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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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  • 1 month later...

So following on from my other post , if i go for it next weekend this would be the next part/section to remove and re yard to match the previous updates, the new look implement barn  , however its not as simple as previous ones as this ones built into the main bord not a stand alone one, sat on top . so my dilema is do i remove it and fit it to a new floor, weather it up and refit into its current location . or do I remove it completely as its always looked a bit new where it is , with the old style piggery behind etc and do something i have been pondering for a while in a new granary building , move the 2 silos  beside this new build ,putting in the mixing unit we used to have to make the pig meal , and poss an internal silo to which in turn means re doing the side where the two old pig units , anderson units and silos currently are , I have some scaleoox blocks left and also recently sourced some moulds so i can make more so i can build it old style to match the current area its in . Another issue i have is getting the new yard section level to each other , i thought the high grip carpet tape i used would be fine but the two new bits done so far have lifted /seperated ?? Any susgestions gratefully welcomed as i will need to join this part  in no matter what way i go with the building its self 


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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

well after a long break,and 30 seconds looking at it whilst putting the xmas stuff away,i now have a gaping hole in the middle of the layout, this barn has always bugged me, it just looked to out of place,so it will be replaced with a similar sized barn, with the end door as it used to have, but will be better finished, will be block bottom, and a wood upper  cladding, prob close boarded , with be slightly higher,and this time the end door,where the 625  sleeps, will hopefully have a sliding door fitted, ,or maybe a pair of opening ones, as i have seen a set pre made . the bay will be walled off from the rest as if to be a secure part. plenty of weathering,and scenery as well,witha small bit linking up the slurry pit with this, a rough soil area for the slurry tanker or similar, the boards currently all marked out for the concrete slabs,and in the shed drying with its grey base coat on , 




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i was going to scribe the more modern block pattern into some foam board for the lower walls , but then remembered i had these tucked away,found them while packing the xmas cider away ina cupboard , basicly the same block system as the bulk of the other buildings is from, so just tried a test cast,the seller mentioned a product called chemex for the plaster, which after looking arround,basicly appears to be a similar product the the bag of easyfill i have already, so am trying this first,  may end up looking a bit older than first planned, but i can live with that . 


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first lot didnt work, made the filler to runny, so a new set tried just before i went shopping at 10 . un cast them when i got back and all set well , not to bad a finish for my first set load , couple of small corners missing with air bubbles, and one large that may be a unusable?? we will see, but overall came out well, second batch in as i type, have forced the filler into the moulds corners first,,then filled, but have to work quick as the easy fill i am using goes of pretty quick when mixed this dry 


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have given up on the blocks for the mo, as despite looking the part, they were taking an age to set, and even once dry were a bit to fragile, so i have ordered a 2kg bag of what the seller recomended, due for the end of the week, so i got on and sorted the base floor colour, still a bit to go, but this is fine for the basic build stage, have also removed the masking for the walls etc, so did a quick test of walls, and rough foliage banks to check the floors ok weathering wise. as you can see i have left the backs of the barns, you wont see them afterall. 





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have removed the structure masking now, and put it up out of the way as i am stuck till prob next weekend now ,so this shows roughly its position, and i have managed to match the floor perfectly colour wise


once i have got the first layer of blocks down, i will cut the barn itself from this sheet, making it easier to build and get in the loft, ,also starts making it removable should i ever want to take it to any shows




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well the diao box is out so i have started ,the barn has been cut from the big board and whilst hunting i found a un-opened box of blocks so took the plumg and started , have tweeked the design a bit, the part currently started is to be the new workshop, with office above to the back, will be a full block building in its own right, with hopefully tiled roof, then the rest will be a block lower, slatted sides and flatter pitched roof, as to imply its been added at a later date. the origonal workshop will then come out allowing a move round  , could be a move of the pond, and a 3rd anderson u it errected, not quite sure just yet 




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new mix is here, 30 mins set time, so the first ones are in, its a different colour to the origonals, which isnt an issue as its all being painted /weathered and plastered for finish , got a feeling some of tue early stuff may have been this anyway, as they were more grey .

also sourced all the timber ready for the frames and roof , 


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Really intrigued by these blocks, seems to make the building style work where you build from the ground up like a real building as opposed to making each side, then bringing them all together like a B&Q shed. I guess it means it's easier to set the building into the landscape as it has to start on the board

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it is a good system james, does allow you to build to any size really, they do other versions as well, welsh slate, normal brick work, ,plus all the window and door moulds and roof sheets as well.i may once i finish this, make a bigger wall mould, leaving joime each end, speed it up,especially on bigger blank wall sections, .recon you could cut openings in if required,if you used the right casting powder.

todays been a good run, new material has worked a treat, prob not got quite enough to finish, but another bag to be ordered later, first set came out a bit air bubbled and a couple broke, so the second lot went in a tad drier mix wise, and was forced into the mould a bit with a bit of wood, then filled and packed down,since then no problem,says its a 30 min cure time, but i have been leaving an hour as it seems to release from the mould a lot better,.need two more levels on this before the gable ends go on, but i will plaster the internal walls first before they go on,as it will be a lot easier to do,have put the basic  timbers in place to,one so i could build the doors etc, and also they are nicely fixed in, plaster will come of them easily ,will make the stair so the come up the gap in the middle at the back, ,wasnt planning to go quite as high, but to get the barn built and roof at a height i can get the tractors in, i needed to. barn roof will be a different pitch the the workshop . the remain wall at the front, plus the rear/opp side will be 3 high, with slatted pannel above to the roof line 






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no out of material to make more blocks, but a good stash in hand to carry on, up to the roof pitch now, so fitted the test flood lights on , simple 99p xmas lights, just need to rewire them with a thinner wire , will have  more fitted inside once i get the timbers on, but needed to fit these to carry on building,will plaster the wire in the wall then. went simple with road light looking ones for now, but will have a play with more down light lookimg ones, later on.




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lights on ,have pit a bit of black leccy tape over them for the mo, so all the light goes downwards, they will be painted later, i may on the next ones put a bit of sticky silver foil from work on the inside, try and reflect a bit more, but its only for effect really, and doesnt look overly bad so far i feel



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no where even close to damians ,thats for sure nick, and honestly even a couple of others on here are way better. i just keep evolving it and improving as my skills get better. once this lower parts done, mostly a new track, and entrance , i will move on to the higher level, and sort that, plus the field that side to bring it up to the same as the other side 

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day off today, and my order of mix arrived so after doing her few little jobs she wanted done, and i am busy saturday,working sunday night  i  got some more bricks cast, have enough now to finish ,need to sort the gable  ends, then i can olaster the inside up, just waiting on 3 more modifyed blocks to set so i can hide the wires from the lights ,have had to pre wire in the workshop fluorescent  strip light, 3 leds wired up in a home made frame,which will hang from the roof joists once in,and also need to wire in one light for the office space, once done i can plaster up,will then sort the tmber frame for the barn part along with the workshop,this will allow me to wire in the last of the lights in there, so i can hopefully start to weather up etc 

will get some pics in the dark late on, see how bright the strip one is 






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it is good, and cost 99p,plus some finer wire from work, is a bit fiddley as i found a bit to much heat and it seems to break/blow  the led, so far i have lost one out of the 20 in the chain, i check them before fiting after i have cut them of the origonal wire, and again once in place  while i can still get them back out ,  just got a pic  in the dark and i think its fine, dont want it like a evening match at anfield  now do i ,i temporally covered the front door one to see how bright they really are 




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