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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Yes Tris, and would have been the same today were it not for a braking/hydraulic fault found on the NH. I had to run it into TH White near Tetbury and I think that's the last I'll see of her! :(  Alas I haven't had time to master the 3230 Fastrac- and they haven't had the time to teach me, so the summer harvest job is probably off! :(  (T7030 just too slow to keep up). Ah well fun while it lasted..

3230s don't take long to master mate, just have a play with it!

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I can't see to many employers just allowing someone to " just have a play" with something like that , he's ment to be working and so is the machine and it's normal driver , may be worth seeing if they are working somewhere sat or sun when your not chris then just go along unpaid and sit in with the regular driver , shows a bit of willing to learn to so may help with the summer job with them to ??

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Well it's been confirmed today, and I new it was coming really. It's just him and a thousand acres or so, and just one tractor to do most of the work. Besides the JCB still has it's sprayer mounted and there's no way he was going to let me 'play about' with it still attached. In fact I was fitting a ground sheet for the tractor today (a bugger to fit), and it looks like it will be mostly spraying with that one for the forseeable future.

But he has kept my number and will ask his boss if he wants any other jobs doing.

Also fitting some new parts onto the Vaderstad drill this morning, which was fun.

Thanks for the support though fellas, it's been a great week all the same :)

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Not that I'm nosey or anything, well I am really, but just wondered what we were all up to through out the world at this busy time of year ??? ???

Me and me mate delivered 310 bales of hay to a farm this morning. Then after lunch we mowed off another 12 acres for hay and then we went and round baled and wrapped up 10 acres of haylage for some horsey folk. I'm glad i'm charging ?6 a bale as we only got 3 bales to the acre :-\ :-\ :o :o

See it's simple :D :D

With over 1000 pages in this topic, a look back to how it all started  :) :)

Anyway, didn't got to work today as there was not much happening and one Saturday off in ten can be allowed I reckon!!

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last night brake discs and pads all round on a customer car, then coilover suspension all round on a  customer car today. just watching shawshank redemption and youtube tutorials on soldering copper pipe!

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How come there is no job there for you then, the tractor won't be gone long surely?

He wanted me in the Fastrac to keep up with the combine as the distances between fields/silos/farms is significant. My trailer work was pretty good I think, considering I hadn't done much prior to this week, but again he reckons I need more time to get up to speed.

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Been to a vintage tractor/veihcle rally at Newby Hall today, it rained but saw lots of great older tractors and spent some quality time with my stepdad which was good, and I really enjoyed having the day out  ;D

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Ooooh just thought. .. . Off to look at German Shepherd pups tomorrow  :of:) :)

Went to see the puppies, and coo-ed over them for an hour or more! Bit too soon for us as these are ready in July. We had a nice chat with the breeder though and saw both parent dogs who were each stunning - especially Deano the dad. Another litter will be conceived in July which will put the pups weaning date towards October. . . ... which is ideal  :) We're going to keep in touch with the lady and go and see these pups again before they leave so we can see how they have changed from the balls of fluff they are now, only just got their eyes open bless'em!  :) :)

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Feeling a little more refreshed and smelling far better than what I have done for the last few days having just got back from the Isle Of Wight music festival. Had and absolutely brilliant time, despite the contrasting weather, chargrilled nose on the saturday, wetter than a drowned rat yesterday. Pulp and Foo Fighters the highlights. :)

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went to one of 6 depots my work owns, 8-5. organisation of a 9000 product warehouse ready for audit, and fulfilling customer orders. if the manual labour keeps up like this for the next 4 months i won't be renewing my gym membership.

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Took the kids to snetterton then banyan zoo , nice hot tub chill followed by a BBQ and just watched the second appachie doing low level tree line hugging round the farms main field first one was in daylight this ones just left after several tree top stops and stuff

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Took the kids to snetterton then banyan zoo , nice hot tub chill followed by a BBQ and just watched the second appachie doing low level tree line hugging round the farms main field first one was in daylight this ones just left after several tree top stops and stuff

Eh?  ???

And what the hell is an appachie?!  :laugh:::):laugh:::):laugh:

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Took the kids to snetterton then banyan zoo , nice hot tub chill followed by a BBQ and just watched the second appachie doing low level tree line hugging round the farms main field first one was in daylight this ones just left after several tree top stops and stuff

.....and where the devil is that ;D ;D

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