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What really PLEASED you?

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Don't drag poor old Ben in to it i seem to remember a topic not so long ago about editing pics out of replies to save sever space  ;) ;) i'll go find it  :D  :-\ nothing against your tractor i would of done the same if it had been a ..........ford  :D :D

Speak for yourself Somerset Boy... I'd like to see Marky's tractor 100s of times over ;D

Well put it up on your wall then  ;) ;)
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Don't drag poor old Ben in to it i seem to remember a topic not so long ago about editing pics out of replies to save sever space  ;) ;) i'll go find it  :D  :-\ nothing against your tractor i would of done the same if it had been a ..........ford  :D :D

Well put it up on your wall then  ;) ;)

In that case... I apologise to Ben... but I'm getting fed up with you picking on me every five minutes... I actually don't have time to read all the posts, let alone faf around, struggling to make sure my replies reach your standard >:(

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well it was nice to see a pic of your new tractor marky but why did you put in the background

i see it comes fitted with a loader  :D :D :D:-*and the red one looks ok to

>:( - N E V E R in a Million years Stevie..

As for you Simon....

just got this Pm from ben...

' Hi Marky... that Simon is a git... did you see the way he 'dissed' our Mandy in the "pleased you" topic just now... I really don't care if Mandy re-posts pictures on here. as, like you... I just love her..

I've got half a mind to drive over to Sommerset and pull his BEEP BEEPING ears off  >:( '

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In that case... I apologise to Ben... but I'm getting fed up with you picking on me every five minutes... I actually don't have time to read all the posts, let alone faf around, struggling to make sure my replies reach your standard >:(

Calm down Amanda  :o :o i was only making a suggestion  :'( :'( and what all this about me picking on you every five mintues  :-\ :-\
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i go and play on the Wii for 20mins and i did what?!!! ??? ??? ::)

what pic was it any way :D :D :D

I'd logged on for 5 minutes after an evening working hard and the first thing Mr M does is criticise my post cos I didn't delete the pic... he's always picking on me Ben... sort him out for me will you >:(

(Love you really Simon :-*)

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Well... we all know I did it for my fave Massey Massive member :-*:-* :-*

...and now we shall see more name changes...

Keep them reasonably close as I have an awful time trying to keep track of who is who (or should that be "whom"?) 

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Re: What really PLEASED you?

Liverpool just beat Villa 3-0 to win the national reserves title having won the Northern section a few weeks back.....some more Silverwear for us....unlike others! :D :D ::)

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Good to see that she is in Mark - but I don't think the loader will fit with those weights >:(

Nope... me neither... still... we'll see I guess...

Just been up to the dealers.... Looks like Saturday at the earliest for delivery.  They are rushed off their feet evidently  :-\

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