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Border Fine Arts - Tractors, Horses and Lorries


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Well, I'm hoping they will still offer the freebie as I ordered the D.B. study in April so this offer coming between that time and the time this one is released, they say June/July, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Like I say, I'll certainly be asking them.

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The DB study looks a really interesting one Tim and I'm looking forward to getting it. I cannot get on to the Posthorns website since they are moving or redesigning it.

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[glow=red,2,300]The DB stud[/glow]y looks a really interesting one Tim and I'm looking forward to getting it. I cannot get on to the Posthorns website since they are moving or redesigning it.

What DB will that be BILL  :of
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It's Model No B1220 called A TIGHT TURN.

It's a limited edition of 750 by Rat Ayres Height 16.5 cm length 39 cm

It's a tight squeeze, taking the DB 950 with Hurricane harvester and trailer down the country lanes,this is before trying to access the fields for silage, even though the driver has prepared the way by removing the gate and some of the wall...it will be a "Tight Turn" and I'll bet my cotton socks he cannot reverse that combination should he not make the tight turn correctly ;) ;)


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False ecconimy isnt it ??? ??? ??? ?

must be from wales  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

would have made more sense and saved more time to have

taken the trailer in the field first then go back for the harvester

now when hes finnished hes got to do the same then put the wall back

and gate back together allot of uneccercery work

i wont be buying this one if i was the boss i would sack the driver for

vandaling the wall  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

and he risks one of thoses BIG pebbles going up the harvester now  >:( >:(>:(

and what if there was an amulance or fire engine comming up that narrow country lane now the driver cant reverse that well very very irrespnseable  :of;) ;)

only jokeing looks a nice pice of work seriously  :);)

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I note your points and I agree with the valid ones ;D ;D

This is the first time we have seen BFA do a tractor plus 2 implements attached model so something new and I'm sure it will be a great addition to my BFA collection ;D ;D

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i was only jokeing its a briliant way to exploit these parts and the suround

in one and as one pice i suppose the david brown and harvester plus trailer in tow  in a straight line with a wall allong side it doesent have quite as impact as this lets just say he was moveing feilds insted before his dinner breake  ;) ;) ;)

it does look the part

shame they wont do another DB like a 1390 or 1494 a little younger

or the last tractor at meltham to be made rolling of the line

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Joking apart, I think that we can all view any of these studies with a critical eye but we must not look too deeply into these as it slightly spoils the overall image. As for future tractor studies I think that the forward planning is well into the future but I think that BFA are always very open to ideas and suggestions and do take their customers comments seriously.

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Had a phone call from The Posthorn this morning saying that they now have in stock the D.B. 950 study 'A Tight Turn'. I asked if they were doing the 'free offer' study and was told yes and could either take the 10% discount or the offer of 'Pulling Power' free of charge. Well, priced at £165 I thought that the offer was a much better deal than the discount, in reality the free study equating to over a third of the price of 'A Tight Turn' even at its full price so I said 'yes please!' They are sending me number 24 of the D.B. study, I asked for a low number if possible, they will be here either tomorrow (Wednesday) or the next day.

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I won't get my one until nearer the end of the month since Ian Sinclair the owner of both Posthorn and T&H Sinclair will take it back up to Inverurie from me. Not risking the courier delivery like the last John Deere where it was left out in middle of my drive.

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Bit naughty that Bill, courier company should not leave like that and should take a signature to accept and say that you received the item in good condition, perhaps you should have contacted the company and complained about the way it was left, I know I would have!

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Bit naughty that Bill, courier company should not leave like that and should take a signature to accept and say that you received the item in good condition, perhaps you should have contacted the company and complained about the way it was left, I know I would have!

Well Tim it was the Posthorn I gave the grief too since they never deliver to me by courier. The manageress admitted it was her fault and the reason for sending it by courier was because I had waited so long because of the delays with the model. It was the courier mistake as well but I left her to take the fight up with them since she never told me it was coming. I threatened going elsewhere for BFA's thinking I would get some more discount but alas none only a very apologetic email. The only thing I could then do was leave her to stew for a few weeks before I replied. They have got the message not to mess me about like that and I'll give Ian Sinclair an earbending too when I across since I usually always see him and well he knows I'm an extremely good customer.

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A fighting man eh Bill? That's what I like to hear, I share your (non)sentiments, we could be twins! 'I'm paying so what I tell you to do, you'll do'.  ;) I can imagine you confronting a frightened little man and wagging your finger! I say, be afraid, be very afraid.

