so far.

But I don't know what is going to happen yet and in this climat it is a bit of a sphincter twicher.

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I have a lead which is attatched to farming at the moment but it is in the pipeline at the moment, Only phone conversations so far.

But I don't know what is going to happen yet and in this climat it is a bit of a sphincter twicher.

sorry to hear that,happening to a lot of people at the moment,my place of work is very steady at the moment,hope it all works out ok for you
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Dry day so picked more raspberries off the short row in the garden before the blackbirds have them all. Took off 5lb and have just finished making into jam, ended up with 8 pound jars. That's 22 jars of jam I've made to date.

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I suspect that my Sister-in-law will be devouring most of it!, she eats it straight out of the jar with a spoon, most of it never sees a slice of bread, she's already eaten a jar of gooseberry jam I gave her three days ago. No, I'll sell some of it and give some to other family members, that which I shall sell will pay for the sugar, other than that there was no cost involved in the making of it. My Mother used to make her own marmalade, every January when the Seville oranges came in she would buy a half hundredweight and about the same amount of sugar and spend a week shredding the oranges and making the marmalade, that kept us going for almost 12 months on our toast every morning, I just buy ready made now I'm here on my own, it works out cheaper than making it, use about a jar a week on my 4 rounds of toast every morning plus I keep the jars for my jam making. I don't buy that sickly sweet jelly like stuff that's a poor excuse for marmalade, that which used to have a Golly on the jar, you know the stuff, I like it a bit stronger with a bit of rind in it.

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Not today , but tomorrow.....me and Mrs R are off to the The Open at Royal Lytham and St Annes, well, it's only 30 minutes away so it would be rude not to ;D ;D ;D

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Not today , but tomorrow.....me and Mrs R are off to the The Open at Royal Lytham and St Annes, well, it's only 30 minutes away so it would be rude not to ;D ;D ;D

Used to go on holiday to Lytham as a young kid :) brings back some happy memories there was a cafe that did lovely lemon drizzle cake we would always go to :)

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"Dog" lawn was dry so I got out the Flymo and CUT THE GRASS! However it is becoming dull and humid so I think I have caught break in the weather perfectly

has the "dog" lawn got lots of yellow patches all over it??

We had my Parents 2 Sprockers for 10 days recently, left the lawn in a right mess!!!!!!

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has the "dog" lawn got lots of yellow patches all over it??

We had my Parents 2 Sprockers for 10 days recently, left the lawn in a right mess!!!!!!

Not a lot of yellow this year as there has been too much rain but I have a permanent bare patch favoured by Spooky. Next time the dogs stay keep a watering can handy and soak the area immediately after it has been used to dilute the urine.

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suffering today, after deciding to drink a lot more than planned last night at the bbq, was ok until i though neat vodka was a good idea whilst in a drinking contest with a friend, that combined with the 9 bottles of thatchers i drank before resulted in a very thick head today ,but i did manage to stay upright unlike the other contestant, who fell onto sohpies bouncy castle ,blowing the seams on one side and deflating it rather rapdily

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Well today I have been tidying up the homestead farm ready for the end of september, When I shall become redundant SMurF after 22 years in this job. It was quite a shock when I was told but not realy unexpected considering what my job has turned into over the past few years, Turning from a farm worker into a carer whilst trying my best to keep the farm going as smoothly as possible.

It is amazing how much junk can be accumulated over a 50+ year residence on a farm, And the time it takes to sort through it all.

At least I'll have a good memory of the place as It is where I based down at smurfs on. I may have worked there for 22 years full time but I am the 3'rd generation to work there spanning over 50 years and as so I have grown up on the farm since a baby.

But all things must come to an end I suppose and here's to finding a new avenue of life to follow. To which I have a few leads at the moment and we'll see what pans out.

Regards Scott

Sorry to hear that, Scott. What a shame it will come to a close for you and I wish you all the best after September.

Shall I send the lowloader up?

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Today as with the last two days, I'll be shaking out hay. We've thirty odds acres in the barn, 50ish cut and of that about thirty shaken out. That will be shaken out once more today by me, then rowed up by another chap for the balers. While I go on shaking out tomorrows work twice. In all, 200ac to do but this week we'll aim to bale up until tomorrow and then look at the weather as it is mean't to change.

Fleet this year is:

6180 mowing.

390 shaking out.

399 on haybob.

698 and 6160 baling.

165 Farmhand loading.

590, 290 x2, 390 trailering.

JCB 531-70 on a 12 plate unloading at the barn.

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