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Getting a 4 figure refund from an Insurance company. Got a renewal letter through the post for a policy that should have been cancelled when when we took out a multicar policy with them, Needless to say they were very apologetic and made an immediate refund which was a good bonus for the new year.

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just got the car back, shes had 4 new spark plugs, 4 x new coils, and a full re program of the managment system ,seems somehow it got a glitch in the software which caused it to run rich, this in turn was effectivley flooding the engine and buggered the spark plugs and damaged the coils.its a new on on the bm garage and has been sent to bmw headquaters for their view on it, all covered under the warrently so no cost which is great

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Well what pleased me... just about to go to a meeting... starving hungry... real craving for chocolate.... just sitting here thinking that I don't have time to get to the shop before the meeting.. opens drawer to get pen.. BINGO... B I N G flipping .... O.... there she is.. looking up at me... a Wispa bar.. it may well have been wearing a black basque, stocking and suspenders and yelling 'take me take me'

Happy days :-*O0

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Well what pleased me... just about to go to a meeting... starving hungry... real craving for chocolate.... just sitting here thinking that I don't have time to get to the shop before the meeting.. opens drawer to get pen.. BINGO... B I N G flipping .... O.... there she is.. looking up at me... a Wispa bar.. it may well have been wearing a black basque, stocking and suspenders and yelling 'take me take me'

Happy days :-*O0

Hmmm - I thought you were watching your weight, Marky... :unsure::ph34r:

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My mum who had a full blown stroke 3 months ago is back driving and making brilliant progress :)

AAAAAWH THAT GREAT NEWS i know how bad a stroke can be as my mrs Nats is a nurse a some of the sad stroys she tells me it would make ye cry but thats really great news Lee

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Cheers guys, she has made a remarkable recovery, when I found her she couldn't speak, walk, move her right side amongst several things but she is now almost fully right physically, her speech is coming back too. Makes you really appreciate loved ones (I'll stop been corny now :-X )

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finally home after our lorry mishap, luckly the council arrived to deal with the oil issue so that saved us a bit of time, none made it into the drains as we managed to get our sandbags down in the gutters, recovery guy wanted to tow us all the way back, but once we got it strapped back uop with 3 large ratchet straps we were allowed to drive back, far quicker that way than on the back of a erf rig on a spec lift just ordered a pizza after my tea went beyond saving as sue didnt get my messages

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I had my annual audit today for NHS/Local Govermnent supply standard and passed.... with flying colours really... so I'm well pleased - a real credit to the staff here who do all the hard work in making the place look tidy, well maintained and compliant. O0

Now all I have to do is re-win my current contract with my biggest customer which comes up for renewal shortly and I'll be cooking on gasoline ... or faling that.. in the dole queue with 24 others I suspect :-[ :'(

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My Goldcrest has returned and is dancing on the office windowsill. Oh boy he is handsome and his gold crest is soooooooo bright. Bless him

We've had a few goldcrests in the garden before Sue, but not at this time of the year ??? My mum's even spotted a pair of Firecrests displaying, which I'm told is very rare.

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We've had a few goldcrests in the garden before Sue, but not at this time of the year ??? My mum's even spotted a pair of Firecrests displaying, which I'm told is very rare.

Firecrest are a bird I have not seen and would love to.

I have a pair of Goldcrests that appear to be permanent residents as I see one or the other throughout the year. He appeared a couple of weeks ago and tapped on the window and then went off chasing wives (I suspect) . The year before last they nested in the honeysuckle under the office window and last year I found a tiny little nest deep in another honeysuckle in the garden when I trimmed it back in the autumn. The male is quite tame and has in the past allowed me to go right up to the window wih my camera, The picture MAY be on this forum somewhere. No current photos though as he is being too busy "dancing" and does not stand still for long

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