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A fighting man eh Bill? That's what I like to hear, I share your (non)sentiments, we could be twins! 'I'm paying so what I tell you to do, you'll do'.  ;) I can imagine you confronting a frightened little man and wagging your finger! I say, be afraid, be very afraid.

Tim..basically I take no shix from anyone....and today  my boss got right up my nose since well he is one of them to say yes we will achieve  and to his boss  says jump.... he say's how high.... well I was so disgusted with what he said I got up and told up what I thought of the way he manged or not as the case may be and said I'll maybe see you tomorrow. He never took me aside and was most nice afterwards.

Maybe it is time to move on....in fact I may drop him an email saying I'll be leaving 4 weeks from Friday and you will get your letter of resignation on Friday and see what he says....maybe he will agree and well I move on to pastures new.....as they say a change is as good as a rest ;) ;)

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Know what you're saying Bill. Nothing better than being your own boss, but in the present climate it's debateable wheather to bite your lip and weather the storm or put up 2 fingers and walk. Trouble is, with bumholes like that it saps your confidence and respect for your supposed superiors who think they have you under their thumb and makes you think 'why bother' and your productive juices don't flow quite so well and your output (and input) tends to slacken off a bit. My Father always said 'you can never do too much for a good boss and never do enough for a bad one', very true I think and if the boss looks after his workers the workers will look after the boss.

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My BFA 'A Tight Turn' and the freebie 'Pulling Power' was delivered this morning at 8.30 by Fedex, the Posthorn must have packed them up and sent off straight after calling me yesterday late afternoon, what a service! Came in a box so big that I had trouble getting it through the door. Packaging was good, nearly needed the angle grinder to open up the outer box and there must have been a bale of shredded cardboard inside for packing, it filled up a 25kg paper sack and then I had to get in and tread it down.

The D.B. study is fantastic, much larger than it appears in the pictures and great deatail with superb accuracy in the modelling. The tractor is based on the early 950 of 1959. I can not level any criticism on this study.

'Pulling Power is another superb study and quite compact. If there is anything to criticise about this one it would be two things about the plough, based on a 3 furrow Bamfords or Kvernland Hidrain breakaway plough, it is the wrong colour being brown and not either yellow or red and green and the mouldboards are at too steep an angle, more like 45% and not 30% as they should be but other than that it's a great study.

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To be quite honest Bill I'm not sure that posting any more pictures than what's been up already would do it anymore justice, the other side is just as good, nothing's been skimped. All I can add is that if anyone is thinking of buying one of these studies then do so sooner than later and take advantage of the offer of the free 'Pulling Power' which would otherwise cost you £190. (Posthorn price). You can't really go wrong.

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To be quite honest Bill I'm not sure that posting any more pictures than what's been up already would do it anymore justice, the other side is just as good, nothing's been skimped. All I can add is that if anyone is thinking of buying one of these studies then do so sooner than later and take advantage of the offer of the free 'Pulling Power' which would otherwise cost you £190. (Posthorn price). You can't really go wrong.

Oh well Tim I'll just have to wait another two weeks and wait until I collect mine ;D ;D

I should still be able to buy BFA's since well no letter of resignation going in since well he was as nice a ninepence all day today and much more communicative both by email and face to face. I not being bighead but he cannot really afford to lose me or he would be in deepshit and fail to achieve his deadlines which are for all accounts to be signed by 31st August 2010 which is a company policy not a Companies House policy. Anyway news is we are getting a focal point review in July and also the bonus scheme for my grade and above is back on for 2010 so maybe better with the devil I know then the one I don't ;) ;)

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BFA are always open to suggestions and if you have or know of a good example to base a proposed study on you can always contact them.

Yes I agree Tim the more feedback they get they might just take note ;) ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just came across this one if anyone has not seen it yet. This was a 'Society' piece I believe so harder to find and it's a good price at the moment.


Here's another. Good price and a nice chap to deal with, especially if you ring up and speak to him.


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I got an email from the manageress at the PostHorn Castle Douglas saying 3 BFA's were up at Inverurie for me to collect and pay. It could have been four i.e. 2 JD's 2140 for free with purchases over £ 250 but I already have one so I settled for a second freebie and took discount of 10% on the most expensive one a pair of horse ploughing ;) ;)

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