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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Fitted a hydraulic ram kit to the markers on my bed-former after having the markers straightened at a local engineering firm. Had a chat with my boss two weeks ago about them as they were damn right dangerous to unfold, one slip and they landed on you, add to that the fact that they are bending when running with both of them down all the time due to the stresses put on them by dragging through the formed ridge on one side each time and he agreed to look into it. The Reekie dealer had a kit in stock, better still old stock at old stock prices so we had it. Should make my job easier and safer now ^-^

I did pick the right time for the chat......just after a staff health and safety review meeting ;D ;D >:D

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Today well nothing exciting really but needs must. I took my mother up to the village to get./.do things at the Post Office and the combined chemist...then down to the butcher (oh how I love the smell in a traditional butcher's shop...but where has the sawdust gone of late :huh: )

After that down to the next village to visit an uncle and get him stocked up with provisions for the next week etc. Back to the folks and had a plate of homemade soup before taking mum and dad down to Morrison's in Inverurie for shopping. Of late that has been dad's only journey from home but he seemed pleased to get out and about (and no complaints about my driving ;D ;D ). Back home to the folks and well jet washed my car since I have never seen it as dirty in a long time. Apologies this is sounding like a blog and well I don't want that ...one has to learn to sit down ...and well shut up ;D ;D ...thank you and good night ;D ;D

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Got the new Classic tractor March issue. Good read. Nice feature in the collectors corner page about the BRITAINS stuff from 1982 (30 years ago ) . Made me realise how fast things have went scence my childhood. The Class of 82 feature is also a good read.

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Don't work Saturdays if I can help it Bill E baby.... still had a hard day though... walking and then on to training with my faithful hound Patrick.. limbering up for a falling asleep competition with Patrick as we speak... me on the chair... him at my feet on the floor. ready..... steady........ GO

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Worked this morning, winding up at 1pm having delivered 8 loads of logs. Colder air down here this past day or two so orders are creeping in. Way down still though. Came home and dozed for an hour and then went over me Nans via a short walk with Zia up on Salisbury Plain, she loved it bless her. Certainly sapped her energy as she has been very sleepy since and wolfed her tea down. :)

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