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I'm in the middle of a 24 hour blood pressure check. What a faff! Woke me up every hour through the night, I can't take a shower, every 30 mins I'm supposed to sit quietly while the machine does its stuff, pipes all over the place, getting caught up in (what remains of) my muscles... I hope it's worth it! It seems I may have 'white coat syndrome'... Basically nervous of doctors. Who wouldn't be? ::)

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I have been helping my mates at BARKING ENGINEERING we had to fit a liner inside a chimney then fit a double sided wood burner so it would heat both the bar and dining area .Working in a pub for two days was great  fun cherry picker outside to reach top of chimney was not so good as it was raining and bit windy

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I have been helping my mates at BARKING ENGINEERING we had to fit a liner inside a chimney then fit a double sided wood burner so it would heat both the bar and dining area .Working in a pub for two days was great  fun cherry picker outside to reach top of chimney was not so good as it was raining and bit windy

Forget the work Smithy i bet you was on the ale? :)

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This morning I went out to start hanging the Christmas lights around our village with a gang of other lunatics, er, like minded people. You wouldn't believe the number of people who asked, "Are you putting up the lights, then?"! Second favourite comment was, "What do you want to put them up in October for?"... Do they not realise that it only gets done on Sundays, when we are all free and the official 'switch on' is in the first week of December! I've never seen a Christmas Lights Fairy in these parts...


As for the traffic... The very gobby lady who indicated to turn left, to get past our traffic control person, then cancelled her indicator and drove very fast through our efforts to avoid a short detour! If I ever see her again... Big Mitsubishi pickup! Grrr...


Also Grrr.... was the older driver of a 4x4, who thought it was OK to ignore the stop signal and edge through bit by bit as people got out of the way, only to meet the oncoming traffic who were green lighted anyway. What is wrong with these people?


On the other hand, my arch-enemies, the lycra clad cycling brigade were happy, jovial and waited as long as it took for us to sling a catenary wire over the road on a nasty bend. Thanks to them - and I NEVER thought I'd be saying THAT!!!

Edited by bigbear
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Been back and forth to the hospital the last few days after the wife was told she required a major op , only got told last Thursday due to the nature of the problem they decided to op on Monday , it would have been sat or Sunday had the theatre been avaiable , initial outlook is good and it seems it's been caught early , but now got a two week wait till we get the all clear from cancer . All of this has pretty much happened since we got back from holiday so 3 weeks max and come as a bit of a shock

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Been frantically looking for one special item in my collection which is still mainly in the transit boxes from when I moved.  I was panicking because a) I need it and B) it is REALLY special and I would be devastated if I lost it.


I did find it after several attempts (one not a few hours) and it was "hiding in plain sight" all the time.  What a relief!


My Suffolk Punch foal is now reunited with its mother, the Suffolk Punch mare.

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Nearly completed boxing up my collection to go into storage, and eventually my new flat in December.5

It took me about 6 weeks to pack mine but it has taken even longer for me to unpack - over 12 months and 70% is still waiting for a home.  My cows are being patient - I haven't checked the bulls but they are going to be a handful when they are finally let out!


Good luck with the move

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It took me about 6 weeks to pack mine but it has taken even longer for me to unpack - over 12 months and 70% is still waiting for a home.  My cows are being patient - I haven't checked the bulls but they are going to be a handful when they are finally let out!


Good luck with the move

Thanks Sue, I really don't know how much of my collection will see the light of day in the new flat yet as I haven't measured the space, but I've packed 20 large (30cm/45cm) boxes in a similar time period. Not got a huge amount of figures and animals and they don't take up much room, so they may be first to be released!

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I went and helped one of my neighbours by drilling 20 acres for him as his own tractor a CLAAS ARES 656 RZ has broken it crown wheel and pinion in its back axle also standing in his yard was his RENAULT 90-34 TRACFOR .The CLAAS 620 ARION was a hire tractor to cart his sugar beet into Bury St Edmunds beet factory

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