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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Managed to avoid kerb and carpet face after a lads night down my local last evening just not the sore head from my fodder of amber nectar and other sugary liquids when I awoke. Nothing that fried food and tea couldn't fix. Spent the morning jumping up and down in annoyance at the score in the cricket whilst catching up with first couple of days action in the PDC World Darts Championship. Spent the first part of the afternoon playing with my new toys in my collection which i'm now about to photograph.

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Cutting up this "little" tree trunk with a chainsaw, 10 large wheel barrow fulls so far and at least the same amount again left in it. Really should be sitting indoors resting my leg given I have tendonitis in it at the min but I got bored, no doubt I'll suffer for it later ::)


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Yeah it is Marky, its the top half of an ash tree that fell down back in the spring. It was as much as the teleporter wanted to carry the 2.5 miles down the road from where it was to my house, was an interesting trip given it was about 4.5m wide coming down the road in the muck grab :of;D ;D

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Nice bit of ash Gav. Hope it isn't too seasoned, green ash is as good as dry beech. It gives off a tremendous amount of heat. I thought you were off work at the moment?

Today is the first Saturday at home since. . . I don't actually know. A two day weekend, weird or what!! :of Tracis birthday so after a somewhat short lay in due to her excitement at the snow I was up doing breakfast, tidying house after a few tinnies last night with friends. Then the inlaws came round, then Tracis sister and co and just as they all left my Mum and Steve came round. Steve looking well having been at work and regained three stone in the last two months. Just got back in after treating Traci to some posh nosh at a country house resturaunt. So basically, she has been spoilt rotten!!

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hope traci had a good day mr trissle!

as for me, chilled with the family today, went for a winter walk at calke abbey and staunton harold, then to the pub tonight for a cheeky pint with my mate who i'd not seen since september! I arrived at the phantom 11pm, there was some unconscious guy on the floor outside, riot van and a few police officers walking around/ escorting a couple of lads out.... remind me why i came home? oh and the c2 has blown a headlight bulb, to add to its current list of faults...

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Nice bit of ash Gav. Hope it isn't too seasoned, green ash is as good as dry beech. It gives off a tremendous amount of heat. I thought you were off work at the moment?

I went back on Monday Tris, currently suffering from tendonitis in my right knee though, turns out its a side effect of the antibiotics I was on.

The ash is fairly well seasoned having been laying in the field hedge for 10-11 months, never cut ash like this with a chainsaw before, the outside is as hard as iron to cut through, in fact its knocking even shades of s*&@ out of my chainsaw chain and yet the middle is as soft as hell, normally ash is a pleasure to process, this is a nightmare!

Just back from the local pub hence my late appearance on here, had a pool tournament up there tonight, I however decided the bar needed to be propped up all night......... :P;D ;D

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just been out twice on the ice, just to prove to the neighbours it can be done, nice and easy ,low revs second gear, in and out, then mr boy racer tries and spins into the kerb busting one of his alloys  ::) ::)::) ::) ,typical every day driving from him ,max power flat out, no smoke no poke, ooooo blimey i am starting to sound irish now :of :of :of :of :of

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no probs, traction control helps, but its all in the driver really, low revs 2nd  gear to pull away in,dont let it spin, you spin it all it does is smooths the snow down to a sheet of ice , then your stuffed,it will burn through, but  it doesnt do your tyres any good, and the water you leave turns to ice nigh on right away to,got  told that years ago by a council critter / snow plough driver we used to live next door to  , and so far not got stuck yet

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Brilliant photo, Kev! Whoever caught that was quick. Looks like you are having fun :) Today was spent cleaning up, moving the rabbits into their new hutch, made a wreath for the door and then we went shopping, drop off recycling, see Tracis Nan, get some logs from her Dads and now making a home made lasagne. Laptop tonight on FTF, havn't been on it for weeks.

Sod it, I'm going to crack open the port too.  ;D

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Following on from Kev on a sledge we took the grand daughter out today however, we couldn't find a sledge so we got a rocking tractor and attached a rope at the front, got to start 'em young  ;) ;) ;) ;)


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Glaring out at the snow which has DARED to keep me off of the road for three days now! My son and heir left his car up on the main road and has been able to get out to work today, so I'll have a go at getting up the hill in my heap tomorrow. Have spent the day under instructions from Mrs. B., getting the house cleared up for Christmas. I've got to get out of here soon, or it'll all go horribly, Shiningly, wrong!

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yeah chin up pingu :).

been doing some more to my layout today and doing a little bit of planning of where to go thats going to give me the most room to keep all of my machines busy will get some pics up tomorrow hopefully got some of my sheds placed but nothing definite as yet

regards Nick

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I was originally planning on finishing my Christmas shopping today, however that was until I woke up this morning with the local lurgy and instead have been endeavouring to consume as much Lemsip and Beecham's Flu Plus as I attempt to get rid of it whilst sat in the warmth indoors.

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Delivering logs today, had a few more hours of snowfall during the morning so plenty of happy customers who have been pleased and surprised to see me. Snow chains have been applied once for a cul-de-sac delivery on a hill. Will be going on late tonight while the going is good. . . ish. :)

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