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found out today that my stepdads back in hospital ,been in for 2 days and my mums not said anything to me or my brother,seems hes got another large lump, but this time in his throat not his mouth, hes not been able to eat properly since the first op 2 years ago ,had a stroke inbetween and now this, hopefully its just an infection, but right now we really dont know

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found out today that my stepdads back in hospital ,been in for 2 days and my mums not said anything to me or my brother,seems hes got another large lump, but this time in his throat not his mouth, hes not been able to eat properly since the first op 2 years ago ,had a stroke inbetween and now this, hopefully its just an infection, but right now we really dont know

The unknown part probably is the hardest to cope with, how far away is he?????

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i know mate ,bit of an update from mum today, they have done a ct scan and mri scan, and also put a camera down to look, however they have not put the feed tube into his stomach as planned??? worryingly they wont tell him yet what they have found?? mums due up at 5.30 and has been told they want to see her so will have to wait and see now

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There's a bunch of old boys who walk round the farm every few days - 5 years ago there were 6 of them, a real cheery bunch who would always stop for a blether about the farm etc.

Only one this morning as two died this week........ :(

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:'( A local farmer had an serious accident with a gas axe. He was using the gas axe and the flame shot back into the gas tank and blew the tank back. It exploded and shot back through the shed roof and hit someones house 100yrds away. Hopefully he will be alright but he was rushed off in an air ambulance. I heard the explosion 3 miles away. :'(

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Has been a week since I last got on here. Last sunday got some really upsetting news, someone attacked my wife when she was out on the saturday night  out with her friends. My boss managed to get me home on the monday morning have spent the best part of the week comforting her. Got letter from police giving us a crime number which brought it all home again.

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Thanks Jo,

It has knocked my wife for six she was a trustful person but not now, has even vowed to go tee total over it, was violently ill for 2 days as the drugs that were used to spike her drink wore off luckily manage to escape before anything else happened.

When I found out last sunday I was in total shock still am to be fair.

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bloody hell rob, thats not nice at all bud, theres some dam nasty weird people out there that really need to be locked up , especially for stuff like that, really hope they get the bugger/buggers who did it, and hope your wife doesnt let it stop her going out and enjoying life, wont be easy to do i know 

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bloody hell rob, thats not nice at all bud, theres some dam nasty weird people out there that really need to be locked up , especially for stuff like that, really hope they get the bugger/buggers who did it, and hope your wife doesnt let it stop her going out and enjoying life, wont be easy to do i know

Thanks Sean

It is seriously nasty that people think they can do stuff like that. Has been a spate of these attacks locally but without the happy ending. It was one guy who did it, Police are looking for him but not hopeful. My work was great and have phoned since I arrived to check all is ok with my wife.

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Rob that is an awful thing to happen... please send your wife my warmest regards... sufficed to say... if we could find and get hold of this low-life he would wish he'd never been born.

I've lost all fairth in the criminal justice system in this country sadly... so I'd guess you've got little or no hope in both finding the culprit... and in the unlikely event he was found.. no hope whatsoever of seeing justice done.

As above... It's only a tiny minority of society who behave like that... but I suspect that is little consequence when it has happened to you  :-\  ... once again I can only offer your wife my sincerest best wishes

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Sorry to hear that Rob, hope your wife can get over it and enjoy life again. Very good of your work to get you home to support her.

Pure scum that does this sort of thing. My sister inlaw got attacked like this on holiday a couple of years back, but has now managed to get on with her life again.

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