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Ah cheers for that mark :) :)  Perhaps I'm just wasting diesel then :D  Is it still good practice though to let tractor warm up before working it?? Just curious

DEFINATELY.... NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER (have I labelled the point)... race a cold engine... Oooo that makes me soooo cross when I hear people dong that  >:( >:(>:(

I say to my drivers at work... how would you like me to drag you out of bed from a deep sleep and make you instantly start sprinting  >:

Mrs F has finally been educated... and it only took me 15 years of moaning as well...

Expect when she thinks I'm not listening... then it's... start... and straight to flat out in every gear  >:( >:(

A tiny blip of the throttle usually gets the alternator charging mind you  ;)

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DEFINATELY.... NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER (have I labelled the point)... race a cold engine... Oooo that makes me soooo cross when I hear people dong that  >:( >:(>:(

I say to my drivers at work... how would you like me to drag you out of bed from a deep sleep and make you instantly start sprinting  >:

Mrs F has finally been educated... and it only took me 15 years of moaning as well...

Expect when she thinks I'm not listening... then it's... start... and straight to flat out in every gear  >:( >:(

A tiny blip of the throttle usually gets the alternator charging mind you  ;)

I'd be worried you were in my room in the first place, and I'd be scared where your starting pistol was going  :o:D :D

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Finding my 117 year old tortoise has survived another winter.  Checked his hibernation quarters and he is awake.  Very stiff but has had a bath and is now slowly investigating the spare bedroom.  In a few days he will be banging around demanding to be let out!

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Well, as some of you may of known I had arguments with the family a while ago, felt I needed some independence, it all ended with a big row, and I left home and went to stay with a mate thinking no more of it, well with working part time and spending all my money on rubbish stuff and having nights out and so on, I found myself short of money and strugling along. To be honest I havn't been the same Powerstar deep down since last November, but I try not too show it, you guys have enough problems of your own without worrying about mine too! But as of today, been in talks with mum, sorted a few things out, we're all back to normal, and... wait for it... I'm moving back in!!!!!

By this Friday/Saturday I will be coming live from my hometown on the Exmoor peaks! And now with a full time job with my local agricultural contractors the money is flowing in nicely, and I've also been told that when the new central heating gets put in, the whole garage loft is mine for my models and a layout. If there was a smiley to explain my feelings right now it would be like this  ;D times 999999999999.

Sorry to bore you lot! But it's very pleasing news for me, and i'm a very happy chappy!

Oooh this year is going to be good  ;D


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