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i didnt know you were a spurs fan,me too.my brother in law is a season ticket holder.

strange for somebody from devon andy i know,but from about the age of 7 ive always followed them,then as i got older up to watch them Edited by paulali
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From that list it sounds as though you will be even better pleased to go back to work! ;D

Not far wrong, Sue! So far the lime plaster has had a wash coat applied. The gaps around the bottom of the walks have been filled with expanding foam, windows and door frame painted, floor sanded, two new sockets fitted into wall for flush fit and cable routing chased out ready for joining it all up and skirting started. Looks so much different. Skirting to finish tomorrow and first base coat on lime wall to do. Then pop over me Nans :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

just recived this pic from my cousins little one harrison, 3 and a half years old, hes been watching his dad ploughing today in his mf 8480, soon to be replaced with a 86?? so i have been told, apparently the black bit infront of the tractor in the sky is a phesant flying away so hes told me on the phone tonight :laugh: may put it in for the next issue of model farmer infact


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Got a letter from a gentleman today who liked the article I did for SAME tractors in the Model Farmer magazine. He told me a bit about his own farming history and the SAME tractors he has owned over the years. It turns out that it was his SAME 360C that was the model for the Country Artists sculpture called "Breaking New Ground" which is the 360C pulling a four furrow Ransomes plough. 8) 8)

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Today was a day of mixed emotions for me...sad, annoyed and a bit anxious but now I'm quite pleased all is well for the moment.Mum called me just as I was finishing lunch saying that my uncle had been reported missing from his sheltered cottage. A carer had given him breakfast at 6am but when the duty warden called on him just after 9am his door was locked and once inside he wasn't there. She had kept looking back and fore and then around 11am she called and informed the police and then my mum. I packed up work and said I would come out to mum and dads since dad was threatening to take out the car himself. Anyway as I left work I thought would he have decided to go wandering to the farm at Drumlagair of Newmachar...a long shot but I went out past Newmachar and back to Kintore and Kemnay via Hatton of Fintray. When I arrived at Kemnay mum said he had been found to which I said why the hell did yyu not phone me!!!....oh I knew you would be driving...yes but I have bluetooth now!!!.I guess mum was in a bit of a panic as well and wasn't thinking straight.

Anyway he had been found on a remote road which was two miles from his cottage heading towards a quarry. A lady in a jeep had found him lying at the side of the road on a hilly bit with his feet pointing up the road and his head down the way. She kindly took him back to his sheltered cottage. The doctor had been called and mum is just off the phone saying BP ok and no injuries. A lucky escape me thinks but now we need to get the wheels in motion to get him into a home with 24/7 care since he is needing more care than what the sheltered housing carers and wardens can provide.This is the third time he has gone wandering but this is the furthest he had been. What annoys me is we were only told about one other incident until today. Anyway he is alive and safe so all is well for now..

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Very worrying, Bill, but I am glad it is a case of all's well now. The sooner he is in full time care the better. Frankly in this neck of the wood warden controlled care does not work. We have bungalows in our village and the warden was supposed to visit all those in his/her care at least twice a day. Then they moved the warden's accommodation to a town 10 miles away, gave them additional homes to "care" for and the result was NO VISITS AT ALL! Today if someone presses the panic button there is no one to respond as I now believe there are no wardens.

Some care in the community would be useful but the system now relies on the community to do the caring!

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Yes it was a bit worrying Sue since when my mobile rings at work and I see "Kemnay home" calling I know not good news since she never bothers me at work and I can tell by mums voice as soon as I say hello. Anyway mum was saying the doctor was glad to hear Sandy was going into Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for a CT scan on Thursday and the doctor has arranged to get some one to get in touch with mum within a week with the view to getting him into a home with 24/7 care. He has been at Kintore for 3 years and they have been very good to him but he is now in his 88th year and well some days his mind is alright and others you would think he is on another planet. He has worked hard all of his life and even kept a plot going in Aberdeen not long before he moved to Kintore since he used to grow and show potatoes and vegetables at the Aberdeen Flower Show and also various shows in Aberdeenshire . In addition he also used to do various elderly folks gardens even when he was retired since he loved to gardening and to be outside and busy.Mum is next of kin and I am his executor but lets say my five other cousins in the will rarely look near him and I'm the one who takes care of his finances and needs and mum sees to his shopping and washing etc so he might as well spend his money being cared for in a home since well he certainly deserves it. In addition it will be less pressure for me and mum and I was saying ideally we would like if he could get into a home in the village of Kemnay since there are two and both of them are only a five minute walk from where my parents live. Anyway we will have to wait and see but thankfully uncle Sandy was found (by a woman we have yet to trace and thank) and is still alive and kicking and still with us.

Edited by BC
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Today was a day of mixed emotions for me...sad, annoyed and a bit anxious but now I'm quite pleased all is well for the moment.Mum called me just as I was finishing lunch saying that my uncle had been reported missing from his sheltered cottage. A carer had given him breakfast at 6am but when the duty warden called on him just after 9am his door was locked and once inside he wasn't there. She had kept looking back and fore and then around 11am she called and informed the police and then my mum. I packed up work and said I would come out to mum and dads since dad was threatening to take out the car himself. Anyway as I left work I thought would he have decided to go wandering to the farm at Drumlagair of Newmachar...a long shot but I went out past Newmachar and back to Kintore and Kemnay via Hatton of Fintray. When I arrived at Kemnay mum said he had been found to which I said why the hell did yyu not phone me!!!....oh I knew you would be driving...yes but I have bluetooth now!!!.I guess mum was in a bit of a panic as well and wasn't thinking straight.

Anyway he had been found on a remote road which was two miles from his cottage heading towards a quarry. A lady in a jeep had found him lying at the side of the road on a hilly bit with his feet pointing up the road and his head down the way. She kindly took him back to his sheltered cottage. The doctor had been called and mum is just off the phone saying BP ok and no injuries. A lucky escape me thinks but now we need to get the wheels in motion to get him into a home with 24/7 care since he is needing more care than what the sheltered housing carers and wardens can provide.This is the third time he has gone wandering but this is the furthest he had been. What annoys me is we were only told about one other incident until today. Anyway he is alive and safe so all is well for now..

glad it all turned out o.k Bill. good job the winter hasnt set in yet, as if he had been lying by the road next week, with the cold spell coming, it may have been a different story. good to hear that a passer-by stopped to help. if he lived in London he would still be lying there.
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Thanks Chris...things even get better

When I called mum this evening she asked me what I was doing on Sunday and I knew by the tone it was an invitation...so I said nothing planned as such. The delight in her voice said it all ....her brother Sandy and my uncle had been seen by the authorities today and he was making sense and to cut a long story short he is being taken to the Grove Care Home at Kemnay from this Sunday for two weeks to be assessed. The plus point is the home is within a 5 minute or less walk from my parents house in Kemnay. Mum did say the charge was £88.30 a week and I said that is a good deal full board for a week ;D ;D

Anyway I have been speaking to a good lady friend of fine who's mum and auntie were in Aberdeenshire Care Homes and she said 4 years ago her auntie was £ 325 a week when the average in the shire was £ 500. She then said if the person had dementia the weekly cost was in the region of £700 to £ 800 a week.

I have had a look at the Grove Care Home website and they say £ 550 to £ 740 a week....a good going business I would say but I know my uncle has the available money and it would be nice to see he has his time out at this home where my mum (his sister) could walk to daily and well I'm out at the folks twice a week....even dad might be able to walk that far and make a noise with his walking stick ;D ;D

Fingers crossed the home will accept my uncle after what the old horse ploughman has gone through in his nearly 90 years of life, I must find photos of him in the 50's and 60's ploughing or shimming neeps (aka turnips) with Katie a Clydesdale horse which was the last foal on granddad's farm and I recall her being loaded on to a float to be taken to a horse "home" in Perth before my grand dad passed away and that was in 1969.

Anyway better stop now eyes are beginning to fill up.....with good memories

On and Whitney did this one called memories in the 80's...not her best song in my opinion.....

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Been working flat out lifting spuds, got half hour before going out again, then hopefully back for 1 in the morning, farmers decided there going into 24 hour spud picking because of the weather, I'm also waiting for news of the 2013 britains releases in which no one is sharing

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